Category Archives: Mandela Effect

CERN Is Clashing Realities And Bringing NEW SPECIES THROUGH – Mandela Effect – YouTube

Published on Mar 9, 2017

New species are been JUST FOUND? Like, here’s another one that was just hiding? Like, WHAT? Where, in your hat? The mystery deepens and deepens. CERN is messing up my reality! I don’t know how you feel guys? But them experiments are doing crazy things to our TIME LINE! Right now. Did you know the Black Panther big cat DOESN’T EVEN EXIST? I bet that one threw you… Snow White and the seven Dwarves Witch, she DEFINITELY SAID “mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?
Look it up.

Mind freak or what?


Published on Jun 29, 2016

In this, my 4th video on The Mandela Phenomenon, I combine the best of the best of what I have been able to find to date, to vent some of the anger and frustration victims (and YES, “victims” is the correct word to describe what folks experiencing the effect indeed are), are going through while at the same time attempt to point beyond any doubt, where the blame belongs for this atrocity. It boggles my mind how so many people who apparently are not experiencing the changes, can sit back and call the folks who are experiencing the changes Bat Shit Crazy! The way I see it there are basically 4 camps that exist: CAMP A: People who are experiencing “The Mandela Effect” and looking for answers. CAMP B: People who are either not sure if they are experiencing “The Mandela Effect”, but just don’t want to know if they actually are experiencing “The Mandela Effect”, because of a deep seated fear of it and/or they fear of being ridiculed or have chosen to SECOND GUESS THEIR OWN MEMORIES as a method of self-preservation. I think this is what they call the FIGHT or FLIGHT syndrome and this group makes the choice to FLEE from the situation, rather then to stay and FIGHT, or ACCEPT it as being a real phenomenon. CAMP C: People who honestly have NO CHANGES to their memories. They are NOT experiencing ANY symptoms of “The Effect”. Sometimes I wonder if the folks in CAMP C are somehow the LUCKEY ONES! And finally, we have CAMP D: The people who know what has happened. These would be the folks “IN THE KNOW”, or people who actually work for, finance, or have something to do with CERN. I think this video will show the cat is pretty much out of the bag when it comes to WHO is behind this atrocity. Why do I use the word atrocity to describe the phenomenon? Because IMHO there is a definite EVIL twist to what has happened,… is happening…. (YES, it is still going on!!!) I find this whole thing to be with out a doubt a PREPOSTEROUS ABOMINATION!!! People have said things to me like; “What difference does it make?” “Why should you care when there is nothing you can do about it?” If that were not bad enough, I have had people tell me that I am DELUSINAL,… or that I have completely gone insane and need to seek help,… and MUCH, MUCH, worse things have been said,… as I’m sure anyone who has been victimized by “The Effect” reading this can attest to. I am OUTRAGED by this. I feel completely helpless and absolutely VICTIMIZED by this. NOW is the time for the people who are the actual VICTIMS of this “experiment gone bad” to fight back! But how?!? Can my previous reality be restored? Can what ever has been TURNED ON be TURNED OFF? Can Humpty Dumpty be put back together again? Will myself and millions of others be able to simply accept this NEW REALITY and go one with our lives like it never happened? I can not speak for the millions effected, but for myself, the answer to those questions if NO! So what can we do? Well for starters, we are already doing it… We can MAKE PEOPLE AWARE!!! I do it by making videos such as this one, and I also typed up a “MANDELA AWARENESS QUIZ”, a simple 3-page question and information packet that I hand out to people I know. If you go about it the right way you can actually get people to realize what has happened without totally freaking them out in the process. Another thing I do is mention to people everywhere I go, I will ask people out in public if they ever heard of The Mandela Effect, and then when they say “NO” (which is just about 99.9% of the people I’ve asked the question have so stated), I will then ask them if they have Internet capability, (to which about 90% say “YES, THEY DO”,… I will ask them to do me a favor and to type “MANDELA EFFECT” into the YouTube search engine and promise me they will watch 5 videos on the subject when they go home. lol! It might make me look crazy to many of COMPLETE STRANGERS I walk up to out in public, but believe it or not, the vast majority thus far have been very nice and respectful toward me when I do this! The corporate/government controlled/sponsored “main stream” media is NOT doing their job, (so what else is new), therefore it is up to you and I to do it for them. The FIRST step to getting answers, and bringing the perpetrators of this PREPOSTEROUS ABOMINATION to pay for their crimes id to wake as many people up as possible about it!

I would like to give credit where credit is due. I admit, I do in fact use portions of other peoples work when making my own videos, however I do so with absence of malice. I do so for the benefit of the public and by way of the FAIR USE DOCTRIN. Please check out their work because it’s all good!…… Also please keep in mind that NONE of my videos are monetized and NEVER will be. Thank you and May God Bless!