In this episode, I address the disturbing connections in the scheme to spy on the Trump team that are now coming to light, and the media is trying to hide.
Monthly Archives: November 2019
Orgone Energy: The Greatest Discovery SUPPRESSED by the FDA
“The Orgone Accumulator is the most important single discovery in the history of medicine, bar none.” – Theodore P. Wolfe, M.D. Written & Narrated by E. Firestone
Music: Kevin MacLeod – Dark Walk Scenes from the documentaries: “The Strange Case of Wilhelm Reich” (2012) and “Wilhelm Reich – Cloudbusting” (1953) were used under Fair Use.
Graphics were used from: “Amitai Angor AA VFX”:
This is Why All Billionaires Wake Up EXACTLY at 4:00 AM
Be Inspired
All Billionaires Wake Up at 4:00 AM. This is why!
Did any impeachment witnesses offer proof that Trump committed a crime?

Fox News
Nine witnesses testify in the second week of public impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill. Former Whitewater Independent Counsel Robert Ray reacts.
Watch Brave Rep. Stefanik SILENCE Adams Schiff’s Prime Witness
Ingraham: Storytime with Adam Schiff – YouTube
‘WE DON’T TRUST YOU’ – Jim Jordan Rain Fire on Shifty Shiff’s Bribed Witness – YouTube
Nunes: Bizarre hearings have Dems on ‘carousel of accusations’ – YouTube
Ascension & End Times Prophecy – Corey Goode at Cosmic Waves – Part 1 – YouTube
End-time prophesies can be found throughout the myths and legends of every major culture and religion on Earth. Are these prophesies based on actual events from the past? Is there evidence that these prophecies are connected to a micro-nova from our star approximately 12,000 years ago? Could these solar events be cyclical in nature and would we be able to predict when the next one may occur? Join Corey Goode as he discusses these cataclysmic solar events and how they tie into religion, ET Contact and humanity’s ascension process. In Part 2, Corey answers questions from the audience and goes into further detail on the solar flash, NASAs hidden purpose, content of the sequel to the hit documentary Above Majestic – The Cosmic Secret, and his upcoming appearance at Dimensions of Disclosure 2019.
End-time prophesies can be found throughout the myths and legends of every major culture and religion on Earth. Are these prophesies based on actual events from the past? Is there evidence that these prophecies are connected to a micro-nova from our star approximately 12,000 years ago? Could these solar events be cyclical in nature and would we be able to predict when the next one may occur? Join Corey Goode as he discusses these cataclysmic solar events and how they tie into religion, ET Contact and humanity’s ascension process. In Part 2, Corey answers questions from the audience and goes into further detail on the solar flash, NASAs hidden purpose, content of the sequel to the hit documentary Above Majestic – The Cosmic Secret, and his upcoming appearance at Dimensions of Disclosure 2019.