Category Archives: Deep State

NY Senate just passed a concentration camp bill to forcibly throw people in camps, just like the Nazis did in World War II

BY ETHANH // 2021-04-05

The Democrat-dominated New York state Senate has passed a bill “allowing” government officials to throw people in concentration camps indefinitely if they are deemed to be a public health threat. The next phase of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, the legislation reflects what the Nazis did in World War II when they decided that human rights no longer apply during a “crisis.” Should the bill get signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, even healthy people who are deemed to be “contagious” could be scooped up and thrown in prison camps for the “safety” of the general public. Assembly Bill A416 “relates to the removal of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health,” the bill reads. Anyone deemed a “case” or even just a contact of “case” who might be “infected” or possibly a “carrier” of any illness, not just the Chinese virus, would become a target of government officials in New York who would have leeway and discretion to respond as they see fit. The legislation specifically states that as long as the “opinion of the governor” dictates that a person is a threat, he or she could be removed from the home and placed in government “care” for as long as the governor sees fit. “Such person or group of persons shall be detained in a medical facility or other appropriate facility or premises designated by the governor or his or her delegee and complying with subdivision five of this section,” the bill further reads.

Welcome to the New World Order, brought to you by the Chinese virus

In essence, AB A416 overrides the Constitution and replaces it with a new system of authoritarianism whereby the government, at least in New York, will now have unlimited power to take people from their homes and deprive them of life and liberty on a whim. All the government would have to do is accuse a person of possibly being infected with a “virus” and that would justify that person’s removal from society. Just think of how many political dissidents might be swept up in this scheme and eliminated under the guise of public health. Perhaps the worst part about the bill is the fact that entire groups of people would be targets merely for being around a person who is accused of being an infection “carrier.” “This bill isn’t specifically for those who are known to be infected,” explains the NoQreport. “It can also apply to groups who are designated as potentially infected.” “This bill grants the power to the Governor and his czars to declare a wide variety of circumstances to be worthy of indefinite detention, aka quarantine.” Say a person is accused of carrying an infection and that person had previously spent time at a local bar or pool hall. Under this new bill, everyone who was inside the bar or pool hall could be picked up and thrown in a concentration camp“This opens the door to indefinite detention, particularly for diseases that remain in one’s system for extended periods of time,” the NoQreport adds. “Covid-19, for example, has been shown to allow infections to persist for over a month after a person is first exposed. Mutated variants of the disease could hypothetically extend their contagious period for much longer.” If New Yorkers sit idly by and allow this bill to become “law,” it will eventually spread to all other states. Be warned, America: The New World Order is here and it is coming for you. More related news about how scary “viruses” and other “threats” to public health are now being used to imprison and enslave people can be found at

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They Hate Trump Even Now. They Hate Us Too. #SatanicPlan, Mark Of The Beast, Vaccine Jab Equals Your Freedoms

Source: MUST WATCH: They Hate Him Even Now. They Hate Us Too. #SatanicPlan

SGT Report

Full video of Russian hacker below;

MarkOfTheBeast is here! Leaked database of Vaccinated tracked RealTime ● 30 May, 2021

Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses (going against WHO’s criminal orders of no autopsy’s allowed for covid deaths), and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS | It is a GLOBAL

Source: Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses (going against WHO’s criminal orders of no autopsy’s allowed for covid deaths), and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS | It is a GLOBAL

Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses (going against WHO’s criminal orders of no autopsy’s allowed for covid deaths), and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS | It is a GLOBAL scam.

People die of ” extended electromagnetic radiation (poison) that causes bacteria to form blood clots and treatment is simple; Antibiotic tablets, Anti-inflammatory and taking anticoagulants (aspirin).

March 31 2021

Ministry of Health of Russia

Russia has postmortem dissected Covid-19 patient, great discovery has been made.

Russia is the first country in the world to dissect Covid-19 corpses, and after a thorough investigation, it was determined that Covid-does NOT exist AS A VIRUS.

It is a GLOBAL scam. People die of ” extended electromagnetic radiation (poison) “.

Doctors in Russia are violating the World Health Organization (WHO) law that does not allow autopsies of people with Covid-19. died.

After a period of scientific discovery, it cannot be assumed that it is a virus, but rather bacteria that cause death and lead to the formation of blood clots in the veins and nerves, from which the patient dies because of these bacteria.

Russia defeated the virus and said ” there is nothing else but a coagulation of the blood vessels (thrombosis) and the treatment method is intact “.

Antibiotic tablets

Anti-inflammatory and taking anticoagulants (aspirin).

It means that the disease can be cured, this sensational message for the world was prepared by Russian doctors through the autopsy (carcass) of the Covid-19 virus. According to other Russian scientists, ventilators and intensive care units (UCI) were never used. Protocols for this have already been published in Russia.

CHINA already knew this but never published its report.

Share this information with your family, neighbors, friends, friends, co-workers so that they can get out of the fear of Covid-19 and understand that it is not a virus but simply bacteria exposed to 5 G rays are.

The cause is to hurt people with very low immunity. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Those who are victims should take Aspirin-100 mg and Apronicot or Paracetamol 650 mg.

Because Covid-19 has been shown to cause blood clotting, lead to thrombosis in people and why blood clots in the veins and therefore the brain, heart and lungs cannot oxygenate, which makes it difficult for people to breathe and people die quickly with lack of breathing energy.

Doctors in Russia did not listen to the WHO protocol and dissected the corpses on Covid-19 corpses.

Doctors opened arms, legs, and other parts of the body, and after being properly tested, noticed that blood vessels and veins filled with clots that normally prevented blood flow, as well as reducing the flow of oxygen in the body, causing the patient to die

After the news of this study, the Ministry of Health of Russia changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin-100 mg to its positive patients and started giving the Empromak.

As a result, the patients began to recover and their health began to improve.

Russia’s Ministry of Health discharged and sent home more than 14,000 patients in one day.

11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021 | The Heritage Foundation and Franklin Graham Do Not Surrender, and Do Not Pivot!

Franklin Graham in front of U.S. Capitol

Franklin Graham: Do Not Surrender, and Do Not Pivot!

Under its broad reach, the Equality Act will:

  • Force schools, churches, and hospitals to accept the government’s beliefs and mandates about sexual orientation and gender identity. It could threaten everyday speech, and people can be fined or lose their jobs for using the wrong name or pronouns.
  • Allow boys in girls’ sports, boys in girls’ locker rooms, men in women’s shelters, and men in women’s prisons. It will force teachers and students to publicly pretend that a biological male is a female, making biological sex (and science) a relic of the past.
  • Strip Christian and other religious ministries of their right to hire people of shared faith to pursue a shared mission. Can you imagine a Christian organization being forced to hire people hostile to its deeply held beliefs?
  • Force many doctors and medical professionals to violate their conscience and engage in gender transition treatments such as hormone blocking.
  • Threaten accreditation to religious colleges and universities if they do not apply sexual orientation and gender identity to dorms, sports, places of privacy, and even teachings.

This legislation would massively change our moral landscape and silence people of faith who do not agree with the secular values of the Left. But more than muzzling us, they want to force us to pivot—to change direction—instead of trusting God and standing on His Word. If we begin compromising on basic Biblical truths, it will lead to the end of Christianity in this country. We cannot surrender on our watch. We must not remain silent.

11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021

Source: 11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021 | The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation


The proposed Equality Act of 2021 (H.R. 5) would make mainstream beliefs about marriage, biological facts about sex differences, and many sincerely held beliefs punishable under the law. The Equality Act makes discrimination the law of the land by forcing Americans to conform to government-mandated beliefs under the threat of life-ruining financial and criminal penalties. Presented as a bill with commonsense and decent protections against discrimination, H.R. 5 is anything but. The Equality Act politicizes medicine and education and demolishes existing civil rights and constitutional freedoms.


Every person should be treated with dignity, and no one should face discrimination. But the Equality Act makes discrimination the law of the land.

The so-called Equality Act is anything but. It would give government the power to dictate how Americans think and act regarding gender and sex.

This bill violates Americans’ constitutional freedoms and weaponizes civil rights law to punish those who do not hold the “correct” beliefs.


Myth 1: The Equality Act Simply Punishes Discrimination Against People Who Identify as Gay or Transgender

Fact: The Equality Act—introduced as H.R. 5 in the House of Representatives on February 18, 2021—makes mainstream beliefs about marriage, as well as basic biological facts about sex differences, punishable under the law. Every person should be treated with dignity and respect and no one should face discrimination. But the Equality Act makes discrimination the law of the land by forcing Americans to conform to government-mandated beliefs under the threat of life-ruining financial and criminal penalties. The 1964 Civil Rights Act outlawed state-sanctioned discrimination that caused systematic economic and material harm to black Americans. The Equality Act is different: It forces every American to agree with controversial government-imposed ideology on sexuality or be treated as an outlaw. The Equality Act demolishes existing civil rights and constitutional freedoms.

Myth 2: The Equality Act Preserves Religious Freedom

Fact: The Equality Act guts the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and threatens constitutional freedoms by eliminating conscience protections from the Civil Rights Act. If enacted, H.R. 5 would force employers, medical professionals, educators, and religious organizations to allow men into women’s shelters, pay for or perform sex-change operations, and engage in speech that violates their consciences. Faith-based adoption and foster care agencies would be forced to violate their belief that every child deserves a mother and a father. Section 2(a)(2) of the bill refers to the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman as a “sex stereotype.” This stigmatizes the beliefs of hundreds of millions of Americans, including Catholics, Evangelicals, Jews, Mormons, and Muslims.

Myth 3: The Equality Act Does Not Expand the Scope of Federal Civil Rights Law

Fact: By expanding the definition of “public accommodations” under Title II of the Civil Rights Act to include “any establishment that provides a good, service, or program, including a store, shopping center, online retailer or service provider, salon, bank, gas station, food bank, service or care center, shelter, travel agency, or funeral parlor, or establishment that provides health care, accounting, or legal services,” many more individuals and establishments would, in fact, become liable to discrimination claims, including doctors who do not want to perform abortions.

Myth 4: The Equality Act Is Irrelevant to Abortion

Fact: H.R. 5 endangers unborn children. The Equality Act opens the door to taxpayer funding for elective abortions, which the vast majority of Americans oppose, regardless of political affiliation. The bill does not contain any conscience protections for those with moral or religious objections to paying for or performing abortions. It also takes away judicial relief by blocking claims based on the RFRA. The Equality Act expands the term “sex” to go far beyond the state of being male or female, and includes “pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition.” Both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the 3rd Circuit Court have interpreted “related medical condition” to include abortion. This expanded definition of sex applies to public accommodations, which—under the Equality Act—includes providers of “health care.” This definition also applies to section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is the act’s nondiscrimination provision guaranteeing that people will not be denied benefits in a federally run or federally funded health program. Section 1557 of the ACA looks to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which addresses nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, to interpret what constitutes discrimination. If the Equality Act were to pass, section 1557 nondiscrimination regulations could be used against providers who refuse to perform abortions, or against hospitals that receive federal funding and do not provide abortions. The Reproductive Blueprint promoted by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and other abortion industry actors specifically calls on the Biden Administration to interpret section 1557 in this manner.

Myth 5: The Equality Act Is Good for Women and Upholds Title IX of the Education Amendments Act, Which Prohibits Sex Discrimination Against Girls and Women

Fact: The Equality Act’s changes to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act do not uphold Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act. Gender-identity policies will require biological males to be permitted to participate in female-only activities. In sports, the physical bodies of biological males (even after two years on estrogen) put them at an obvious unfair advantage over female athletes, who are losing out on opportunities and scholarships designed for girls and women. Three brave female high school athletes in Connecticut are suing the state because two boys who identify as girls defeated them in track and field and demolished the state records held by 15 other girls.

Myth 6: Safety and Privacy in Sex-Specific Spaces Will Not Be Diminished

Fact: All single-sex spaces will be open to both sexes under the Equality Act. The Equality Act adds sexual orientation and gender identity rules to Title III of the Civil Rights Act on “public facilities” as well as to public accommodations (Title II) and federal funding (Title VI). This would create a nationwide transgender policy in single-sex facilities. It would affect everything from girls’ and women’s showers and locker rooms to women’s shelters and women’s prisons, endangering safety and diminishing privacy. Giving people blanket permission to enter private spaces for the opposite sex enables sexual predators to exploit the rule and gain easy access to victims.

Myth 7: The Equality Act Treats All Students Fairly, Promotes Inclusion, and Cannot Affect School Curricula

Fact: By adding sexual orientation and gender-identity rules to the Civil Rights Act’s Title IV on “desegregation of public education,” the Equality Act could pave the way for K–12 federal courts to require sexual orientation and gender-identity curricula the same way they required black history curricula. All children deserve to learn in an environment where they and their views are treated with respect. Imposing one political viewpoint on students about questions of gender and sexual orientation stigmatizes and excludes those who hold disfavored (read: mainstream) views. Denying a child the right to a supportive educational environment effectively denies that child meaningful access to the right to an education. Additionally, changing Title VI to include sexual orientation and gender identity means that any school, even private and parochial schools that receive federal assistance, would have to adopt transgender policies in sports and private facilities.

Myth 8: Doctors Will Not Be Forced to Perform Sex-Change Operations or Prescribe Hormones for “Gender Affirmation”

Fact: As a result of the expanding definition of public accommodations, as well as changing federal funding requirements, doctors (and counselors) could be punished for treating gender dysphoria according to their own best medical judgment. Even a referral to another doctor could be a violation of the Civil Rights Act. If a doctor performs a double mastectomy to treat cancer, she must also do so for a woman who identifies as a man. Transgender individuals have already sued hospitals for discrimination in New Jersey and California because the hospitals refused to perform surgeries, including mastectomies, for “gender affirmation.” This, despite the fact that evidence has shown that “transitioning” does not provide any lasting mental health benefits. In fact, many patients who undergo a sex change end up with damage to their physical health, such as heart problems and decreased bone density, as well as loss of fertility.

Myth 9: Parental Rights Will Remain Unchanged

Fact: The Equality Act’s politicization of medicine and education through gender ideology will undermine parental rights. Since most schools will be pressured to comply with sexual-orientation and gender-identity policies, parents will have limited educational choices for their children. Those who do not believe that their daughters should have to compete against biological males in sports, or who do not believe their daughters and sons should have to share bathrooms with members of the opposite sex, will be hard pressed to find schools where this is not happening. Parents should not have to sacrifice their children’s safety in order to attend school. Counseling that has proven to help children suffering from gender dysphoria reconcile with their bodies will no longer be considered an acceptable approach. This means that parents will be left without therapeutic alternatives that do not cause irreversible harm to their children’s bodies. A judge in Ohio terminated the rights of parents who opposed administering testosterone to their underage daughter and wanted her to go to counseling for gender dysphoria instead.

Myth 10: The Equality Act Helps Children in Need of Foster Homes and Adoption

Fact: The Equality Act hurts vulnerable children by punishing faith-based adoption and foster-care agencies that believe that every child deserves both a mother and a father and that children’s bodies should not be irreversibly harmed by hormonal or surgical interventions due to gender dysphoria. Imposing this radical ideology on child-welfare providers will reduce the number of “forever families” for the more than 424,000 foster children in need of them. Adding sexual-orientation and gender-identity requirements to laws in Massachusetts and Illinois diminished the supply of foster families at the same time that more children needed them due to the opioid crisis.

Myth 11: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, Requires the Equality Act’s Changes to Civil Rights Law

Fact: The Equality Act goes far beyond the Supreme Court’s 2020 Bostock ruling. While Bostock invented a misguided theory of sex discrimination in employment law, it did not redefine “sex” to include sexual orientation and gender identity. But the Equality Act does. Bostock was limited to employment law; the Equality Act adds “sexual orientation and gender identity” to all of the nation’s civil rights laws. Because Bostock was limited to employment, it said nothing about schools, sports, or medicine. The Equality Act adds sexual orientation and gender identity to all of them.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded ‘DNA Mining’ using COVID-19 tests

Source: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded ‘DNA Mining’ using COVID-19 tests

The US Government funds Gain of Function research to create a Beta Coronavirus that can kill humans. Big Pharma funds and runs the CDC and the FDA. The Main Stream Media receives more funds from Big Pharma than any other source. The Main Stream Media has been under the US Intelligence control since 1951 and Operation Mockingbird. Mussolini’s definition of Fascism is when the State is the Corporation and the Corporation is the State. We live in a Fascist country. The government Corporatocracy does not care or fear the public. The Corporatocracy views the public as an annuity using Fear as their whip. The Sheeple will not respond. They will gladly and patriotically take the “Vaccine.” They will be devoured by the wolves they believe in.



Blast from the Past: Trump Banned Critical Race Theory (Cultural Marxism) from Federal Agencies!

Source: Blast from the Past: Trump Banned Critical Race Theory (Cultural Marxism) from Federal Agencies!

President Trump Banned Critical Race Theory (Cultural Marxism) from Federal Agencies! For that alone may God Bless President Trump and His Family Forever and Ever?