All posts by Greg

Retired 42 years federal government, Air Force (4 yrs), Philadelphia Naval Shipyard (19 yrs) and FAA (17 yrs). I worked as a Computer Specialist and half of those years I was a supervisor and manager. I loved my job and would do it all again. God Bless America !!!

Every American’s Social Security Number Was Stolen- What to do! – YouTube

Aug 14, 2024

2.9 Billion records/identities were just compromised, including every American (probably) There’s only 333 million Americans so the odds are great that we have had our information stolen and sold on the black market. Here’s what to do about it.

Update 8-16-24: KTLA has a link to look up your ibfo to see if youre hacked here!…

Th FTC article about fraud alerts and credit freezes…

Please note: i misspoke in the opening line of the video. Obviously there aren’t 2.9 billion Americans. The leak was apparently 2.9 billion records. I assume each adult working in the US could have multiple records. Also, the database could have kept records of deceased people conceivably. Also, the company that was hacked was used in the US, Canada, and the UK to make background checks happen so the number of records is not limited by the current population of the US. (people in the comments seem to think this is political in some way, I neither meant it to go that direction nor do I see political indicators in the articles I read) Also at 1:00 in the video I edited the audio wrong so it gets super loud! So sorry about this especially to headphone users. Finally, and hopefully my last error: I do some terrible mental math to calculate that the value of a persons private info is $1, but that’s wrong since we are talking about 2.9 BILLION records, so the better math would be that each record was for sale for about $0.0012. Even if I had 10 records for sale in the database, I’d only be worth 1 penny, not 1 dollar. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for watching!

Other sources reporting on this: –……………

“They are PSYCHOPATHS” Former Democrat Exposes Party’s Evil Past – The interview features Vince Ellison, who argues that the Democratic Party is actively trying to turn America into a Marxist nation

Nov 21, 2023

Vince’s last book CRIME is incredible:

Follow Vince and see his documentary:

Stephen Gardner update. The interview features Vince Ellison, who argues that the Democratic Party is actively trying to turn America into a Marxist nation. He claims they are evil, supporting things like atheism, Marxism, abortion, open borders, and drug trafficking. Ellison states they have a long history of trying to legally murder Americans, dating back to supporting slavery and later abortion. Ellison also discusses the history of racism and the Ku Klux Klan, arguing they were connected to the Democratic Party, not the Republicans.

He explains how the Democrats have kept black communities poor and under their control. The discussion touches on replacement theory – the idea that leftists want to get rid of white people by encouraging illegal immigration and abortion. Ellison warns this will lead to violence against white people in the future. Ellison is critical of prominent black preachers and civil rights leaders like Jesse Jackson, claiming they are mostly on the Democratic Party payroll and keep black communities supporting Democrats through false religion and promises.

The interviewer notes Ellison’s argument that Democrats strategically divide white and black Christians who should unite based on their faith. Ellison states they have infiltrated black churches and made them arms of the Democratic party. In total, Ellison portrays the Democratic Party as an evil institution with a history of racism, control, and moral decay that continues to mislead vulnerable communities today. He urges people to wake up to the truth he presents in his various books.

“Americans have no idea what’s about to hit them, it’s STUNNING” Fmr. Border Agent | Redacted News – YouTube

J.J. Carrell is a 24 year veteran of the Customs and Border Protection and he sits down with Clayton Morris to dive deep into the illegal invasion that’s happening in America.

His new documentary is called “This is Treason” and it’s available for pre-order right here:

Watch the full interview here: