Category Archives: Deep State

National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – August 13, 2021 to November 11, 2021

Source: National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – August 13, 2021 | Homeland Security

DHS Bulletin Says Opposition To COVID Mandates Is Potential “Domestic Terrorism Threat”

On Friday the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued an almost unbelievable new “terrorism” alert contained in a so-called ‘awareness bulletin’. While focused heavily on the threat posed by “false narratives and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election” – clearly making connections to Jan.6, the bulletin pivoted to unprecedented territory.

It’s nothing new for the Biden administration to warn and hype about “calls to violence” related to the “Capitol insurrection” – but what is new and unprecedented is its warning about potential “attacks” by “violent extremists” related to COVID-19 “conspiracy theories”.

The document was the result of a DHS meeting held with top officials and high ranking intelligence officers across multiple agencies from departments in New York, Washington, and Las Vegas, NBC News reported.

The threat bulletin describes that extremists “may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.”

This is the first time to our knowledge that “terrorism” is linked to the movement among large groups of skeptical Americans to push back against local, state and federal efforts to impose drastic mask, vaccine, and so-called ‘COVID passport’ mandates.

Interestingly the DHS document is heavily focused on such “extremism” initially manifest online in social media and chat forum groups.

Presumably, given the demographic breakdown, this means DHS is accusing young black folk of being “domestic terrorists?

The following warning now appears directly on the official DHS website, as contained in the newly published bulletin:

Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.  Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.

However, nothing specific is mentioned of the “several plots” which DHS seems keen on associating with resistance to “public health restrictions” – i.e.: mask and social distancing mandates.

Officials seemed to later admit in a follow-up by NBC to not actually knowing of any “specific” plot in the works: “Currently, DHS lacks specific or credible reporting indicating that violent extremists are planning to target specific events,” a DHS spokesperson said.

All of this is made further interesting and alarming for Americans’ Constitutional rights by the bulletin’s attempt to tie these trends into pro-Trump movements related to the last election:

A second DHS official told NBC News that the agency has watched conspiracy theories about the 2020 election migrate from obscure internet forums to more mainstream ones, and “we are concerned about calls to violence.”

Meanwhile, this was actually discussed at the White House within the Biden administration…

This further comes in context of far reaching censorship on the part of major US social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube – which have long been banning “non-CDC approved” information and discussion of vaccines and other pandemic-related matters.

Date Issued:  Friday, August 13, 2021 02:00 pm ET
View as PDF:  National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – August 13, 2021 (pdf, 2 page, 234.89KB)

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

The Secretary of Homeland Security has issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin regarding the current heightened threat environment across the United States.  The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment leading up to and following the 20th Anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks as well religious holidays we assess could serve as a catalyst for acts of targeted violence. These threats include those posed by domestic terrorists, individuals and groups engaged in grievance-based violence, and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences. These actors are increasingly exploiting online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity. Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.


Issued:  August 13, 2021 02:00 pm
Expires:  November 11, 2021 02:00 pm

Additional Details

  • Through the remainder of 2021, racially- or ethnically-motivated violent extremists (RMVEs) and anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States. These extremists may seek to exploit the emergence of COVID-19 variants by viewing the potential re-establishment of public health restrictions across the United States as a rationale to conduct attacks.  Pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increased societal strains and tensions, driving several plots by domestic violent extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year.
  • Additionally, leading up to the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula recently released its first English-language copy of Inspire magazine in over four years, which demonstrates that foreign terrorist organizations continue efforts to inspire U.S.-based individuals susceptible to violent extremist influences.
  • Historically, mass-casualty domestic violent extremist attacks linked to RMVEs have targeted houses of worship and crowded commercial facilities or gatherings. Some RMVEs advocate via online platforms for a race war and have stated that civil disorder provides opportunities to engage in violence in furtherance of ideological objectives. The reopening of institutions, including schools, as well as several dates of religious significance over the next few months, could also provide increased targets of opportunity for violence though there are currently no credible or imminent threats identified to these locations.
  • Foreign and domestic threat actors, to include foreign intelligence services, international terrorist groups and domestic violent extremists, continue to introduce, amplify, and disseminate narratives online that promote violence, and have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcement, religious communities or commercial facilities, and perceived ideologically-opposed individuals. There are also continued, non-specific calls for violence on multiple online platforms associated with DVE ideologies or conspiracy theories on perceived election fraud and alleged reinstatement, and responses to anticipated restrictions relating to the increasing COVID cases.
  • Ideologically motivated violent extremists fueled by personal grievances and extremist ideological beliefs continue to derive inspiration and obtain operational guidance through the consumption of information shared in certain online communities. This includes information regarding the use of improvised explosive devices and small arms.
  • Violent extremists may use particular messaging platforms or techniques to obscure operational indicators that provide specific warning of a pending act of violence.
  • Law enforcement have expressed concerns that the broader sharing of false narratives and conspiracy theories will gain traction in mainstream environments, resulting in individuals or small groups embracing violent tactics to achieve their desired objectives. With a diverse array of threats, DHS is concerned that increased outbreaks of violence in some locations, as well as targeted attacks against law enforcement, may strain local resources.
  • Nation-state adversaries have increased efforts to sow discord. For example, Russian, Chinese and Iranian government-linked media outlets have repeatedly amplified conspiracy theories concerning the origins of COVID-19 and effectiveness of vaccines; in some cases, amplifying calls for violence targeting persons of Asian descent.

How We Are Responding

  • DHS will continue to identify and evaluate calls for violence, including online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors and provide updated information, as necessary.
  • DHS continues to encourage the public to maintain awareness of the evolving threat environment and report suspicious activity.
  • DHS is coordinating with state and local law enforcement and public safety partners to maintain situational awareness of potential violence in their jurisdictions and maintain open lines of communication with federal partners.
  • DHS is also advancing authoritative sources of information to debunk and, when possible, preempt false narratives and intentional disinformation, and providing educational materials to promote resilience to the risks associated with interacting with and spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories and false narratives.
  • More broadly, DHS remains committed to identifying and preventing terrorism and targeted violence while protecting the privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties of all persons.

How You Can Help

Be Prepared and Stay Informed

  • Be prepared for emergency situations and remain aware of circumstances that may place you at risk.
  • Maintain digital media literacy to recognize and build resilience to false and harmful narratives.
  • Make note of your surroundings and the nearest security personnel.
  • Government agencies will provide details about emerging threats as information is identified. The public is encouraged to listen to local authorities and public safety officials.

If You See Something, Say Something®. Report suspicious activity to local law enforcement or call 911.

The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem – More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel ( Must Video ) – best news here

Source: The 1500 Mile Tunnel From the Vatican to Jerusalem – More Gold Than You Can Imagine Found in the Tunnel ( Must Video ) – best news here


There was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel under the Vatican City.

Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem.

The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 kms).

The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water.

You may ask… but how do they build them… and how long do they take?

More gold than you can imagine!

Starting from the Vatican City, for the first 150 miles, (241 kms) there was found a huge amount of gold stacked 13 levels high. I’m not sure what ’13 levels high’ actually means, but whatever, it was a lot.

Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. It has been said that these ancient books were stolen out of the Bible!

Do I believe that? Well, I’m not going there as it would be conjecture at best. I’m just reporting what was relayed to Charlie Ward as to the findings under the Vatican.

Covid-19 used as a smokescreen
You may remember that when the ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ first hit, one of the worst places was in Italy. Remember all the headlines:

COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy
Italy scrambles to contain second wave as daily COVID-19…
Italy’s daily COVID-19 cases hit new high and on, and on, and on! This was when the Alliance and Military were taking down the 13 bloodline families, and the Vatican. During this period they found the underground tunnels, the gold and the scrolls/books etc.

It was completely necessary that they kept the world’s attention on the ‘virus’ which allowed them to clean out the tunnel and other necessary work that needed to be done. The Spirit of God says:

“There is a dig, an archeological find that is coming in an underground vault, which will be so cataclysmic that it will ROCK the Christian world. The answer lies between Jerusalem and Vatican city.”

Mark Taylor – Prophetic Word 1-25-2018 (FYI: Read the whole 1 page prophecy)

650 Plane Loads
650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem.

Please note that when they went to Buckingham Palace, they found similar… huge amounts of gold etc., stored up for the wealthy, having been robbed from the poor.

It was all taken to Fort Knox for safe keeping.

There is more than enough gold in the world to back all the world’s currencies on a one to one basis, and sufficient to take care of all needs worldwide.

We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way.

It raises so many questions doesn’t it?

“The love of money is the root of all evil” the Bible quotes in 1 Timothy 6:10. Please notice it’s the ‘love of money’… not the money itself, that is the root of all evil. Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others.

Does this give a full picture of what the New World Order have been working at over a very long time?

So there was more gold than you can imagine found in the tunnel that connected the Vatican with Jerusalem. How did it get there? Who put it there? Over how many thousands of years has it continued to be stock-piled? Will we ever know? Who knows!





Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? – best news here

Source: Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? – best news here

Some people may be confused by the obvious lockstep that most nations are moving in as far as covid mandates and restrictions are concerned. How is it possible that almost all the governments on the planet are in agreement on medical totalitarianism?

The “Great Reset” is a long-term ideological usurpation of what’s left of individual freedom and free-market economies, and its goal is the imposition of a global socialist/communist dictatorship.

In any case, the pandemic itself has been a boon for the globalists. We have not seen a far-reaching government power and corporate power grab since the rise of the National Socialists in Europe and the spread of communism in Russia and China almost a century ago.

While the Biden Administration and the CDC claims an overall vaccination rate of 67%, numerous other stats including the Mayo Clinics state map numbers indicate that only four states in the US actually have a vaccination rate over 65% (for one dose or more), and the majority of states have rates around 50% or less. Even large population blue states like California and New York are not above the 65% mark, and frankly, those numbers are going nowhere as vaccinations are dropping off a cliff.

Do the vaccines ensure better odds? Well, according to recent statistics from Massachusetts, not necessarily, as they report over 5100 infections and 80 deaths of fully vaccinated patients.

As numerous virology and vaccine experts have warned over the past year, there is a great risk of harmful health side effects when it comes to experimental mRNA technology.

The infertility question in particular is drawing the most fire from the establishment, and I would point out a particularly insidious narrative being implanted in the media. Whenever people question the chance of sterility caused by the vaccines, bureaucrats, and media talking heads go on the attack, and then say “There’s no evidence that the vaccines cause infertility, but Covid-19 might cause it…”

The stage is being set, in my view, for a mass infertility event, and covid will be blamed in place of the experimental vaccines. This is why the establishment needs a 100% vaccination rate; unvaccinated people would stand as evidence of their crime. Let me explain…

My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?

What if, as many experts have suggested, the vaccine side effects create this condition of a diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population. The average timeline for actually diagnosing an autoimmune disorder is 4.5 years. Infertility can take six months to a year to diagnose.

If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment. If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison.

They have to force us to be vaccinated as well – ALL of us so that there is no control group and thus no proof of what they have done. They could simply blame mass health disorders on covid itself, or some other false culprit.

If the vaccines are a Trojan horse that causes widespread illness or infertility, and the globalists get caught because a control group exists, then it will mean outright rebellion along with ropes and lampposts for them. Their “Great Reset” will fall apart.

The globalists have set in motion an end game – It could be an end game for us, but it also could be an end game for them. They are on a strict timeline. They must get near 100% vaccination rates in the next couple of years or sooner. They must get their vaccine passports in place in the next couple of years or sooner. And, they must instill permanent lockdown conditions in the near term to stifle growing dissent. We are now in a kind of race in which the globalists must implement their agenda as fast as possible while we must hold out and hold them back until the truth becomes obvious to the masses; the truth that the lockdowns, mandates, and vaccines were never about safety and were always about control – from social control to population control.


Pelosi Stepping Down! Cuomo Down! Biden Ship Sinking! Missing Election Data! The Storm Is Here!

Source: Pelosi Stepping Down! Cuomo Down! Biden Ship Sinking! Missing Election Data! The Storm Is Here!

(Natural News) Democrats have solidified their effort to act as an Orwellian Ministry of Truth with the passage of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s H.R. 1085 in the House of Representatives. This bill rewrites the historical facts from Jan. 6 under the guise of “honoring” the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) who bravely protect Congress.

(Article by Louie Gohmert republished from

Pelosi’s goal, of course, isn’t to show respect and admiration to the Capitol Police—which would be particularly ironic coming from the “defund the police” party—but to perpetuate a false narrative that 74-plus million Americans are dangerous racists and insurrectionists who have no part in civilized society.

H.R. 1085 states its purpose as “to award three congressional gold medals to the United States Capitol Police and those who protected the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.”

That certainly sounds innocent enough. However, the language in the bill editorializes in its “findings” Pelosi’s deliberately politicized view of what happened that day, instead of doing what a bill put before members of Congress for a vote to recognize the USCP presumably would do, which is to recount the many meritorious acts of our brave and devoted officers.


Dr. Zelenko tells us all about Covid and the relentless vaccine. Hang on, it’s hard !!

Source: Dr. Zelenko tells us all about Covid and the relentless vaccine. Hang on, it’s hard !!

Rumble — Extract from a video conference between Dr. Zelenko and a Beth Din (Rabbinical court) 龍 Estimated date: July 2021

For the first time in original version + subtitling in ?? French by / for

( Dr. Zelenko (, known to have treated thousands of patients with a protocol similar to that of Pr. Raoult. Just as Raoult was able to treat the “French gratin”, Dr. Zelenko had the opportunity to deal with, among others: Rudy Giuliani, Rabbi Haim Kanievsky, Rabbi Litzman (former Minister of Health of Israel) and Bolsonaro (President of Brazil). He is also known to be behind Trump’s executive order on Hydroxychloroquine.

⁇ ATTENTION: what you are about to see, read and hear is beyond comprehension, the worst scenarios are mentioned there, what some would call “conspiracy theories” become the norm here… Tie yourself to your chair and enter the matrix !


Situation Update, August 10th, 2021 – IT’S HERE: Covid internment camps announced in America

Source: Brighteon

The vast majority of (oblivious) Americans have dismissed all this as a “conspiracy theory,” and now they’re shocked and frightened by the realization that covid internment camps are being actively deployed across America.

0:00 Intro
4:08 COVID-19 Hoax
13:13 Collapse
19:47 Vaccines
29:30 Internment Camps




RUMBLE LINK For those unable to view this video on BitChute:
Over 500,000 Americans have so far been murdered by these so called vaccines
The PCR test is an outrageous Fraud that was never meant to detect a virus.
The main goal of this Pandemic Fraud was to Vaccinate the entire world and that seems to be working out quite well for these evil globalist criminals.
Psychological operations have been ongoing via the News Media.
These vaccinations are in reality, experimental Gene Therapies without undergoing any scientific study.




SOURCE: Pastor Greg Locke preaches NON Compliance
RUMBLE LINK for those unable to view this video on BitChute:
….. If this is TRUE, it’s time to bring out the artillery or go deep underground to a safe haven if there is such a thing anymore.
This is getting a little serious right about now as the FAKE BIDEN is proposing to announce new LOCKDOWN measures as early as August 11, 2021.
Those not believing this may have a point.
Many believed Trump would be sworn in on January 20 …..many believed Trump would be sworn in on March 4 in Washington as the Hotels were booked solid for that occasion …. which never happened.
Many believed the Fake Alien Invasion would take place in late July ……which never happened.
August 20, 2021 is another date where many are saying TRUMP will return …..Not holding my breath.
So this August 11 is another date that everyone is looking at to see if the 78 year old Fake Biden will finally take off his mask to reveal his True Identity and inflict the ultimate PAIN to AMERICA ……PERMANENT COMMUNISM.
This aging, stumbling and bumbling American President seems to be getting younger looking by the day as the aging lines and wrinkles are slowly disappearing.

The USA Depopulation Schedule For 2025 Completion.

327 million people reduced down to 100 million people by 2025