Category Archives: Health News

Exclusive – Sen. Rand Paul: Senate GOP Decides to Keep Obamacare


by SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY)12 Jul 2017

I miss the old days, when Republicans stood for repealing Obamacare. Republicans across the country and every member of my caucus campaigned on repeal – often declaring they would tear out Obamacare “root and branch!”

What happened?

Now too many Republicans are falling all over themselves to stuff hundreds of billions of taxpayers’ dollars into a bill that doesn’t repeal Obamacare and feeds Big Insurance a huge bailout.

Obamacare regulations? Still here. Taxes? Many still in place, totaling hundreds of billions of dollars.

Insurance company bailouts? Those, too. Remember when Republicans complained about Obamacare’s risk corridors? Remember when we called the corridors nothing more than insurance company bailouts? I remember when one prominent GOP candidate during a presidential debate explicitly called out the Obamacare risk corridors as a bailout to insurance companies. Does anyone else?

Now, the Senate GOP plan being put forward is chock full of insurance bailout money – to the tune of nearly $200 billion. Republicans, present company excluded, now support the idea of lowering your insurance premium by giving a subsidy to the insurance company.

Remarkable. If the GOP now supports an insurance stabilization fund to lower insurance prices, maybe they now support a New Car stabilization fund to lower the price of cars. Or maybe the GOP would support an iPhone stabilization fund to lower the price of phones.

The possibilities are limitless once you accept that the federal government should subsidize prices. I remember when Republicans favored the free choice of the marketplace.

The Senate Obamacare bill does not repeal Obamacare. I want to repeat that so everyone realizes why I’ll vote “no” as it stands now:

The Senate Obamacare bill does not repeal Obamacare. Not even close.

In fact, the Senate GOP bill codifies and likely expands many aspects of Obamacare.

The Senate Obamacare-lite bill codifies a federal entitlement to insurance. With the Senate GOP bill, Republicans, for the first time, will signal that they favor a key aspect of Obamacare – federal taxpayer funding of private insurance purchases.

The bill will transfer billions of dollars to people who will then transfer billions of dollars to insurance companies. What a great business model – encourage the federal government to use taxpayer money to buy a private company’s product. Great business model, that is, if you are Big Insurance. Remarkable.

The Senate Obamacare-lite bill does what the Democrats forgot to do – appropriate billions for Obamacare’s cost-sharing reductions, aka subsidies. Really? Republicans are going to fund Obamacare subsidies that the Democrats forgot to fund?

Doesn’t sound much like repeal to me. One might even argue it’s worse than Obamacare-lite because it actually creates a giant superfund to bail out the insurance companies – something even the Democrats feared to do.

I was first elected in the heady days of the Tea Party Tidal Wave, when tens of thousands of citizens gathered on the central city lawn to protest Big Government, Big Debt, and a government takeover of health care.

This citizenry won in four elections. Each time, the GOP establishment told conservatives, “We can’t repeal Obamacare until we have all three branches of government.” Finally, in 2016, that came to pass. Republicans now control all three branches of government.

And . . . the best that is offered is Obamacare-lite: keeping the Obamacare subsidies, keeping some of the Obamacare taxes, creating a giant insurance bailout superfund, and keeping most of the Obamacare regulations.

Shame. Shame on many in the GOP for promising repeal and instead affirming, keeping, and, in some cases, expanding Obamacare. What a shame.

Prostate Cancer BREAKTHROUGH: Three natural substances destroy cancer cells – YouTube

Published on Jun 30, 2017

Breakthrough research finds that prostate cancer cells are destroyed by a combination of three natural compounds found in a fruit peel, a berry skin and a root tuber. These three anti-cancer nutrients are safe, affordable and readily available to everyone. So why isn’t the entire medical industry talking about this prostate cancer breakthrough? Because there’s NO MONEY to be made from making people well using low-cost anti-cancer foods and plants. Stay informed at

The Root Cause Of Cancer Has Been Hidden Since 1930 – YouTube

Published on Mar 12, 2017

The Root Cause Of Cancer Has Been Hidden Since 1930

Cancer cells might have DNA damage, but DNA damage cannot lead to cancer. It is the real cause of cancer that actually causes DNA damage instead.

In the last 125 years, numerous experts have discovered multiple facts about cancer.

William Russell (1852-1940), in 1890, found that there are microbes inside and outside of cancer cells, which were later found to be “pleomorphic,” meaning that the pH state inside the cancer cells affects their size and shape.

In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in Medicine for his discovery that the main property of cancer cells was low “ATP energy” (ATP is made inside the mitochondria of cells and is known as “adenosine triphosphate”).

In 1930, Dr. Royal Rife, a microbiologist who developed the use of “harmonic frequencies” to vibrate the microbes until they “exploded” and died, showed that cancer cells can revert to normal if the microbes inside them were destroyed.

However, he was not awarded for his discovery, but the joint forces of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) destroyed his laboratory.

The reason for this was that his discovery cured 100% of his patients. On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry and the modern medicine would rather profit from this disease than allow its cure.

Their patented chemicals bring them huge financial profits, and they are doing everything to protect them. The FDA functions as the “private police force” of the pharmaceutical industry.

In the end, it is all about the patents, and since natural remedies, frequency waveforms and molecules in cannot be patented, they are being ignored.

This dirty conspiracy is also supported by the media, which glorify medical doctors and manipulates the masses. And they have been perfect in what they do. As soon as they hear the diagnosis, patients run fast to their oncologist, and only a few try natural treatments initially.

The team of experts at the Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF) – which is a non-profit foundation investigating natural medicine, found the way microbes inside of cancer cells partially inhibit the ATP energy. having this in mind, the developed over 25 natural cancer treatments.

Dr. Rife’s equipment inspired them to use a new technological device, called the “High RF Frequency Device” , which destroys the microbes inside the cancer cells.

To understand these treatments, we need to clarify the way microbes inside the cancer cells partially block the production of ATP energy.

Initially, we will explain the reason for the creation of the ATP energy in a healthy cell.

Step 1: In a normal cell, glucose receptors allow glucose inside the cell.
Step 2: Glucose is then turned into pyruvate in a 10-step chemical chain reaction.
Step 3: The pyruvate enters into the mitochondria of the cell.
Step 4: It is then at the start of a chain reaction known as the “Citric Acid Cycle” or “Krebs Cycle.”
Step 5: Then, a second chemical chain reaction, known as “Electron Transport Chain ” begins, about half-way through the Citric Acid Cycle. These two form most of the ATP energy in the cells.

Cancer cells contain more glucose receptors than normal cells and 15 times more glucose, even though the microbes intercept most of it. Furthermore, although a cancer cell has far more glucose than a normal cell, less of it enters its mitochondria than in a normal cell.

Thus, a cancer cell has lower ATP energy since it has less pyruvate, which is a result of the reduced amount of available glucose.

Furthermore, a team of natural medicine researchers at the Virginia Livingston found that one or more of the microbes inside the cancer cell penetrate the cell nucleus.

If the DNA of the cancer microbes “mixes” with the DNA of the cell and modifies the DNA of the cancer cell, It leads to DNA damage, which is the grounds of the “gene therapy” in conventional medicine. However, note that DNA damage is just a symptom, not a cause.

Certain cancer researchers and numerous research organizations are convincing the public that they are struggling to find a cancer cure, while they are praying for the opposite.

Dr. Rife prevented the microbes from blocking the ATP energy by destroying the microbes inside the cancer cells, and they became able to use their ATP energy and “revert” into normal cells again.

Additionally, the ICRF researcher who found the way microbes, which are actually Helicobacter Pylori, inhibit the ATP energy also developed 25 different ways to destroy these microbes while inside the cancer cells and thus converting them into normal ones.

For instance, the Dirt Cheap Protocol includes a combination of honey and turmeric, to kill the bacteria in cancer cells.

Russian Device Cures Diseases Using Royal Rife Technology! – YouTube

Published on Jun 22, 2017

You will get all info on this device when you join Project Nsearch! This Russian medical device uses principals first discovered by Royal Rife nearly 100 years ago to cure almost all disease! This technology was suppressed so evil people could make money by treating you with things that don’t work! Royal Rife had a 100% cure rate for terminal cancer patients but this was covered up by the Fake News and a criminal medical system!

Why HEMP can save humankind: Research scientist speaks out… – YouTube

Published on May 19, 2016

* I’m a food scientist running LC/MS instrumentation to examine organic compounds and contaminants in foods and plants.

* What I’m seeing in HEMP is mind-blowing. The complexity and intricacy of the plant is extraordinary.

* The molecular constituents of hemp are FINE-TUNED molecules for spontaneous human healing. This cannot be a coincidence…

* THC and CBD have exactly the same elements; they are just arranged differently!

* There’s almost something about hemp that seems “intelligently designed.” It’s way beyond typical botanicals found in nature.

* Hemp almost seems to have a literal “divine purpose” for humanity.

* All the different molecules have different medicinal uses and properties, from CBD to CBN, THC, etc.

* How does HEMP harvest Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen and then synthesize powerful medicine from it?

* The hemp plant is literally manufacturing powerful medicine… for free!

* Hemp can help save humanity… with medicine, fiber, nutrition, agricultural economics… even polymers!

* Humanity is looking for answers. HEMP is the answer at so many levels… so why have the governments of the world kept it illegal?

* Governments don’t want humanity to have powerful, free medicine. There’s too much PROFIT at stake with the “sick care” industry.

* Hemp offers an abundance of real answers for many of the problems plaguing humanity.

* There are a thousand other molecules in hemp, each of which may have some yet unknown medicinal or technological application for humanity.

* How might hemp molecules interact with intestinal flora to produce additional synthesis or transformation of molecules into even more powerful healing medicines for humanity?

* We have to start looking at hemp components working in conjunction with other phytochemicals.

* Natural plant molecules tend to work in SYNERGY when combined, while synthetic toxic chemicals made by Man tend to multiply their toxicity when combined.

* Every living plant has an INTENTION… a purpose for existing. Plant consciousness is real. Hemp wants to be medicine.

* There is a structural resonance among hemp’s therapeutic molecules and human neurology. If you could “hear” it, it would sound like a beautiful symphony.

* I don’t smoke hemp… but I am INSPIRED by what the science is revealing about this extraordinary plant.

* This plant is changing my world view of what’s possible with botanical healing.

Learn more at:

Cancer is not a Disease but a Business 😱 | Watch Ways To Cure Cancer Naturally 🍑🍒 – YouTube

Published on Feb 1, 2017

Cancer is not a Disease but a business.
Read The Reasons Here:
World Without Cancer:

In the modern world. Cancer has become so widespread that it has affected the old, young, baby and everyone.
Let the real truth behind cancer, And we will show you some natural alternative cancer treatments that work quite effective for cancer cure. 0:37

Do you know that the book, “World Without Cancer”, has been prevented from being translated into many world languages, till date. 0:47

You should Know this fact: there is no disease called cancer.
Cancer is nothing else, but a deficiency of vitamin B17.
So, why don’t you avoid chemotherapy, surgery, or taking medicines with strong side effects, to treat something which is not a disease but a deficiency. 0:56

1:09: Let’s recall an instance from the past, quite a large number of seamens, lost their life to a disease named scurvy, a disease that took the life of numerous people as well. And a number of people got an enormous income from it. Afterward, it was discovered that scurvy was just a deficiency of vitamin c, That means it wasn’t a disease.

Cancer is also just like that! The colonizing world and the enemies of humanity had established the cancer industry. And made it into a business. from which they earn billions in income:1:29

The cancer industry flourished after World War II. To fight cancer all these delays, details and enormous expenditures are not needed. They only go to line the pockets of colonizers especially since the cure for the condition was found long ago: 1:44

Well, Instead of preferring such expensive treatments for cancer, what alternatives should you take? 2:00
The prevention and cure of cancer can be obtained, simply through the following strategies: Those who have cancer should first try to know what cancer is. Do not panic, instead, investigate the condition.

Nowadays, have you heard anyone die of an illness called scurvy?
No. Because it gets cured. 2:20
Since cancer is only a deficiency of vitamin B17, eating 15 to 20 pieces of apricot stone or fruit stone every day is enough.

Eat wheat bud or wheat sprouts. 2:38
Wheat bud is a miraculous anti-cancer medicine. It is a rich source of liquid oxygen, and the strongest anti cancer matter, which is named as laetrile. This matter is present in the fruit stone of apple, and is the extracted form of vitamin B17, also known as Amygdalin.

The American medicinal industry has started implementing the law, forbidding laetrile production. Later, This medicine is being manufactured in Mexico and gets smuggled into USA. 2:59

Dr. Harold W. Manner in a book named, “Death of Cancer”, has stated that the success of cancer treatment with laetrile is as high as above 90%. 3:12

Let’s see some of the Sources of Amygdalin or Vitamin B17
1. The fruit stone or seed of fruits. This contains the highest amount of vitamin B17 in nature. This includes fruit stone of apple, apricot, peach, pear, and prune, or dried plum.

2. Common beans, grains, which include bean, lentil sprout, Lima beans, and pea. 3:42

3. Kernels of Bitter Almond, and Indian almonds, They are Richest source of vitamin B-17 in nature. 3:50

4. Mulberries 3:57
You can consider almost all mulberries, such as black mulberry, blueberry, raspberry and strawberry.

5. Seeds like, sesame and linseed, seed of linen or flax seed. 4:07

6. Groats of oats, barley, brown rice, groats of block wheat, linseed, millet, and rye. 4:15

Let’s see some of the list of anti cancer foods: 4:33

The above-said foods, are all the highest sources of absorbable vitamin B17. Now that you have seen the hidden facts behind cancer, Act upon it.


Published on May 30, 2017


A number of holistic doctors in Florida, over 60 of them within one year, who have been found, killed or dead all have one common denominator. They had all found out that an enzyme protein was cancer causing and the protein with the name of Nagalese had been added to vaccines that had been given to humans and this is something that has been happening on a global scale. DOCTORS WERE SAID TO BE GETTING READY TO REVEAL FINDINGS

Nagalese is said to be an enzyme that stops vitamin D from being produced in the body and so stops the natural ability of the body to kill off any cancer cells. It is also a protein that is created by cancer cells and can be found in high concentrations in children with autism. It was revealed that it has been put into vaccines.

Nagalese affects the immune system as it disables it and it has also been known to be the cause behind Type 2 diabetes

SEE Doctors are Being Killed for Saving Your Children ~ Most Urgent!!! LINK HERE;

Monsanto Is Scrambling To Bury This Breaking Story – Don’t Let This Go Unshared! – YouTube

Published on Apr 26, 2017