Category Archives: A.I.

Breakaway Civilization: The TRUTH About The One | World Order – YouTube

Published on Aug 8, 2019

In today’s video, Christopher Greene takes the viewer on the ride of what is known as a breakaway civilization.

Declaration of Unity


We, the free people of the first in the history of humanity space nation ASGARDIA, based on the birthright of Man in the universe, adopt this DECLARATION

  1. Asgardia is a free and unified space nation.
  2. The objectives of Asgardia are:
    • To ensure peace in space;
    • To ensure the protection of planet Earth and the entire humankind  (from outer space threats);
    • To ensure equal opportunities in space for all Asgardians residing on Earth, regardless of geographic, financial, technological and other   specificities of the countries of their Earthly citizenship.
  3. Any resident of Earth can become a citizen of Asgardia, as long as he assents in the Declaration, and abides by the Constitution and the legislation of Asgardia.
  4. All citizens of Asgardia are equal, regardless of their Earthly country of origin, residence, citizenship, race, nationality, gender, language, or financial standing.
  5. Asgardia respects the laws of Earth’s nation states and the international treaties on Earth, and wishes to be recognised as an equal country among the nations on Earth.
  6. Asgardia does not interfere in the affairs of Earth’s nations on the principle of reciprocity.
  7. Asgardia participates in the international-level events on Earth, like any other country, based on its membership in the respective international organizations.
  8. Asgardia respects and complies with the rights of citizens of Earth nations, and protects the rights of its citizens in the exclusivity of their space nation citizenship.
  9. Asgardia does not engage in politics, and has no place for political parties. But every Asgardian can freely participate in political life on Earth.
  10. Asgardia mirrors the Earth, but does not reflect Earthly borders. At the same time, in the framework of Earthly law, every Asgardian can freely live within the borders of any Earthly country.  
  11. Asgardia is a country of free spirit, science and internationalism. But every Asgardian can freely practice any religion on Earth.
  12. There is no place for the history of Earthly conflicts in Asgardia. Asgardia creates a new peaceful history of the future of the humankind in space.

We, the people of Asgardia, will do everything for the prosperity of our new space nation created by us; for the protection of our motherland – planet Earth; and the development of the entire humankind in space.

One humanity – one unity.

This Declaration is a primary document for the creation of ASGARDIA – the Space Nation

Eric Schmidt, Google to Sterilize USA With 5G, Take Guns With Robot Army for Chinese!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019 15:57

This story went viral on but many people did not look at it because they thought it was only about Eric Schmidt’s sex life with other women and men.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  This is without a doubt the most important story any patriot can share because it details the treason Eric Schmidt has done against the United States!  The whislteblower giving this information is 100% an insider!   Listen to how she talks, the companies, organizations and people she is familiar with.  This is no made up story that’s for sure!  It’s real and connects all the dots!  It must go mega viral if America is going to continue!

The most hardcore and shocking truth is that Eric has been blackmailed by the Chinese to deploy 5G (which Trump is pushing too!) in order to sterilize the entire USA population!   Then Eric and the Chinese will use the DARPA Atlas robots to go house to house and confiscate all the guns!  These Atlas robots are undefeatable robot warriors!   America will no longer exist!

He has been poisoned by the Chinese so that if he doesn’t get the antidote every so often he dies!   He has given them everything!    They did this to his daughters, Alison and Sophie also!   According to his former mistress, one time Eric didn’t do exactly as the Chinese wanted and they didn’t give Alison the antidote and she died!  He covered up Alison’s poisoning by saying she died of a long term illness according to the whistleblower.

Here’s just some of the topics covered in this mind-blowing testimony.  It’s imperative all patriots around the world share this article with everybody they can.  The truth most go viral!  Send to all people on email, social media, and tweet Trump @potus and @realdonaldtrump.   Tell Trump we will NEVER accept 5G without testing!  We don’t need the speed and we will not sit by while it destroys our future!

Tell your cell phone company by writing to them at their website that you will NEVER buy any 5G enabled phone and will in fact get rid of your cell phone if 5G is not stopped immediately!  We must organize against 5G and rage against Trump until he sees we are serious.   If we can force studies to be done by real independent people, 5G will be exposed as a kill and sterilization grid!   I want 5 years of rat studies with it blasting right next to them and THEN tell me it’s safe you LIARS!  We need petitions, we need people taking shifts with signs in front of the White House!  We need patriots at Trump Rallies saying “We Love Trump but 5G is a kill grid!  Research and boycott!”   We need patriots sending articles to Trump’s Twitter and through the Whitehouse website and Trump’s own website where he wants ideas from us!   If every patriot hits Trump every week it can change things!

Email Alex Jones and tell him to report on this or No More Product Sales!

Email Alex Jones at and ask him why he has censored this story and still refuses to interview the patriots of American Intelligence Media who have broken all the truth on Senior Executive Services, SERCO running the US Patent office and so much more!  Why is “Tip of the Spear” Alex Jones running from this story and censoring American Intelligence Media when this woman will probably be killed for getting this information out and he brags he can get anything to Trump?

Here’s just a few highlights you’ll learn in the Video.  It’s a must listen and SHARE!

Over 1.5 million Chinese Muslims have died being re-programmed thanks to Eric Schmidt giving them the technology they used to identify these people for re-education camps!

Eric gave the N. Koreans the Google Android software and they immediately claimed they invented it themselves!

Eric believes the Chinese will rule the world in 10 years, but he plans to rule the world in 20 years with his DARPA Atlas robot army!

If Eric doesn’t give the Chinese everything, he dies and his daughter dies!  This must be investigated immediately!

Schmidt gave control over the Internet to the Chinese and they will have their own separate internet!

Eric has always cheated on his wife with many women and no small amount of men.  (who cares!  he’s committed TREASON!)

How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Former Insider

Source: How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Former Insider

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” — Unknown.

I’m an expert on how technology hijacks our psychological vulnerabilities. That’s why I spent the last three years as a Design Ethicist at Google caring about how to design things in a way that defends a billion people’s minds from getting hijacked.

When using technology, we often focus optimistically on all the things it does for us. But I want to show you where it might do the opposite.

Where does technology exploit our minds’ weaknesses?

I learned to think this way when I was a magician. Magicians start by looking for blind spots, edges, vulnerabilities and limits of people’s perception, so they can influence what people do without them even realizing it. Once you know how to push people’s buttons, you can play them like a piano.