Small Businesses Should Stay Closed Forever!
Here’s how the media wants you to think. Having trouble interpreting what’s really going on in the world? Of course you can always trust the media to lead the way to the promised land of truth.


Stimulus: Billions of Dollars Handed to Foreign Countries While Americans Stiffed With $600 Checks – Activist Post

Source: Stimulus: Billions of Dollars Handed to Foreign Countries While Americans Stiffed With $600 Checks – Activist Post

American’s Get A Measly $600.00 And Foreign Countries Get Billions!

By PFW News

Billions of dollars will be given away to foreign countries as part of the coronavirus-stimulus bill expected to be voted on Monday, begging the question: is it even a “stimulus” bill at all?

After the full 5593 page bill was released for the public’s viewing, many curious citizens and journalists decided to take the dive and see what Congress jammed into this biblical in size piece of legislation.

What is being discovered is … it’s full of spending that has nothing to do with the well being of the American people (as usual).

We’ll start off by pointing out this tweet before moving on …

… Yes folks, really.

So while Americans are stiffed with a lousy $600 check that can barely cover half a month’s rent for a 2 bedroom apartment in the burbs, $500,000,000 will be set aside for Israel.

$700 million of the “stimulus” package will be allocated to “assistance for Sudan.”

$700 million of the Stimulus package is going to Sudan, a great American constituency and some might call it the 51st state.

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) December 21, 2020

$453,000,000 will be heading to Ukraine ….

Also, $135 million to Burma, $85.5 million to Cambodia, $1.4 billion for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act,” and $130 million to Nepal.

The Stimulus Bill:

The gov’t closes the economy. You lose your job. You face eviction.

$600 for all your troubles.

Meanwhile they send:

$135 million to Burma
$85.5 million to Cambodia
$1.4 billion for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act”
$130 million to Nepal

They hate you.

— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) December 21, 2020

That is a total of $3.4 billion dollars heading to foreign government initiatives and this is only the tip (of the tip) of the iceberg.

And to really drive the nail home on how stimulating this will be for the average American …

All the while they just print the money:

Here is a break down of everything in the stimulus bill courtesy of Zero Hedge:

Source: Planet Free Will

Ep. 2362b – Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes

Source: Ep. 2362b – Truth Belongs To The People,Public Awakening,Treason,Fraud,[Knowingly],Down She Goes

Trump and the patriots are preparing shift everything on Jan 6, optics are very important. Trump and the patriots are now showing the people everything, how the [DS] created an illusion that we are all living in. This is a public awakening and more and more are waking up. The clock is now running out for the [DS]/MSM, tick tock.

Obvious vote fraud, needs a Special Counsel 


Trump gave out the least amount of Clemency’s than any president

Kiwi fruit, coke cola and other items test positive for Covid-19


““Judge rules over 200,000 Biden votes are illegitimate in Wisconsin” 

Breaking: Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate In Wisconsin THIS IS A HISTORIC MOMENT TO SAVE THE COUNTRY!


Will the current leadership in Wisconsin change their electoral college votes and assign them to President Trump now that over 200,000 Biden votes are labeled illegitimate or will the President have to continue to be the only one fighting for justice in Wisconsin?

We reported last week that the Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed with the President’s position on indefinitely confined cases:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Mark Jefferson and the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

But the court noted that a determination must be make in every case before tossing a ballot, as President Trump has sought in a separate lawsuit.

Under Wisconsin law, a voter may receive a ballot by mail and bypass Wisconsin’s voter ID law, if the voter, by his own determination, concludes he “confined” based on age, physical illness, or infirmity. This fall, roughly 215,000 voters in Wisconsin said they were indefinitely confined, nearly a four-fold increase from the 2016 election. The court said the government’s interpretation of Wisconsin’s indefinitely confined was erroneous. “A county clerk may not “declare” that any elector is indefinitely confined due to a pandemic,” the court said. The court further stated that, “…the presence of a communicable disease such as COVID-19, in and of itself, does not entitle all electors [voters] in Wisconsin to obtain an absentee ballot…”

There are 240,000 indefinitely confined cases in Wisconsin this year.  Most are illegitimate and these were unquestionably votes for Joe Biden.

A judge has agreed that these votes are illegitimate.  Republicans should eliminate every one until the Democrats can prove any of them are legitimate.

Will the Republican leadership stand up and disqualify these votes and assign all their electoral votes to President Trump or will the President have to continue to fight alone?


Ivan Raiklin – Trump Is Ready To Play The Pence Card, The Constitution Is The Path To Victory

Source: Ivan Raiklin – Trump Is Ready To Play The Pence Card, The Constitution Is The Path To Victory

Ivan is a former Green Beret Commander and a constitution lawyer. Ivan discusses how the constitution is the the path to victory. Pence holds all the cards and he is ready to play the Pence Card. He will will throw out the electors because of election fraud, according to the constitution he can do this because he is the head of the senate and he has been receiving intel on the election that others have not. The constitution is the only way forward.


Ep. 2361a – Trump Exposes Congress Via The Economy, The People Can See Clearly Now


Source: Ep. 2361a – Trump Exposes Congress Via The Economy, The People Can See Clearly Now

The [CB] are doing what they have always done in the past. Make people think they are getting what they want, this is what is happening in the UK, the BREXIT will be in name only. Trump is now using the economy, via the omnibus bill to shine the light on congress, he has now exposed congress to the American people.


WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives — Health & Wellness —

PCR test

Source: WHO (finally) admits PCR tests create false positives — Health & Wellness —

Kit Knightly
Fri, 18 Dec 2020 06:58 UTC

The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.

While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?

The “gold standard” Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking nucleotides – tiny fragments of DNA or RNA – and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce something identifiable is known as the “cycle threshold” or “CT value”. The higher the CT value, the less likely you are to be detecting anything significant.

This new WHO memo states that using a high CT value to test for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 will result in false-positive results.

To quote their own words [our emphasis]:

Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.

They go on to explain [again, our emphasis]:

The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.

Of course, none of this is news to anyone who has been paying attention. That PCR tests were easily manipulated and potentially highly inaccurate has been one of the oft-repeated battle cries of those of us opposing the “pandemic” narrative, and the policies it’s being used to sell.

Many articles have been written about it, by many experts in the field, medical journalists and other researchers. It’s been commonly available knowledge, for months now, that any test using a CT value over 35 is potentially meaningless.

Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR process, was clear that it wasn’t meant as a diagnostic tool, saying:

with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”

And, commenting on cycle thresholds, once said:

If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”

The MIQE guidelines for PCR use state:

Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,”

This has all been public knowledge since the beginning of the lockdown. The Australian government’s own website admitted the tests were flawed, and a court in Portugal ruled they were not fit for purpose.

Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus.

Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s.

So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality?

The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore.

Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure. So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+.

Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works.

After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again.

…as long as we all do as we’re told. Any signs of dissent – masses of people refusing the vaccine, for example – and the CT value can start to climb again, and they bring back their magical disease.