Category Archives: Deep State


Dec 4 at 8:13pm


When predicted a 70% reduction in the US population and a 85% reduction in US GDP by 2025 it left many scratching their heads. But it’s obvious now that the Democrat backed ANTI-HUMAN UN AGENDA 2030 plan is what will cause the massive depopulation which Q has called, HELL ON EARTH.  Deborah Tavares joins me to share new details about this horrifying agenda.  


ERGENCY ALERT: ELECTRICITY a NEW FUEL to Power ALL CARS and COMMERCIAL TRUCKS. UTILITIES CONTROL ALL TRAVEL and MORE NEWS Kiss Your Gas Good Bye- ELIMINATING NATRUAL GAS. WATER WARS IMMINENT- WATER RATIONING GREEN ENERGY Loans In YOUR TOWN a Rockefeller “Predatory” Property DEBT and Foreclosure Scheme! We have provided an “example” of how YOUR county or city approves these loans on your behalf by attaching the County of Sonoma – Authorization for Third-Party PACE Financing Project in Unincorporated Sonoma County – Please understand this is an “example” of what you WILL find in YOUR city or County. To participate in the city or county Residential PACE Program, YOUR city or county must pass a resolution to opt in. We refer to PACE LOANS here, however, please know there are many Green Energy Loans offered by other Rockefeller/Rothschild Financing lenders, as you will see below. INSIDER COMMENT YOUR CITY or COUNTY “MUST” CONSENT, ON YOUR BEHALF, TO AUTHORIZE THESE LOANS FOR YOU . . . Your cities have “already” adopted Climate Action PLANS requiring YOU to reduce GHG green house gas emissions. Each and everyone of us will be “Forced” into upgrading (retrofitting) our homes and businesses with energy efficient wireless appliances IN ORDER TO COMPLY with sustainable energy reduction goals. Some examples of retrofit schemes are: Replace heating and cooling systems – to electric ONLY, Replace thermostats, High energy efficiency window replacements (caution with the windows – some high efficiency windows magnify the sun light, focusing a beam which can cause ignition and fire), No more incandescent light bulbs (caution LED’s cause many illnesses – see our video “LED Lights – a Silent Weapons Assault”. More RETROFIT REQUIREMENTS replace roofs to cool roofs, solar requirements and battery back-up storage (caution with batteries – Lithium Ion Batteries can explode causing fires that are difficult to extinguish). These energy loans will assist in paying for electrical work necessary to eliminate natural gas everything, and replace with ALL ELECTRIC. Natural gas is being eliminated in new and existing buildings. Retrofits will be required and enforced by code enforcement officers. Buildings that are NOT retrofitted with energy efficient improvements will be cited and code violations will be issued and violations must be remedied in order to, to purchase, or to finance the greenretrofitting that is required. PACE Programs finance energy efficiency, water conservation, and seismic strengthening improvements. According to PACE LITERATURE – WE are eligible to over “90” energy improvements Energy Efficient ALL Smart Wireless Appliances, kitchen and bathroom faucets that are wireless and connect to your wireless water meters to allocate and reduce your water and electric consumption, remotely. Other examples of qualifying projects include high efficiency air conditioners and heating systems, windows, cool roofs, insulation, rooftop solar panels and smart irrigation systems, water conservation, artificial turf (look up how artificial turf degrades and the into a toxic plastic and leaches into the soil and water supplies), drought-tolerant landscaping, drip irrigation, bathroom and kitchen upgrades, to name a few. PACE means Property Assessed Clean Energy ENERGY LOANS ARE THEN CO-ORDINATED THROUGH YOUR TAX ASSESSOR’S OFFICE AND collateralized AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY, HOME OR BUSINESS. These Rockefeller Loans are FUNDING the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Action Plans that require retrofitting of ALL structures, worldwide. (Read the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – read #11 )

Four Were Hanged In 1865 Democrat Coup Involving Lincoln’s Assassination – None from 2016 Democrat Coup to Take Out Trump

Joe Hoft December 2, 2019

This is America’s second Democrat coup attempt!

Democrats running the House are planning today to release their bogus report on fake and made up crimes supposedly committed by President Trump that would warrant impeaching President Trump.

President Trump is arguably the best US President since Lincoln, the last great President removed from office by Democrats.

Lincoln was assassinated after holding the country together and freeing Democrat owned slaves during the great Civil War. President Trump is too good for the Democrats. He has an ‘America First’ agenda which the traitorous Democrats and elites despise.

It’s time that we Americans stand and call this what it is. This is another Democrat attempt to remove a President through any means necessary. It is seditious and treasonous. The Democrats in the 1860’s that were in on the Lincoln assassination were killed in their escape or hanged high.

We are entering a new phase when it’s time to hold all seditious and treasonous Democrats who actively act to remove President Trump from office to the same fate!

In April 1865 the young country of the United States of America ended its Civil War. Only days after the war ended Republican President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. The war started when Southern State Democrats seceded from the Union and started their own country. These Democrats would not recognize the Republican President of the United States.

Four years later, after more American deaths than any war in US history, the war ended. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves in the South in the process. This did not sit well with Southern Democrats so they connived a coup attempt to overthrow the government and in so doing assassinated President Lincoln.Several hundred people were arrested by the government after the Lincoln assassination but most were soon released due to lack of evidence. However, the government did charge and eventually hang four people for their actions related to the murder of the Republican President and for their attempt to over throw the government.

This is America’s second Democrat coup attempt!

The Democrats and their Deep State and corrupt media connived a plan to remove President Trump through the made up crime that Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia to win the 2016 election. This was nonsense as this ‘crime’ isn’t even a crime in our statutory books.

The investigation started without any crime being committed and with a scope that allowed Mueller to look at anything, both against the law. The team put together never would have been allowed in a real court of law because they were all Trump haters and former Hillary Clinton allies. The media never addressed this but then again, the media was part of the attempted coup! There are at least ten reasons why the Mueller coup was unconstitutional and illegal.

Mueller remained silent during the coup while his compatriots in the Deep State DOJ and FBI leaked abusive and dishonest stories to their pawns in the media. The media also kept cheering on Mueller and called him a man of integrity. This was clearly not the case for Mueller’s past is full of questionable and corrupt actions while cleaning up messes for the Clintons and other allies in the government.

Eventually Mueller indicted the less fortunate and a group of made up Russians with made up crimes. As of October of last year the Mueller team had indicted 37 individuals and 3 companies, with more than 80% of the indicted individuals related to Russians who may not even be real and probably had nothing to do with our 2016 election.

Mueller’s gang was asked to investigate Russian collusion but they only looked at the Trump team and those connected to President Trump. Over 100 times the Deep State DOJ, FBI and Mueller gang deviated from standard practice or committed crimes in an effort to exonerate Hillary Clinton from crimes and indict Trump.

Good men like General Mike Flynn and Roger Stone were mere casualties. Like the Union and Confederate soldiers in the Civil War, to hell with life and liberty, move on with the coup and secession from the Union.

Early on it was suspected that the coup was merely an attempt to harass and remove the President while covering up Deep State crimes. Perhaps it was. Regardless, Americans were very angry with Mueller, the media, the Deep State and the Democrat gang who attempted to overthrow the US government.

Their efforts over three years led to the Mueller report as a result of their Special Counsel investigation. After interviewing, harassing and indicting literally thousands of individuals close to President Trump for any crimes they could connive, they finally completed their investigation after Bill Barr stepped in as Attorney General. After tens of millions spent by the government on the tax payer’s dime, and no doubt matching amounts paid for by the President and those close to him in attorney fees, we thought the sham was over.

There was no collusion. It was all an ‘obstruction trap’ and Representative Nunes referred to it. Barr rightly reported ‘no collusion and no obstruction’. If the gang who worked with Mueller would have had anything remotely close to a crime, they would have reported it, but they did not because they could not.

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This is a coup!

As soon as the Mueller sham was over, and even before, the Deep State was again planning for their next seditious action to remove President Trump from office. As the Mueller sham was winding down, the Deep State decided to use a call the President made to the newly elected President of the Ukraine for their coup attempt.

Deep State operatives in the White House were spying on the President. Another gang of them listened in on the President’s call and then attempted to change the transcript of the call. The President wisely secured the official transcript so it couldn’t be edited.

Eventually the gang of Deep State spies and leakers, including a former Ambassador to the Ukraine, young undercover CIA agents spying in the White House and at least one US Representative overseeing a sham committee in the House leaked out their plan.

Pelosi Flying out with Democrats to U.N. Climate Meeting in Spain

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will fly out Sunday with a large delegation of congressional Democrats heading 3,781 miles across the Atlantic to the United Nations COP25 climate change conference in Madrid.

A key element of the conference will seek to place financial penalties on global commercial aviation to stop people flying and making “unnecessary contributions to atmospheric carbon dioxide pollution.”  The Pelosi delegation will join almost 25,000 people and 1500 journalists flying into the Spanish capital to attend the meeting.

Pelosi’s absence from Washington, DC, will cast cast doubt on the possibility of passing an updated North American trade deal by the end of 2019, a departure from her previous characterization of the deal as “imminent.”

The members of the taxpayer-funded Pelosi Democrat delegation include:

  • Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
  • Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Committee on Energy and Commerce
  • Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), Committee on Science, Space, Technology
  • Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Committee on Natural Resources
  • Chairwoman Kathy Castor (D-FL), Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
  • Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN)
  • Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR)
  • Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA)
  • Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA)
  • Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA)
  • Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
  • Congressman Mike Levin (D-CA)
  • Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL)
  • Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO)

COP25 will also consider implementing taxes on developed countries to transfer wealth to nations dealing with “the cost of drought, floods and superstorms made worse by rising temperatures,” as Breitbart News reported.

Pelosi’s team claims it will will seek to “reaffirm the commitment of the American people to combating the climate crisis” at the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, also called COP25, her office said on Saturday confirming the trip.

This is despite the fact the Speaker of the House will represent nobody but herself and her party as she is prevented by law from conducting foreign policy or make any agreements with foreign leaders regarding sovereign treaties.

“It is a privilege to accompany a high-level Congressional delegation to Spain to combat the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis,” Pelosi said in the statement.

“Taking action to protect our planet is a public health decision for clean air and clean water for our children, an economic decision for creating the green, good-paying jobs of the future, a national security decision to address resource competition and climate migration and also a moral decision to be good stewards of God’s creation and pass a sustainable, healthy planet to the next generation,” she added.

President Donald Trump officially withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Accord in October as part of an election promise to voters, saying he was “elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

As Breitbart News reported, as far back as June, 2017 Trump said he was looking forward to exiting the agreement.

The president spoke then of following through on his commitments to the American people.

“In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,” Trump declared.

Compliance with the accord could have cost the U.S. “as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025 according to the National Economic Research Associates,” said Trump. “This includes 440,000 fewer manufacturing jobs — not what we need…”

The final U.S. withdrawal from the landmark accord is scheduled for November 4, 2020, a day after the next presidential election.

Several Democratic presidential aspirants have said that, if elected, they would immediately return to the agreement.