Ep. 1149 This is President Trump’s Finest Hour – The Dan Bongino Show.

Dan Bongino

For show notes, visit https://bongino.com/ep-1149-this-is-p… In this episode, I address the annihilation of this international terrorist due to strong decision-making by President Trump. I also address stunning admissions by this key FBI official regarding his role in the Clinton investigation. Finally, I address some of the worst fake news stories of 2019.

Virginia To Confiscate All Guns…Is The Rest Of America Next?

David Zublick Channel

A nefarious scheme is under way in Virginia to provoke shooting conflicts as a justification to invoke martial law, seize all firearms from private citizens and maybe even call for the UN occupation of America. Can they get away with it? Is this the beginning of the civil war in America that has been predicted? How can you prepare yourself? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!