Category Archives: Health News

170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water. Trump Nominee Faked Data to Hide Cancer Risk. | EWG

To see radium and other contaminants in your water system

Search EWG’s National Drinking Water Database using your zipcode:

Source: 170 Million in U.S. Drink Radioactive Tap Water. Trump Nominee Faked Data to Hide Cancer Risk. | EWG

EWG Tips: Protecting Your Water from Radioactivity

  1. EWG’s Tap Water Database displays the results of utility tests for radioactivity between 2010 and 2015. Small water systems aren’t required to test for radioactivity as frequently. If your water provider is not listed, contact the utility for records of recent testing. If you drink well water, your county health department should be able to inform you if they detect radioactive elements in any wells in your area. Get your well water tested if there is any indication of radioactivity in your region.
  2. If radiation is detected in your water, consider buying a water filter. Radiation can be difficult to remove, and the type of filter you need will depend on the form of radioactivity detected. Radon and tritium volatilize from hot water, making bathing a greater source of exposure than drinking water.EWG’s water filter guide includes filters certified to remove radium. Activated carbon technology works best to reduce radon and strontium, and reverse osmosis may be the most effective technology for uranium.
  3. Check on radon. If you live in a region with radon in soil or rock, you likely have greater exposure to radon from indoor air than drinking water. A simple multiple-day air sampler kit can help you identify whether or not you have elevated levels of radon in your house. If so, consider installing a mitigation system in your basement or crawl space. The EPA’s radon program offers advice about regions of the country with elevated radon levels, and mitigation strategies.


Published on Jan 23, 2018

TRUMP CREATES OFFICE TO PROTECT PRO VACCINE CHOICE “The Trump administration announced on Thursday a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services devoted to “conscience and religious freedom.” “Social conservatives and religious liberty leaders have anticipated conscience and religious freedom protections to come out of HHS, and the work of the new division, which will fall under the purview of the Office of Civil Rights, will likely pave the way for health care workers to refuse specific types of care, like birth control or abortion, based on their religious or conscience objections.” …


From ABC

“The Trump administration announced on Thursday a new division within the Department of Health and Human Services devoted to “conscience and religious freedom.”

“Social conservatives and religious liberty leaders have anticipated conscience and religious freedom protections to come out of HHS, and the work of the new division, which will fall under the purview of the Office of Civil Rights, will likely pave the way for health care workers to refuse specific types of care, like birth control or abortion, based on their religious or conscience objections.”

From the Washington Post

“According to HHS, people can file complaints if ‘objected to, participated in, or refused to participate in specific medical procedures, including abortion and sterilization, and related training and research activities.’ It also covers assisted suicide.”

“The HHS Office for Civil Rights’s director, Roger Severino, told the Washington Post the division would investigate new and existing moral objection claims, and potentially engage in public education and policy making — though he didn’t include specifics.”


Are You Awake? This is Your Last Chance! – YouTube

Published on Jan 16, 2018

Hypnotist Reveals Secrets Of Mind Control While On The Streets Of Austin, TX. In this ‘Matrix’ themed video, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver interviews Elizabeth Everett about neurolinguistics and hypnotic techniques used by mainstream media to condition the public for ideological submission. Playing the role as the ‘Lady in Red’, Millie’s body is digitally enhanced morphing her into the societal idea of perfection demonstrating a secret editing method used by Hollywood in movies and music videos. This technology creates the illusion that celebrities uniquely have an unobtainable appearance of perfection, worthy of only the stars, while placing the viewer in a self-conscious mental state. Then Millie and Elizabeth engage man-on-the-street conversations demonstrating, case in point, that the general public will fight to protect the very system that enslaves them.

Pennsylvania and Hawaii Begin Gun Confiscation of Medical Marijuana Users – YouTube

Published on Jan 4, 2018

Pennsylvania and Hawaii are making moves to confiscate the guns of medical marijuana users. A Pennsylvania State Police statement on their website, citing federal law, tells medical marijuana cardholders, “It is unlawful for you to keep possession of any firearms which you owned or had in your possession prior to obtaining a medical marijuana card, and you should consult an attorney about the best way to dispose of your firearms.”

Jeff Sessions just re-criminalized all CANNABIS nationwide! – YouTube

Published on Jan 5, 2018

Jeff Sessions needs to go. Functioning as little more than a throwback to the days of “Reefer Madness” and hyper-paranoia against cannabis, Sessions has also proven himself to be utterly and completely useless at draining the swamp. Beyond a mere disappointment, Jeff Sessions now demonstrates that he is a cowardly menace to the liberties and freedoms of all Americans.

10 False Vaccine Safety Claims Exposed – YouTube

Published on Dec 28, 2017

The Event Is Coming Soon – 10 False Vaccine Safety Claims Exposed Vaccines can and do cause injuries, including autism We’re living in an age where parents increasingly report that their typically developing children declined cognitively and physically after receiving vaccines. Despite the sound science supporting these parent claims, government agencies and mainstream media continue issuing the now shopworn mantra that vaccines are “safe and effective” ignoring published research and even common sense that indicate otherwise. World Mercury Project has put together a list of the most common misrepresentations in the vaccine safety debate and provided the facts and references that support the reality that vaccines can and do cause injuries including autism and many other adverse health outcomes. Claim 1. Vaccines save lives. This statement is debatable. There is a growing body of research that suggests vaccines may cause more injury and death than the diseases they were meant to protect us from. Vaccines can also cause permanent disability and death in individuals who are more susceptible to injury from vaccines or vaccine ingredients. Physicians and vaccine-injured individuals are encouraged to report injuries to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). It’s estimated that only 1% of injuries are ever reported to VAERS, yet payments totaling nearly $4 billion have been made since 1988. That taxpayer-funded payout amount continues to rise at an alarming rate. Despite the trend in medicine to personalize treatments and medications, the current vaccine program is a “one size fits all” policy.