Why HEMP can save humankind: Research scientist speaks out… – YouTube

Published on May 19, 2016

* I’m a food scientist running LC/MS instrumentation to examine organic compounds and contaminants in foods and plants.

* What I’m seeing in HEMP is mind-blowing. The complexity and intricacy of the plant is extraordinary.

* The molecular constituents of hemp are FINE-TUNED molecules for spontaneous human healing. This cannot be a coincidence…

* THC and CBD have exactly the same elements; they are just arranged differently!

* There’s almost something about hemp that seems “intelligently designed.” It’s way beyond typical botanicals found in nature.

* Hemp almost seems to have a literal “divine purpose” for humanity.

* All the different molecules have different medicinal uses and properties, from CBD to CBN, THC, etc.

* How does HEMP harvest Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen and then synthesize powerful medicine from it?

* The hemp plant is literally manufacturing powerful medicine… for free!

* Hemp can help save humanity… with medicine, fiber, nutrition, agricultural economics… even polymers!

* Humanity is looking for answers. HEMP is the answer at so many levels… so why have the governments of the world kept it illegal?

* Governments don’t want humanity to have powerful, free medicine. There’s too much PROFIT at stake with the “sick care” industry.

* Hemp offers an abundance of real answers for many of the problems plaguing humanity.

* There are a thousand other molecules in hemp, each of which may have some yet unknown medicinal or technological application for humanity.

* How might hemp molecules interact with intestinal flora to produce additional synthesis or transformation of molecules into even more powerful healing medicines for humanity?

* We have to start looking at hemp components working in conjunction with other phytochemicals.

* Natural plant molecules tend to work in SYNERGY when combined, while synthetic toxic chemicals made by Man tend to multiply their toxicity when combined.

* Every living plant has an INTENTION… a purpose for existing. Plant consciousness is real. Hemp wants to be medicine.

* There is a structural resonance among hemp’s therapeutic molecules and human neurology. If you could “hear” it, it would sound like a beautiful symphony.

* I don’t smoke hemp… but I am INSPIRED by what the science is revealing about this extraordinary plant.

* This plant is changing my world view of what’s possible with botanical healing.

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