Situation Update: The Horrifying Truth About Cloning! – Must Video – best news here

Source: Situation Update: The Horrifying Truth About Cloning! – Must Video – best news here

Hard to believe but cloning has been going on for decades and the technological advances are horrifying. Even trusted people in Politics and Hollywood are not what they seem. A must see!

Right their all together in Idaho right now much love ♥️ They definitely sick individuals hoodwinking the world….

Excellent video, especially the animation and general theme…!!


Deadly Socialist Forces Warn Americans: “We’re Coming For Your Children”- Must Video – best news here

Source: Deadly Socialist Forces Warn Americans: “We’re Coming For Your Children”- Must Video – best news here

Play full transcript below:

Most dangerous for the American people, most particularly its white Christian population, this report concludes, is them failing to notice that socialist terrorists defaced the prominent Christ of the Ozarks statue near Eureka Springs–Arkansas, on Thursday night with a 44-foot banner that said “God Bless Abortions—an attack that was joined by a socialist terrorist climbing atop the Los Angeles Church Bell Tower to set its Cross on fire—attacks on Christianity that quickly followed socialist leader Biden’s radical Interior Secretary Deb Haaland declaring: “The public needs more answers on the children lost to Native American boarding schools”—all of which shows that the socialist “diversionary tactic” unleashed by Canada against Christian Churches is being unleashed in America—which explains why radical Marxist Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors just paid $35,000 to build an electric fence with armored gate around her $1.4-million property—and more than explains why a radical socialist homosexual organization in San Francisco just released their victory song that demonically proclaims:

You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked.

Funny, just this once, you’re correct.

We’ll convert your children.  Happens bit by bit.  Quietly and subtly.  And you will barely notice it.

The gay agenda is coming home. 

The gay agenda is here!

We’re coming for your children.  We’re coming for them.  We’re coming for them. 

We’re coming for your children!

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


New Freedom Force Battalion: Who Paid for GETTR? Miles Guo – CCP Is Nazi on Steroids! – best news here

The New Flag Of The “Federal State Of New China”

Source: New Freedom Force Battalion: Who Paid for GETTR? Miles Guo – CCP Is Nazi on Steroids! – best news here

New Freedom Force Battalion: Who Paid for GETTR? Miles Guo – CCP is NAZI on Steroids!

Welcome to the Freedom Force Battalion!

We look at the “17” posts, President Trump’s Tweets, and the current events in the light of God’s Word…. because THIS IS BIBLICAL!

We are destroying the New World Order Beast of Revelation in this epic Battle of Armageddon, and we are entering 1,000 years of Peace, and Health, and Wealth!

Court rules only 152 died of COVID-19 in Portugal, not 17,000 –

Image: Court rules only 152 died of COVID-19 in Portugal, not 17,000

Source: Court rules only 152 died of COVID-19 in Portugal, not 17,000 –

(Natural News) Following a citizen’s petition, the Administrative Court of the Circle of Lisbon provided verified COVID-19 data showing that only 152 patients died from the disease from January 2020 to April 2021, not 17,000 as Portuguese authorities claim. The remaining deaths were attributed to various causes.

Nonetheless, some experts remain skeptical about whether even those 152 deaths are actually due to COVID-19. In a recent article on his blog, Andre Dias, a lung disease specialist from the University of Tromso – The Arctic University of Norway, said the ruling’s reference to 152 death certificates being issued “under Justice Ministry supervision” is suspicious since all death certificates are issued under the auspices of Portugal’s Ministry of Justice.

Therefore, death certificates for the others who supposedly died of COVID-19 could’ve only been issued by those same auspices. “We live in a fraud of unprecedented dimensions,” wrote Dias.

Dias also said a court order had to be issued before the Justice Ministry released the death certificates. As such, all those responsible for handling COVID-19 data, from cases to deaths, should be tried in court “if there is any dignity remaining in the rule of law,” added Dias.

Since the pandemic began, Portugal officially recorded around 879,000 cases of COVID-19 and roughly 17,000 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. More recently, Portuguese authorities have reintroduced draconian safety protocols in the Lisbon District following a surge in infections.

The number of daily and weekly infections in the district began surging again recently primarily because of the highly contagious Delta variant. The variant, also known to infectious disease experts as B.1.617.2, was first identified in India during a wave of infections there in April and May. It’s been linked to a resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Nepal, Southeast Asia, the United Kingdom and many other countries in Europe.

COVID-19 fatality is likely overestimated

Portugal may not be the only country overestimating its COVID-19 deaths. Various experts have considered the possibility that the fatality of COVID-19 is overestimated.

In a letter published last March in the British Medical Journal, scientists wrote that the final case fatality rate (CFR) from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, will likely be lower than those initially reported. They cited reviews of H1N1 and SARS that showed systematic inflation of early mortality estimates.

They wrote that early estimates of H1N1’s mortality were susceptible to uncertainty because of the numerous approaches to testing and biases in reporting, which are difficult to overcome early in a pandemic.

Sir David Spiegelhalter, Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk at the University of Cambridge, told Financial Times that it’s very difficult to estimate fatality risk when you have something that varies greatly based on age and a slew of risk factors. “[The] average is pretty pointless.”

Early last year, Spiegelhalter worked out that the chance you have of dying from COVID-19 is roughly the same as your risk of dying over the coming 12 months anyway.

In an article published last April, Nina Schwalbe, a public health researcher who has held numerous leadership positions in health and nonprofit organizations, also wrote that the COVID-19 fatality rate seems higher than it really is because health officials are only counting people who are actively infected.

People sick enough to go to the hospital are likely to need critical care, and people in critical condition are likely to die, said Schwalbe. News outlets are reporting only these cases, thereby fostering the idea that COVID-19 is an extremely deadly disease.

Last October, Jonathan Thompson, a Medical Examiner for the State of Iowa, said what truly counts as a death due to COVID-19 is debatable. He said he had a patient with COVID-19 who took his own life because he couldn’t take the safety restrictions. Without COVID-19, he would probably still be alive, Thompson said.

Some people could argue that it is a COVID-19-related death. But there is no clear-cut answer.

From a medical examiner’s perspective, Thompson added that it’s challenging to determine if a patient is dying with COVID-19 or from COVID-19. Not all healthcare workers and experts distinguish between the two, and that could be one of the main causes of soaring numbers of COVID-19-related deaths around the world. (Related: Let’s demand a recount… of COVID deaths.)

Thompson said he had a healthy patient in his 30s. The patient didn’t have any past medical history. His family also said he was healthy. He tested positive for COVID-19 only eight days before his death. He was found to have lung disease. On the other hand, Thompson also had to do an autopsy on someone with several underlying conditions. Everything looked normal apart from signs of alcohol abuse.

In the latter patient, COVID-19 was just an incidental finding, so he died with COVID-19, not from it.




Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves –

Image: Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves

Source: Covid cures literally grow like weeds, yet most people buy lawn poison to kill them off, thereby killing themselves –

(Natural News) In today’s Situation Update, we discuss the astonishing truth that covid cures literally grow like weeds (such as dandelion weeds), yet most people rush to Home Depot to buy toxic, cancer-causing herbicides so they can poison their own lawns, killing off the dandelions and thereby killing themselves in the long run.

Mother Nature grows anti-covid medicine for free, right in your yard, without any effort required on your part. Anti-covid phytochemicals are synthesized by the dandelion plant, creating a natural medicine that can block spike protein nanoparticles from binding with ACE2 receptors, according to groundbreaking new research.

Dandelion leaves can be easily and quickly transformed into natural medicine through the simple use of an ultrasonic cleaner. In the following video from my series, I reveal how to use an ultrasonic cleaner to extract medicinal components from rosemary herb. The exact same process can be used with dandelion leaves to make your own anti-spike protein herbal extract medicine:

Even without an ultrasonic cleaner, you can make dandelion leaf extract tincture using nothing but a mason jar, water and vodka. It takes longer (several days to a few weeks) but is super low-tech and can be achieved even in a grid-down scenario.

Importantly, when making natural medicine from herbs, you pay nothing to a pharmacy, need no permission from an insurance company, need no authorization from a doctor and you don’t even need the FDA. It goes straight from God to Mother Nature to YOU.

How Western civilization became a chemical death cult

What’s astonishing to me in all this is how Western civilization has been so brainwashed into believing that medicine can only come from a pharmacy or a pill, that people literally poison the real medicine growing right in their own back yards. And they do it using cancer-causing chemicals (like weedkiller) that further harm themselves, soil microbes and the environment. It’s almost as if typical Americans have joined a kind of chemical death cult that ends in suffering and collapse rather than enjoy the healthful, boundless world that Mother Nature provides for free.

Most people have such a twisted, irrational belief in pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy and vaccines that they will quite literally commit suicide with Western medicine rather than touch a “dirty dandelion” that might offer a simple, low-cost, readily available solution.

It just goes to show you how suicidal and irrational society has become, under the destructive influence of Big Pharma and the criminal vaccine industry. Cures and remedies are banned or outlawed, while deadly spike protein bioweapon injections are mandated, even as perhaps 100,000 Americans have already been killed by covid vaccines.

It almost goes without saying, but this society will self-destruct because it has lost touch with reality and now worships death. With new research published in the New England Journal of Medicine revealing how 82% of early pregnancies end in spontaneous abortions after covid vaccines are injected into pregnant mothers, we have clearly arrived at the “final solution” of the Big Pharma death cult anti-human agenda.

Listen to my full Situation Update podcast for additional mind-blowing details about all this:

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