YOU MUST WATCH & SHARE THIS – ALL about the “vaccines”- Dr Vladimir Zelenko (English/Croatian subs)

Source: YOU MUST WATCH & SHARE THIS – ALL about the “vaccines”- Dr Vladimir Zelenko (English/Croatian subs)

Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifies before Israeli Rabbinical Court, 6 Aug 2021.

Eksplozivno svjedočenje dr. Vladimira Zelenka
pred izraelskim Rabinskim sudom (Ma’aleh Adumim Bet Din) o cjepivima protiv COVIDA

Dr. Zelenko osmislio je poznati “Zelenkov protokol” za ambulantno rano liječenje COVIDA, pomoću kojeg je uspješno izliječio 6000 pacijenata, a koji uključuje hidroksiklorokin, cink i sumamed. Bez dlake na jeziku, objašnjava zašto je cijepljenje protiv COVIDA, možda i najopasnija znanstvena hereza u ljudskoj povijesti i upozorava na potencijalni planetarni genocid. Zaključuje da je sve ovo što nam se događa već viđeno i da je, u osnovi, maslo poremećene skupine ljudi koja ciklički, kroz povijest, daje sebi za pravo igrati se Boga.


Zinc Ionophore approach inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP)

Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko

Dr Vladimir Zelenko testifies before Israeli Rabbinical Court, 6 Aug 2021.

Dr. Vladimir Zev Zelenko

@DrZevZelenko·Aug 20


• Zinc / Zinc Ionophore approach inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RDRP)
• RDRP is essential for some RNA viruses such as:
• all the Corona virus strains
• all the influenza strains
• RSV Zinc Ionophores include:
• Hydroxychloroquine
• Ivermectin
• Quercetin
• EGCG We can potentially cure all Corona, Influenza, and RSV infections with a safe, cheap, and oral treatment approach. This is why the Globalists, Pharmaceutical industry, tyrants, despots, and devolved pagans are opposing this is approach. It undermines their agenda, profits, and the use of fear as a weapon. We must resist and sacrifice at all costs and win the war for God consciousness and freedom from tyranny.

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MDPosted on 2:38 PM · Aug 20th, 2021

Biden on American Evacuees: “F** Them. If they die, we’ll blame Trump.” – best news here

Source: Biden on American Evacuees: “F** Them. If they die, we’ll blame Trump.” – best news here

As Kabul fell to the Taliban, the puppet Biden regime experienced its worse crisis to date: How to contend with a U.S. military that has largely divorced itself from a criminal U.S. government masquerading as a legitimate government body.  And when Biden—or the actor portraying him—sought Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s advice in matters involving the deteriorating crisis in Afghanistan, a powerless Austin conceded he had no control over the military and no answer on how to exfiltrate American citizens trapped behind enemy lines.


The ubiquitous “blame Trump” trope is an excuse the Deep State employs whenever it sees diminishing returns on its stranglehold on the citizenry. And Biden’s failure to safeguard American lives drew sharp criticism from his media and political allies, so much so that Nancy Pelosi has begged Democrat lawmakers to “stand behind Biden,” to prevent an exodus of Deep State support.

As the Taliban retook province after province and American dominance in the region waned, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reached out to his most recent nemesis, Marine Corps General and member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff David H. Berger, pleading for military support in evacuating endangered Americans.

“You don’t care about Americans. All you care about is saving face and protecting your handlers. You sold your soul, but you know what, we, the real Americans, will not let our brethren die. We’ve already made plans to get our people home. Not because of you and certainly not because of Biden. But because we care for American lives,” Gen. Berger reportedly lambasted Austin, according to a confidential source in the general’s office.

“America will thank you,” Austin replied.

“Don’t pretend to represent America. You’re concerned with popularity; I’m concerned with saving lives,” Gen. Berger replied.

It was Berger and other Joint Chiefs of Staff who orchestrated the deployment of 6,000 troops to protect American lives, our source said.

But team Biden, upon learning of the military’s plan, quickly took credit, pretending as if he and his criminal cadre had mustered military support.

“He really didn’t give two shits about American lives until he realized his approval rating would drop as quickly as Harris’ is. We know that he was ready to throw in the towel and let any dead Americans be counted as collateral damage. We have Trump and the military to thank for saving American lives, not Biden, not his people,” our source said.

Note: When this website uses the name “Biden,” it is not necessarily referring to the real Joseph R. Biden, as many body doubles and actors, including Arthur Roberts, have portrayed him in public and on national television.


Highly vaccinated Oregon deploys National Guard troops to hospitals as post-vaccine “Delta” variant hospitalizations explode

Image: Highly vaccinated Oregon deploys National Guard troops to hospitals as post-vaccine “Delta” variant hospitalizations explode
Audio Clip of Below

 Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is sending National Guard troops to hospitals all across the Beaver State to deal with an explosion of new cases of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “Delta” variant.

Even though more than 70 percent of Oregon is at least “partially” vaccinated, and 65 percent are “fully” vaccinated,” hospitalizations are soaring. Brown is thus deploying 1,500 National Guard troops to “assist” in the remediation effort.

According to the Democrat governor, 500 National Guard troops will be deployed in the first wave, followed by the rest after that. The job of these troops will be to run material and equipment to the most stricken hospitals, as well as administer “testing” for the Chinese Virus.

Some 20 different hospitals across Oregon will be receiving the troops after the media reported 733 new hospitalization “cases” of the Wuhan Flu. Of these, 185 patients are currently in intensive care units (ICUs), which is 60 people more than just one day prior and nearly double the number from two weeks ago.

“I cannot emphasize enough the seriousness of this crisis for all Oregonians, especially those needing emergency and intensive care,” Brown said in a fearmongering announcement designed to scare the remaining vaccine holdouts into rolling up their sleeves.

“When our hospitals are full with Covid-19 patients, there may not be room for someone needing care after a car crash, a heart attack, or other emergency situation.”

With most of Oregon fully vaccinated, Delta comprises 96 percent of all new cases

According to the latest Oregon Health Authority data, the Delta variant now makes up about 96 percent of all new samples tested. This is up from just 15 percent six weeks ago, suggesting that Donald “father of the vaccine” Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” injections are spreading the variant as predicted.

“The harsh, and frustrating reality is that the Delta variant has changed everything,” Brown added.

This sudden spike in new cases is a big change for Oregon, which had earlier in the year bragged about being a pandemic “success story” due to heavy compliance with the state’s mask and vaccine mandates.

That has slipped away thanks to the jabs, which are spreading the Delta variant like wildfire all across the Pacific Northwest.

“The state kept an indoor mask mandate and social distancing rules in place until June 30, shut down restaurants, bars, gyms and other businesses repeatedly since March 2020 and had strict indoor capacity limits for businesses long after other states had returned to near-normal,” reports Breitbart News.

In a desperate attempt to minimize the number of new “positive” cases of the Chinese Virus, Brown has mandated that all students and staff at public K-12 schools across the state wear a mask at all times while on campus, regardless of their vaccination status.

“This is the worst condition our hospitals have seen likely ever,” says Josephina County Public Health Manager Michael Weber. “I don’t know that anyone could recall a time where we’ve had this much pressure on our health system.”

All hospitals in both Jackson and Josephine counties, located in the state’s southwest corner, are said to be at capacity with patients on gurneys in hallways. Emergency rooms are also said to be overflowing, prompting officials in both counties to call for outdoor medical tents.

About 29 percent of Oregon adults are currently “unvaccinated,” and the state has had to throw away some 102,000 doses of the vaccines due to non-use. It would appear as though everyone in Oregon who wanted to get injected already has, and the rest are just saying no to experimental gene therapy drugs from Big Pharma.

Blue counties in Florida where COVID-19 vaccination rates highest are driving that state’s alarming rate of new infections –

Image: Blue counties in Florida where COVID-19 vaccination rates highest are driving that state’s alarming rate of new infections

Source: Blue counties in Florida where COVID-19 vaccination rates highest are driving that state’s alarming rate of new infections –

(Natural News) While there are literally millions of different viruses around the world, most of which, of course, are benign, there is one thing that defines those which afflict humans most: Mutation.

The first thing a virus does when it is met with resistance, for the most part, is to mutate so that it can continue to survive. Only when there is no host to mutate to, do most viruses finally die off.

But that’s what is driving the new spike in COVID-19 infections in Florida — higher than average vaccination rates, and a vulnerable population.

Thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines, the original strain has begun to mutate and either infect persons who did not fall ill yet or reinfect even those who have been vaccinated as the new Delta variant spreads in heavily vaccinated parts of the state.

State of the Nation reported:

The three most populated counties in Florida, which have the highest Covid vaccination rates, are driving the state’s rapidly increasing rates of COVID-19 infections. In other words, the Covid shots are now the direct cause for the various surges nationwide as well as the isolated coronavirus outbreaks.

Because the Florida governor has jumped right on board the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, the state has seen massive outbreaks of Covid and similar flu-like illnesses.

The same is true for every state that has aggressively promoted the highly experimental COVID-19 vaccines.  After all, the injections have been proven conclusively to be both deadly as well as quite harmful to human health for those who are not killed by them.

You may recall that Gov. Ron DeSantis, very early on, made the right decisions by sheltering and protecting his most vulnerable population — the elderly, of which Florida has more per capita that any other state. But then he hopped aboard the vaccination train as well, and rolled them out quickly to the same populations.

Of course, DeSantis wasn’t alone: Governors all over the country responded to pressure from the Trump, and then the Biden administrations to push their people to get vaccinated, and more than 150 million did so.

Now, we have the Delta variant, and it’s proving to be more resilient and more contagious to more Americans than the original strain.

For instance, in addition to older Americans, children are testing positive and becoming ill from the Delta strain, just like influenza, which has always affected our youngest citizens and kills many children, usually thanks to pneumonia, every year.

But in Florida, the bluest counties are those that are being affected the worst by this new COVID spread — and the blue counties are the ones with the highest vaccination rates, State of the Nation reports.

“There is now indisputable evidence that proves those FL counties with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest COVID-19 infection rates,” the website noted, citing public data.

“That’s no coincidence since the Covid vaccines are well-known in the virology and epidemiology communities to cause the different Covid variant outbreaks.”

Citing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, the website noted that 61.46 percent of Miami-Dade County residents have been vaccinated; 52.97 percent of Broward County residents are as well. And 52.51 percent of Palm Beach County residents have also gotten jabs.

“All of these counties have been driving the summertime surge in Florida, as was predicted by many medical doctors and research scientists around the world,” the website reported.

Further, State of the Nation reports that “South Florida never sees influenza cluster explosions like this in the middle of the summer, so the only explanation is the high Covid vaccination rates.”

Other sources confirm Florida’s escalating rate of infections, including among the vaccinated and among children.

“The numbers of cases in our hospitals in children and our children’s hospitals are completely overwhelmed,” Dr. Aileen Marty, an infectious disease expert at Florida International University, told CNN on Friday.


Dr. David E. Martin drops Shocking Covid Info on Canadians!

Source: Dr. David E. Martin drops Shocking Covid Info on Canadians!