Category Archives: 1 – Karatbars CashGold Crypto Currency

Karatcoin Bank (KCB) – Pre-Sale Starts August 1, 2018


Source: Karatcoin Bank – Gold Covered Bank

Now is the time

for real values!

Money rules the world.
But only gold will save it.
A financial system that comes one step closer to total crash every day. Because it is based only on debt, fiat and paper money. Money has become a mere means of payment, which in itself has no value and is now created by banks at will – from nothing.
It is high time for real values. For a new world currency that can perfectly combine virtues such as crisis resistance and yield strength thanks to its genuine gold cover.

It’s time for the KaratGold Coin.
We at KaratGold will do everything we can to turn this coin into a true global currency through perfect infrastructure.


Michael Pento – Gold Big Beneficiary in Coming October Market Crash – YouTube

Published on Jul 3, 2018

Money manager Michael Pento predicts, “The U.S. is not an island. The U.S. is not going to have 4% GDP growth while the rest of the world implodes. . . . I look at the data, and data says this is the most dangerous market ever. This is the most precarious GDP on a global basis that we have ever had. Global central banks have never before printed $12 trillion. . . . We have never before had that happen, and the reason why they did it is to take sovereign debt into zero and negative territory so we can go on this inflation quest so asset prices don’t implode. That is all turned on its head. They have reached their inflation and it’s starting to unwind, and this whole thing is going to collapse. . . . I have put a check on the calendar for October. . .” Pento goes on to say, “When it collapses, the primary beneficiary is going to be the gold market. . . . You should always have 5% to 10%, and if you are waiting, you are running out of time to get it cheaply. . . . I don’t think there is much downside to buying physical gold here, and you are running out of time if you have no position at all.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Michael Pento, founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies.

Moving Bullions Home: Central Banks Repatriate Their Gold, West to East | Alternative

Source: Moving Bullions Home: Central Banks Repatriate Their Gold, West to East | Alternative

Monday, June 25, 2018 9:50

21st Century Wire says…

We’ve warned of this financial development in the past, but many in the West still think they can get their hands on other people’s gold – this is no longer the case, from Russia, Turkey, Germany, to the Netherlands and beyond.

There’s a currency war going on, and gold is at the center of a geopolitical power shift, according to precious metal analyst Claudio Grass in an interview with RTRT

The world is facing a currency war and the only hedge against the crash of the US dollar is real gold, a precious metal analyst has told RT. With geopolitical power shifting from West to East, US dominance may be ending.

One such sign is the recent repatriation of gold from the United States. Countries such as Turkey, Germany, the Netherlands have been moving the bullions home. The reason is the Cold War is over and countries don’t see Russia as a threat anymore, says Claudio Grass, an independent precious metals advisor and Mises Ambassador.

“Central banks moved their gold because they felt threatened by the USSR and saw the USA as their natural ally. The fact that central banks are repatriating their gold shows that this has changed. It also implies that they don’t see Russia as a bigger threat than the USA any longer. Europe stands in the center of this geopolitical power shift and some countries obviously believe it’s wise to store the gold in their home countries,” he told RT.

The world has been living in crisis since 2008, while a currency war started even earlier, notes Grass. Central banks have been printing trillions of dollars out of thin air, while central banks are coordinating the debasing of currencies and pouring money into all kinds of financial assets, real estate and bonds.

“Nonetheless, it is obvious that the systematic problems are not solved, on the contrary, the risks became bigger and more fragile than a decade ago,” said Grass. “As you know more than 65 percent of all monetary reserves in the central banking system are held in the world currency reserve, which still is the USD. Therefore, holding physical gold is definitely the best hedge against a crash of any paper currency, and therefore also against a crash of the USD.”

The global debt has soared to $230 trillion, as the global economy has got stuck in “Monopoly-Game” system, that is based on debt and financial leverage, the analyst notes. “The last geopolitical shift that started with WWI and ended with WWII put the US in this dominant position, because they owned and stored 70 percent of the gold reserves of the free world. This was also the main reason, why the USD became the world currency reserve. For the past 30 years we can witness another geopolitical power shift going from West to East. As you know, everything operates in cycles,” Grass said.



Karatbars Unilevel Ranks And Advancement – YouTube

Published on Feb 12, 2016

Karatbars offers one of the most comprehensive and potent compensation plans in the Direct Sales Industry. There are 7 Income streams broken into two major components: Weekly Cashflow through the Optional Dual Team System and Monthly Residual which is part and parcel of your free account. This video explains how ranks are achieved in this Unilevel system and what it takes to advance.