The deep state would NUKE a U.S. city to murder Trump – Real.Video

There’s nothing the deep state won’t do to eliminate Trump from office, including NUKING a U.S. city to kill Trump while blaming North Korea.

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Source: The deep state would NUKE a U.S. city to murder Trump – Real.Video

The Rabbit Hole is Much Darker and Far More Sinister Than You Imagined – Real.Video

Child sex trafficking and satanic ritual abuse survivor and whistle blower Fiona Barnett joins me to discuss the plague upon the earth that is being exposed and that MUST be brought to an end. Fiona, a former child victim of very powerful people is not afraid to name the names of those she alleges abused her as a child. And according to Fiona, the CIA and the British Crown control most of the human trafficking activities around the world.

Exposes the CIA  running the Child Trafficking in the USA.
Exposes the Kidman family in Child Trafficking in Australia.
Exposes Merrill Street as Head Female of the Trafficking Cult.