Category Archives: Health News

UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave – best news here

Source: UK hospital data shocks the world: 80% of COVID deaths are among the vaccinated… COVID deaths up 3,000% after vaccine wave – best news here

A deadly combination of science fraud, institutional coercion, bribery, Big Tech censorship, government force and media propaganda are bringing the world to its knees. There is NO real-world data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Right now, hospital data from the United Kingdom is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced death. In the UK, up to 80 percent of COVID deaths are currently coming from vaccinated people. COVID deaths across the UK are now 3,000 percent more frequent than they were at the same time a year ago, when the population was “unvaccinated.”

For over a year, vaccine efficacy was tirelessly promoted, even though absolute risk reduction for all the COVID vaccines on the market was less than two percent, a meaningless number. To make matters worse, the vaccines are increasing the rate of iatrogenic death and making more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, priming human cells for antibody dependent enhancement.


The UK’s Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure. COVID vaccines are increasing hospitalization and death for people who could have easily gone on with their lives, healthy and VAX-free. Instead of being coerced into risky, compounding vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced a potential infection and recovered with durable, natural immunity.

UK hospital data shows that covid-19 deaths are 3,000 percent higher now compared to this time last year, and it’s not the “unvaccinated” who are dying in greater numbers. The latest data from Public Health England shows just how dangerous vaccine worship and coercion is. From February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated represented just 28 percent of the covid fatalities while the vaccinated represented 72 percent of the deaths!

Public Health Scotland confirms the same pattern of vaccine failure. From August 14, 2020 to September 12, 2020, Scotland recorded just seven covid-19 fatalities. After coercing a large portion of the population to take the covid vaccines, Scotland recorded 222 covid-19 deaths just a year later, during that same period of time. This covid-19 death spike is 3,071.4% higher after a mass vaccination campaign. Most shocking of all: 80 percent of these deaths are occurring in the vaccinated. (Related: The “fully vaccinated” will experience enhanced disease when re-exposed to new coronavirus variants.)


Even though the unvaccinated are coerced to test more frequently for travel, education and work, their numbers are still similar to the “fully vaccinated.” The data shows that COVID cases are relatively equal among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. From August 21, to September 17, 2021, there were 69,639 positive cases recorded among the unvaccinated population, and 79,613 cases among the vaccinated population, with 60,923 of these cases deriving from the “fully vaccinated.” Clearly, the vaccine doesn’t prevent COVID, and may even be a driving force for new infections in the unvaccinated.

Most shocking, the rate of death is not 95 percent lower in the vaccinated group. From August 14 to September 10, 2021, Scotland registered 208 covid-19 deaths. There were 41 deaths in the unvaccinated, 9 deaths in the partially vaccinated, and a shocking 158 deaths in the fully vaccinated. If the 95 percent efficacy of the vaccine was real, then 95 percent of the deaths would occur in the unvaccinated and only 5 percent would be in the vaccinated. However, up to 80 percent of the deaths are in the vaccinated and only 20 percent of the deaths are in the unvaccinated. The vaccines are currently INCREASING the risk of death in the UK by 400%!


Vaccinated people glow under black light!

Source: Vaccinated people glow under black light!

Vaccinated People GLOW Under Black Light! | MARK STEELE CHANNEL, [28.09.21 09:34] Vaccinated people glow under black light! Nothing to see here….move along…

Quote: “(None)”

Newsbreak 133 | Breaking: Dr. Young reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP capsids, parasite in 4 vaccines

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Let justice be done though the heavens fall – Support the resistance:

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Brighteon { covid-19 foreign-military-operation } ~ Source: WORM

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VAERS Covid Vax Records

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NHS hiring actors to play Covid-19 hospital patients 24th Sept [Crisis Actors?]

The NHS is currently in the process of shooting various TV adverts as well as hiring actors to play Covid-19 patients and care home residents, meaning they are spending millions of pounds of tax-payers money on propaganda rather than care, despite a backlog of patients feared to be as high as twelve million people.

Adverts posted to the ‘Talent Talks’ site, which is a casting agency for various tv programmes and adverts, show that the NHS has been looking for a variety of actors to play several different roles including hospital patients, and care home residents, as well as to play out scenes which include bus journeys and partying in night clubs.

Each actor is to be paid around £120 per day and will be Covid tested upon arrival, according to the ads. Some of the scenes have already been shot, whilst others are taking place on September 24th.

🔔🔔🔔 INVITE$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0 🔔🔔🔔

📣NEW!! – Frontline Workers Testimonials & VAERS Reports – UPDATED 11th AUGUST 2021 – [PDF DOC] PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE!!! 📣


📣NEW!! – Covid “Vaccine” Casualties July 2021 – A4 DOUBLE LEAFLET FOR SHARING!📣–jully-2021:e

📣NEW!! – There is no variant… not novel… no pandemic. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 📣
Flyers in PDF format, links to the source video:

Polyethylene glycol as a cause of anaphylaxis [ingredient in COVID injections!] – PDF DOC

Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications [PDF DOC]

COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease – PDF DOC


Source: NHS hiring actors to play Covid-19 hospital patients 24th Sept [Crisis Actors?]