Breaking news !!! Trump just made new executive order, Obama is livid – YouTube

Published on Jan 1, 2017

Praise the Lord, GOD is Great. Trumps new executive order will be law the day of his Inauguration
World Source
World Source . And Obama cant do anything about it.
So please folks, keep praying for Donald trump. Between now and when trump becomes the new president, its going to be a dangerous time. Obama and the Satanic global elites are capable of anything.


Emergency! Trump Must Go On Offensive To Stop Democrat Plan For Martial Law – YouTube

Published on Jan 14, 2017

The establishment is currently devising a multi-faceted plan in order to stop Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.
With less than one week left until the 2017 presidential inauguration, major moves are being made to inject chaos into the ceremony and to challenge the very legitimacy of Trump’s election victory.

Benjamin Fulford, January 9, 2017 – Countdown to the new age begins… – YouTube

Published on Jan 9, 2017

Benjamin Fulford, January 9, 2017 – Countdown to the new age begins as final cabal underground bases subdued


The battle over the planet earth is coming to an end as the final Khazarian mafia underground bases and strongholds fall, White Dragon Society sources report. However, there is still some heavy duty last minute horse trading going on between East and West as the January 20th start of the presidency of Donald Trump approaches, according to sources involved in the negotiations. The future of our planet and our species is what is at stake.

The big battle still to be concluded is the one over who exactly will be controlling the process of creating and distributing money, which is the real source of power on this planet. Put another way, what is at stake is the process of deciding what we, as a species, do in the future.

With a little over one week to go before the Trump presidency begins, it is a good time to take note that, despite his name, he is not the one holding the trump cards in this high stakes world poker match.

When the US dollar became the de facto world currency after World War 2, it was backed by gold and US GDP was worth 50% of world GDP. Now, the so-called US dollar is backed by nothing (the US has no gold) and US GDP, as measured by the IMF, is just 15.6% of world GDP on a purchasing power parity (real) basis. Furthermore, the US was the world’s greatest creditor nation at the end of WW2 and now it is the most deeply indebted nation in the history of this planet.