Category Archives: Alien News

Slave in Secret Space Program Tells All Wow! | Alternative

Source: Slave in Secret Space Program Tells All Wow! | Alternative

I do my best to bring interesting stories I enjoy also.  Some things I bring to your attention we can prove because we have the documents.  Some we can be pretty confident about because we have multiple eyewitnesses.   And some we can’t prove at all!   This story is one of those we can’t prove one way or another.  Some of you will be fascinated while some of you will run away screaming because you think Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy because the nice man on TV told you so!

This is a story about Tony Rodrigues who says he was abducted at a young age by aliens.  He was forced by the elites into some pretty nasty jobs on Earth like being involved with drug running operations and sex slavery.  Eventually they took him to the Moon, Mars and Ceres for different jobs.   He was also on a couple of starships that went to other galaxies.  One of the most advanced bases he was on was on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the inner solar system.   Ceres was a massive underground base where it would take 40 minutes to go down into the lower levels by high speed elevators!   It was entirely run by Germans who still saluted their commander similarly to how they used to salute Hitler!   Was the Iron Sky movie based on some reality?  Some have said the Germans did have flying saucers by the end of the war and retreated to Antarctica and off planet.

We know we’ve been lied to about everything and we know they’ve hidden technology from us.

The FBI just released the files proving they knew Adolf Hitler never died at the end of World War II and went to Argentina!   They just quietly released it and nobody talked about it on the fake news of course.   Oh, we lied about Adolf Hitler and the true history after World War II but don’t worry about it – just take your darn flu shot!  It’s good for you!

Here’s a photo of Hitler chilling out and having a nice meal in Argentina after the war!  They lie to us about EVERYTHING!

What can be proven is Nikola Tesla had a patent on a flying saucer almost 100 years ago and he apparently built a platform he could ride around on using antigravity.  We know the US government confiscated all his equipment and blueprints as soon as he died and put the best minds on figuring out everything this genius had done.  This much can be proven absolutely.  So if you believe our official history then you must believe the best minds on the planet given unlimited funding could never figure out Tesla’s inventions and we still need rockets to get off the planet.  I know in my gut this is not true.  I would bet anything we have starships going to other galaxies right now.  Hacker Gary McKinnon hacked into NASA and saw pictures of starships in orbit.  He also saw lists of Navy ships that don’t exist on Earth as well as a list of “Non Terrestrial Officers”.

So while I can’t prove Tony Rodrigues is telling the truth here.  He has quite a bit of detail and it does match some of the information from other whistleblowers who say they were in the secret space program.  So are all these people who are blowing the whistle on the secret space program just making it all up?  What would be the point?  Just to make a buck?  None of them have made any money so far and many have been threatened according to people who know them.  Are they all pathological liars or mind controlled to put out lies?   I don’t believe this is the case.   So I present Tony’s story as something that might actually be reality for all we know.  I can’t give you the plans for the starship he was on as absolute smoking gun proof.  If I could I wouldn’t be breathing right now and I really do enjoy breathing!

It makes for a very entertaining story regardless.  It’s got some things in there like something out of movies like Iron Sky and StarShip Troopers in it.  We’ve got Germans running a lot of things in space like Iron Sky and we’ve got killer bugs like Starship Troopers!  Project Pegasus member Andrew Basiago said when I interviewed him a while back that he was told there were many things that could kill him on Mars and you needed to be armed.  He also said you could breathe there without oxygen.

One thing I found very interesting is how Tony mentioned God at the beginning and the very end of his story.  At the beginning when the alien grays were going to take him to the moon base, they asked him if he believed in God.  He said Yes, and they said, “That’s okay, we’ll fix that!”   They then mind controlled him and he doesn’t mention God until the very end.  Joe Jordan proved aliens are demonic in his Youtube video named “Unholy Communion” where he says when anybody called on Jesus for help when they were being abducted, the abduction stopped and they were saved!   But you must want it to stop and you must believe in Jesus!  I think the reason the aliens were able to abduct Tony is because he was sort of like me at that age.  He had looked into aliens and was sort of excited when he saw one and said, “I knew you were real, I’m going to tell my friends!” so they basically had his permission to take him.  He spent 20 years in slavery and then was taken back in time to 15 minutes after the point he was abducted!   This is one crazy ride at the very least!  If he’s lying, he’s a darn good liar and I want to see the movie!


Major Trump UFO Disclosure Continues – Aliens Working With the Pentagon? (Video) | Space

Source: Major Trump UFO Disclosure Continues – Aliens Working With the Pentagon? (Video) | Space

This man has had experiences that most of us can only dream about. Sharing his experiences and meeting with Dr. Frank Stranges, (author of “Stranger at the Pentagon”), who was an acquaintance of a Valiant Thor. Valiant had been sent to Earth by the High Council to intervene on behalf of the intergalactic community. Valiant remained in the United States for three years.
Speaking about several other virtually unknown Star Family contactee’s whom he met and known during his Life’s Path. Sharing personal experience at the Integratron during weekend visitation at the Van Tassel home. Info about a new technology product given to him as a gift to our planet. Present info about William Mills Tompkins, author of “Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries” and some of the extraordinary info William personally shared with him.

Alien Presence Confirmed By Anonymous! Linda Moulton Howe! 2018 – YouTube

Oct. 7, 2018

Truth Hunter In 1983, an anonymous source contacted Linda Moulton Howe to disclose what military intelligence organizations knew about the alien presence on Earth. Since that time, she has come into additional documents, leaked from government organizations, which reveal what past presidents knew about UFOs and human interactions with extraterrestrial visitors.
Renowned investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe has spent a lifetime interviewing insiders and whistleblowers to unravel the mysteries behind unexplained and paranormal events. From presidential briefings to an alien taxonomy, this Emmy award-winning producer reveals never-before-seen documents and information regarding the alien presence on earth.

The Worlds BIGGEST Secret We Are Locked in an ALIEN Computer Simulation – YouTube

Published on Mar 31, 2018

An in-depth look at the bizarre evidence that the universe could be a computer simulation. Some alien abductees have reported that ETs describe our universe as a 3-D hologram projected from another dimension by a Super Intelligence. There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it — are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own it is literally beyond both space and time. Several physicists, cosmologists and technologists are now openly entertaining the idea that we are all living inside a gigantic computer simulation, experiencing a Matrix-style virtual world that we mistakenly think is real. We carry out computer simulations not just in games but in research. Is the universe just an enormous, fantastically complex simulation? If so, how could we find out, and what would that knowledge mean for humanity?

Massive “Last Warning” Crop Circle Appears In Washington State – YouTube

Published on Feb 18, 2018

The massive crop circle discovered within the past fortnight in the State of Washington, located in the US Pacific Northwest, is a “last warning” as our world is soon to undergo a series of unprecedented cataclysms that may possibly bring our planet to brink of total destruction.

Shocking Discovery! Antarctica Has Finally Revealed A 378 Meter Wall (Atlantis) – YouTube

Published on Oct 31, 2017

Shocking Discovery! Antarctica Has Revealed A 378 Meter Wall (Atlantis) there are also three “motherships” from an alien civilization which crash landed 55,000 years ago that are now being excavated out of the ice. Wilcock believes these facts will be revealed to the world soon, and that he and others will be used to get the population acclimatized to the presence of aliens that have interbred with the human race and now comprise the bloodlines of the elites who subjugate the rest of the population.