Category Archives: Socialism

This Criminal Demonic Cult Is At War With Humanity And Controls America And Its People Through Deception

Important Notes: Free Speech, Anti-Human Trafficking and Religious Liberty Protections: First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.  US of Rothschilds Israel Corp. E.O.’s Regarding Religious Liberty /  U.S. Attorneys Manual – Respect for Religious Liberty / Jan 31 2020 /  October 11, 2018

Translation: America is broken by design and not because of a few bad apples in Government.  America’s fifty nation states have been usurped and stealthily occupied and pillaged over the last 150+ years by a criminal cabal that lied to Americans (people of all nations) about everything to enable subjugation, enslavement and impoverishment of humanity and control over all labor and resources. America has not been lawfully governed under a We the People, guaranteed Republican form of Government since 1861. Since the early 1870’s it has literally been ruled by a Black Nobility cabal which installed a counterfeit Corporate Congress engaged in a Mixed War on the  American people and since the 1960’s, has increasing been engaged in obvious acts of Democide (Silent Wars). Every Office of the so-called Government from DC through State, County and City Governances is operated by a counterfeit foreign corporation, operated and co-ordinated by a homogeneous click of foreign, constitutionally-banned, anti-American, foreign agents that includes foreign BAR Attorneys (1.3M+ today) serving not the American body Sovereign (i.e. “We the People”) but themselves and an un-elected, Demonic, foreign Sovereign power (Black Nobility). The higher levels of this cabal have been proven to be engaged in heinous crimes against humanity including child murder and much worse. This criminal demonic Cult is at war with humanity and controls America and its people through deception, relying on foreign agencies and corporations of the Crown / Vatican system banned from operating in America under our still standing Organic law systems. [Important notes on Free Speech, section continued…]

This ongoing, escalating crimes against humanity is self evident through examination of a handful of documents posted in the right hand side margin of this sites home page which proves our early framers rightly banned all foreign agents from American Government FOREVER. Documents that prove Government across America is a counterfeit RICO ran by constitutionally-banned foreign agents, undeniably engaged in Lawfare, Sedition, Treason and that over decades green lighted escalating Democide programs (Poisoning our air, food, water, so called Medicines…) to actively terminate 90% of the American people.

This criminal cabal have not been focused on the welfare of the American people. Its mission has been to hollow out America, keep the American people sick and dumbed down and to make sure the Black Nobility and ruling parasite classes do not get de-throwned by an awaking population that realizes they were enslaved and lied to by the 0.03% parasite class of useless eaters.  This explains the fake sustainable development frauds built on fake Global Warming and Climate Change narratives which point to supporting anomalies and data built on manufactured Weather Engineering, HAARP, Direct Energy Weapon attacks on the by the Crown USAF and other foreign agencies et al. The fake Over-population myth was manufactured to drive the Luciferian cult democide programs like Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030.

Its time to take it all back.

We are all in this together right? 

July 4th 2020, Newsom locks down the state, but not his winery… not all IN JUST US Workers,  no social distancing… because they all know its a FAKE PLANDEMIC!

The Fake Global Warming Card manufactured in the 1960’s in the Report From Iron Mountain! The new Military Industrial Complex invented the New Enemy of the Elite, Humanity! See main menu for more…

Uploaded from the QAnon. Appears to be photographed in Oregon or Northern California based on concrete fenceposts and chain.

1. graphic showing all fire locations across the US as of September 12

2. twitter feed of evidence of arsonists from a reporter

3. satelite imagery of the oregon fires along the freeways

The Democide initiatives have been rubber stamped by un-elected constitutionally-banned parasite class***  that think they will be saved. Now we know why the Cabals useful idiots did not want an outsider to occupy the White House and why they have been fighting by hook and by crook to get him out. Risking that a man such as Trump, may one day run the risk of losing his handlers and tripping over the dirty laundry and skeletons in the close exposed at this site, and proceeding to wake up (Q) former veterans, active military, the American people and the global masses to the crimes perpetuated on Americans (British, French and the people of all nations) by the Luciferian criminal cabal unlawfully running all nations and instead push those moving forward their New World Order Democide and  slavery system in to the sea from where they came.

***Constitutionally Banned foreign Crown (Vatican) agents call for the Mandated poisoning of the American people:

Conclusion: The Synagogue of Satan is running America today and has been for the last 150+ years. The parasites running America through foreign private corporations masquerading as American Governments are agents to the Crown / Vatican (whether they know it or not) which are tools were orchestrated by the Black Nobility crime syndicates.

Click on the above image and unlearn more about the evil Khazarian – Jesuitical mafia running America in to the New World Order from the shadows… 

Do you see any problem with the list of the names below? These Constitutionally Banned foreign agents are running Government in America? Do you have a problem with that?  Do any of these men and women appear to be at war with the foundations on which America was built? Now you know why! They are in fact doing their job for foreign powers at war with America, which is trying to turn America over to the New World Order Rothschilds’ UN BLack Nobility One World Order Government, an organization that has NO LAWFUL AUTHORITY to operate in America because of TONA. this should help you realize that ALL UN sustainable agenda BS installed by your local government and manufactured on Rothschilds – Crown – Vatican fairy tales is a monumental fraud!

Also, ask yourself, who has been at War with President Trump since he came in to office; and which Constitutional Banned foreign agents are running the Demon-crat controlled states in to the ground in an attempt to start a Civil War?

Who really stands behind the organization of BLM; …. the deliberate Islamification of America and Europe? Which individuals have been Banned from American Government since 1819 and what monumental frauds do they perpetuate over America [FEDeral Reserve Act? Independent Treasury Act, Patriot Act, US Corp. Bankruptcy, Emergency Banking Relief Act and the Trading with the Enemy Act of March 9th 1933? – Ans. All of the above].

Do you see that Lawbreakers masquerading as Government [Click image for full article] have been at war with America for decades. Now you should know that the foreign fifty STATE OF STATE Gov. Co’s corporations are in fact RICO’s [See here to understand what has been running Commiefornia for decades]

Do you now understand why Constitutionally banned foreign agents gave $269+++ Billion of your money to Khazarians occupying and culling Palestine over the last several decades? Why they never condemned the culling of Palestine? Why those Israeli’s associated with 911 were never held and tried? DO you now know why the Constitutionally banned foreign agents want your guns; why they never objected to the Federal Reserve Crime Cartel operating in America and why they launched the GOV-ID-Plandemic to bring forward the New World Order Slaves System?





God bless the Patriots, the truth tellers and those LOYAL to President Donald J. Trump and the Republic of the United States of America.

Do You See it Yet? 5th Column Attorneys Are Running Our Nation and Running Interference for the Shadow Government: Four Page Cover Letter to Trump via US Military – Ambassador Rick Grenell on Lawfare, Mixed War, Color of: Law/Authority/Office, Fraud, Const

Source: Do You See it Yet? 5th Column Attorneys Are Running Our Nation and Running Interference for the Shadow Government: Four Page Cover Letter to Trump via US Military – Ambassador Rick Grenell on Lawfare, Mixed War, Color of: Law/Authority/Office, Fraud, Const

To share this article:

A senior Attorney aiding the President finally admits the entire system of Government is Corrupt to the core. What he does not reveal and maybe has not yet understood is why its corrupt to the Core. The evidence exposing Constitutionally – banned foreign agents are running government across America is undeniable (see below for links to proofs). If you take the time to read the following you will understand not only how our nation is being ran by constitutionally – banned foreign agents. You will also be directed where you can download Government Certified Proofs uploaded by exposing this fact proving Constitutional law was enacted and ratified between 1810 – 1819 published all the way up to the early 1870′s that was later vanished by foreign agents that established the Counterfeit UNITED STATES government, a foreign Government Services Corporation masquerading as if it were a We the people founding fathers created Government when it is no such thing!

To share this article:


America (most all nations infiltrated by the CROWN BAR legal system) is an Occupied Nation ran by Constitutionally – banned foreign attorneys MASQUERADING as a We the people government! This should now be obvious to all Americans! They enslaved us through the FED and their CROWN Guild legal frauds, they are human trafficking all Americans [all 328 Million Americans turned in to Internally Displaced People] and have infiltrated every so called Government office across the nation which office are masquerading as if they are a we the people Government Office! When they are no such thing!  


Wake up time… the Crown 5th Column numbers more than 1.4 Million active members and most do not know they are Crown agents at War with America [Mixed War relying on Lawfare, Simulated Legal Process]. 

The following is one of several letters sent to President Trump via US military representatives and summarizes what all must now understand if we are to take back our nation from the 5th Column operating behind the gates. Make sure you note the explanations for Lawfare, Mixed War etc.

If you want to view the letters on the web page see link at the end of the page:

The American People are entitled to lawful judicial remedy and not to be controlled through the use of Lawfare (a form of Mixed War) by foreign constitutionally-banned Bar attorneys using lies, half truths, bad faith, and criminal law-breaking (via private for profit weaponized courts masquerading as state courts) to deny our unalienable Rights, steal our private Property, our votes, our children, our business, our labor (income) and our very lives. pj, December 6 A.D. 2020

It is Time to kick the Crown Corp. out of America, Canada, SA, NZ, Australia (all nations) and to take America back, to restore the Lawful Governments on the physical fifty States and the lawful states-compact Government for the Free and Independent nation states! 

What would a nation look like if it were operated under a foreign Crown – Vatican created Corporation masquerading as our original organic Government [See Title 28 Section 3002 (15)(A); Cal. Com. Code 9307 – see bottom of this page] instead of a lawful We the people Government per our original organic laws; one ran by Constitutionally-banned foreign attorneys (masquerading as state legislators, District Attorneys, FBI, DOJ, CIA, SOS, Governors etc…. but all part of a private for profit Union Guild under the Crown Corp. / Vatican. Would this explain how they all move as one in a coordinated way across the nation to ensure the will of the CROWN is forced on the people under the pretense of lawful process and justice? ).

What if the system was so rigged that we were never meant to figure out that we have been used, abused and enslaved by actors pretending to be our lawful We the people Government!? What if an outsider made his way in to the Whitehouse and realized the entire US Corp. shit show was Counterfeit and a fraud from end to end ? What would you do if you were Trump?

I tell you what I would do. Tear it all down, expose it all to the American people, clean house and restore lawful limited government, and back on to its original organic common law foundations! But that is just me!

We have posted several articles in the last few weeks expanding on the above topic. The following went live in the last few days: /new-world-order/2020/12/breaking-news-december-4-2020-share-what-has-bill-barr-not-been-telling-america-government-documents-showing-the-worst-who-is-bill-barr-9513.html

For a lighter read pay attention to the following:

Understand that: The ABA, STATE OF STATE BAR Associations and the 1.4M Attorneys in America are the enemy behind the Gate! This is not an opinion. It is a statement based on already enacted organic constitutional law ratified in 1819.

The Titles of Nobility Amendment of 1810 ratified in 1819! See for more…

“The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”― Taylor Caldwell, A Pillar of Iron

Please think about the above. Who impeached Trump: Foreign Constitutionally – banned foreign agents acting as Attorneys.

Who has been violating our Constitution / Organic law foundations: Constitutional – banned foreign Attorneys

Who has attempted to thieve the election: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys masquerading as We the people Government… running local so-called Government.

Who has been blocking a remedy to absolute Election Fraud: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys masquerading as a Judicial Branch Independent Judges and local Government! Based on the BAR oath and the original organic Titles of Ability Amendment, BAR attorneys  are NOT independent! They are Foreign agents of the CROWN! See for more evidence!

Who stole at least 22 Million homes and Millions of Children from Americans in recent decades  relying on proven Counterfeit paperwork / false statements: Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys in bed with the CROWN Banking system.

See Federal Reserve and UN Membership below this article.

Who passed Sustainable Development make believe law trashing our organic law foundations? Constitutionally – banned foreign Attorneys.

Attorneys are part of an International BAR Union! In many cases, an Attorney Oath to the CROWN BAR System Trumps their loyalty to any one nation or its people!

Most Attorneys DO NOT KNOW they are part of a CROWN Franchise system banned from America since 1819!  They early framers banned BAR attorneys for very Good reason!

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents change immutable organic laws created by a organic original lawful government?  NO

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents judge Americans on the law without disclosing they are Foreign agents: NO!

Can Constitutionally banned foreign agents make new law affecting Birthrights of Americans? No…

All acts achieved by Constitutionally banned foreign agents is through FRAUD, Color of Office, Color of Law and Color of Authority!

More at including STATE Certified Documents proving foreign agents were banned from America since 1819!

Over the last ten years this writer has been trying to awaken the American people to the fact that Constitutionally – banned Crown BAR Attorneys have long been engaging in Lawfare (mixed War) against the American people!  They, as agents of the CROWN have Weaponized the so called Government, Corporations, Courts and Banking System against us all. Look for the link to the Secret Treaty of Verona 1822 and the NWO – 101 on to understand the plot against America, you and yours!  Please also understand the impact of fraud on all things including elections (fraud vitiates all it touches):

This following articles further evidence these statements and what is being done about it.

Go to 22 mins in the following Juan o’Savin audio for further validation of Weaponized courts:


From Australia: 

This following is a Great expose on what can be done to enforce the Constitutional requirements for a fair election and the Constitutional requirement of the State Legislators to pick Electors to vote for the true Presidential winner of their states and disqualify anything tainted by systemic fraud.

Three minute summary that makes a good intro to the following article:

Question: Who are Commie sell out Governors working for?

NOW will you believe?

“The Democrats’ new rules for Congress want to ban the use of “gendered words” like “father” and “mother.” They care more about policing pronouns than policing America’s streets.