Lou Dobbs on Twitter: “Sham Investigation: @TomFitton says John Brennan and James Comey believe they aren’t criminal targets of the Durham probe, because Durham has failed to apply serious investigative pressure. #AmericaFirst #MAGA #Dobbs https://t.co

THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump – YouTube

From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic. To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to plan ‘The Great Reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit in January. Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit that Covid offers them a rare opportunity to reset the world economy, population control, global commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine” and fundamentally transform every aspect of life as we know it. Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump’s efforts to ‘make America great again”? The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is US. And if they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again…unless, perhaps, if Donald Trump wins in November.

Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci & FDA Have Caused the ‘Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans’ – YouTube


HUGE! Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the ‘Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans’ that Could Have been Saved by HCQ

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents | Zero Hedge

Source: Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents | Zero Hedge

As Friday’s hospitalization numbers across the Sun Belt appear to confirm CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield’s assertion that the American COVID-19 outbreak has peaked and is starting to fade, the State of Virginia is setting a new precedent by seriously discussing forcing Virginians to be vaccinated with whatever rushed-to-marked candidate the FDA approves first.

During an interview that aired on Friday, the state’s health commissioner said he planned to invoke state law to make vaccinations mandatory – once a western product is available, presumably.

Here’s more from ABC News 8:

State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday that he plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public.

Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available. Health officials say an immunization could be released as early as 2021.

Dr. Oliver says that, as long as he is still the Health Commissioner, he intends to mandate the coronavirus vaccine.

“It is killing people now, we don’t have a treatment for it and if we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the community we will save hundreds and hundreds of lives,” Oliver said.

Pro-medical-choice activists in the state argue that the issue is a matter of medical choice, and that the hasty “expedited” approval process being implemented by the FDA is grounds for concern. State health authorities insist, meanwhile, that they would never mandate a vaccine that hadn’t already proven to be safe.

Virginia Freedom Keepers Director of Communications Kathleen Medaries, a mother of three from Chesterfield, says this is a matter of medical choice.This is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It’s not a pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine issue,” Medaries said. “For me, it’s an issue of being able to assess each vaccine for myself and my family one at a time.”


“He shouldn’t be the one person to make a decision for all of Virginians,””Medaries responded.

The state’s top medical official is opposed to a bill that has been put forth in the state assembly that would create more exemptions to the mandatory vaccination power, allowing exemptions on religious and other grounds.

Oliver believes that COVID-19 is a public health emergency that should take precedent over everything else, and that vaccine-assisted herd immunity is the state’s best and only real defense.

The decision comes after Massachusetts said it would make the flu vaccine mandatory this year as part of a campaign to protect the state’s medical system. We suspect Virginia and Massachusetts won’t be the only states to discuss mandatory COVID and/or flu vaccination in the coming weeks, as the school year begins.


Are We Human Beings or Government Property? – Must See SGT Report Video!! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News

Source: Are We Human Beings or Government Property? – Must See SGT Report Video!! | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News

Forced to wear masks for free is a violation of international slave labor laws. ILO Convention 1930#29. What is forced labor? Forced labor is work or service which people are forced to perform against their will under threat of punishment. Sound familiar? The minute you put on a mask is forcing you to work as a crisis actor without pay while under harmful conditions and requires equal and fair wages for doing so. Covid19 is a simulation of a global pandemic to educate world governments on how to enact measures on their citizens to meet the expectations and accordances of the United Nations’ IHR 2005 & PHEIC. Forcing underage children to work and for free is an even bigger crime and violates international child slave labor laws while the elite billionaires hiding behind the scripted fraud are profiting immensely off you. Performing as a crisis actor while causing harm to yourself and others requires a minimal amount of $50,000US/year per individual (after taxes).


PART 2: Are YOU a SUBJECT of the Government CORPORATION? — Brent Johnson


This is PART TWO of my interview with author & researcher Brent Johnson. Are you a free human being or are you a SUBJECT of the government corporation? This is how we’ve all been tricked into giving up our personal sovereignty and freedom, and these are the steps one can take to regain it.

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