Category Archives: Socialism

Ep. 2330b – Trap Was Set In 2018, The Evidence Will Blow The Minds Of Every Person In This Country

Ep. 2330b – Trap Was Set In 2018, The Evidence Will Blow The Minds Of Every Person In This Country

The [DS]/MSM/[CB] have been setup. Trump set the trap back in 2018 with his EO. Now the evidence is pouring out, the people will be shown the truth, that their vote was controlled, it will blow peoples minds. The social media/MSM who knowingly participated with foreign countries are about to pay the price. How do you bring the entire diseased corrupt temple on top of them, you use the truth and transparency and you show the world. Trump is countering the MSM with the vaccine, planned from the beginning.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.



Ep. 1394 The Left is Terrified of This Question About the 2020 Election – The Dan Bongino Show

Source: Ep. 1394 The Left is Terrified of This Question About the 2020 Election – The Dan Bongino Show

In this episode, I discuss the troubling issues with the software used to tabulate the 2020 election. Explosive new information is emerging that must be investigated.

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The Bongino Report brings you the top conservative and libertarian news stories of the day, aggregated in an easy to read format to assist the public in getting accurate information.


Michigan ballot worker openly brags about destroying every Trump ballot he saw –

Image: Michigan ballot worker openly brags about destroying every Trump ballot he saw

Source: Michigan ballot worker openly brags about destroying every Trump ballot he saw –

(Natural News) A 32-year-old musician who goes by the name of “Kiel Fauxton” on Facebook is going viral all across social media after he publicly bragged about destroying Trump ballots in Detroit.

Fauxton, which is not his real name, had early on claimed to be a poll worker in Wayne County, which would seem to match one of his three known Facebook profiles that lists “Democratic Party” in Detroit as his employer.

On at least one of his Facebook accounts, one of which had 2,255 followers before it went dark, Fauxton wrote that he works for Wayne County and “threw out every Trump ballot I saw.”

According to Fauxton, “[t]ens of thousands” of Trump ballots ended up in the trash, not just at his hands but at the hands of “all of my co-workers.”

When alt media picked up on the story, Fauxton began to panic and feverishly wrote at least one of them asking for stories about the incident to be pulled. Fauxton now claims that the whole thing was just a big “joke” for his “few followers.”

“I’ve never been a ballot counter,” Fauxton now claims. “I made a big mistake and wish I could undo it.”

Interestingly enough, Fauxton had previously doubled down on the claim after some of his followers expressed concerns about his admitting to shredding Trump ballots. Fauxton mocked them by writing that he had no regrets about it, only to quickly backtrack once the media picked up on his posts.

Ballot collector shreds ballots on video livestream

What Fauxton, a proud Marxist, fails to realize is that joking about voter fraud is no joke. It is a serious crime that carries with it very serious penalties, and especially so as the future of our nation hangs in the balance.

Michigan especially is a critical state for Trump, and one that he was winning early on before suspicious vehicles began showing up in the middle of the night to drop off more ballots for Biden.

Then we have Benford’s law suggesting that serious voter fraud took place in Michigan to swing it for Biden, which is sure to be included in the legal proceedings that are only just getting started.

Even if Fauxton really was just joking, the ballot counter featured in this video certainly was not as he filmed himself shredding ballots on camera.

“As some of you guys know, I work at the vote … which means we get your votes and we separate them,” the frantic individual states, somewhat illegibly due to his face mask. “So, if some of these votes happen to say, like this one, Donald J. Dung Trump, that one just don’t make it …”

The identity of this person remains unknown, and his mask could make finding it even more of a challenge. Even so, it does demonstrate clear voter fraud and the trashing of votes for Trump, warranting further investigation and a possible recount, or even an election redo in the most contested states.

“We can only hope that whoever took these screen shots forwards all of it to Sydney [sic] Powell and Giuliani,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit about Fauxton. “I would suggest sending it to the local D.A. as well … but this is Michigan … land of Gretchen Whitmer and everything evil.”

“They are so open and blatantly corrupt they think they can get away with this, but they’ve never run into a fighter like our president,” wrote another. “Trump is cool as a cucumber even getting in some well-deserved rounds of golf.”

The latest news related to the election can be found at


HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection –

Image: HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection

Source: HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection –

Monday, November 09, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) Multiple media outlets are reporting today that President Trump has just fired Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary and a known deep stater who opposes Trump’s authority. He is being replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

Understand that the election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines.

Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an “epic counter attack” against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. We don’t know the details about this counter attack, but we do know that Trump has two options which involve deploying the military to save the Republic:

Option #1) Invoke the Insurrection Act and declare the Democrats’ blatant vote rigging and outrageous censorship to be a “rebellion” against the United States of America. Order military police to arrest the thousands of high-level traitors who tried to carry out a communist-influenced coup against the United States, including all the CEOs of Big Tech as well as the heads of the corrupt Democrat party. More details here.

Option #2) Invoke Sec. 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which calls for Trump to strip Electoral College votes from all states engaged in acts of rebellion against the United States, which of course includes rigged election theft and vote fraud. More details here. And here.

Both of these options will likely require deploying elements of the military in left-wing cities in order to first carry out the arrests of the traitors and then maintain the rule of law as left-wing terrorists rise up and try to stage a kinetic coup / civil war in America’s streets.

Because Mark Esper is a left-leaning deep state traitor, he had to be removed and replaced in a run-up to Trump launching his counter attack against America’s domestic enemies.

Watch for possible firings of Christopher Wray (FBI) and Gina Haspel (CIA) in the coming days. Bill Barr at the DOJ may even be on the chopping block, as he has proven to be nothing more than another deep state actor who used his power to protect the left-wing traitors who are trying to destroy America.

Mass arrests coming?

Rumors are circulating about “10 days of darkness” during which there will be a nationwide internet outage as Trump’s patriots make thousands of arrests of left-wing traitors. This rumor seems to be wishful thinking, so don’t make any plans based on it, but there’s no question that Trump knew this election would be stolen, as he repeatedly warned about it in advance. Trump is a strategic genius, and that means he planned for this. Is there a sting operation under way? We don’t know for sure, but we are certain none of this vote rigging was a surprise to Trump.

Now, with Esper being replaced, it’s a strong indication that Trump is planning a role for the U.S. military in defending this Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The corrupt, criminal Democrats must be brought down or we lose this country forever. Trump knows that, and he’s about to launch a counter attack that will be nothing less than historic.

Prepare yourself, patriots. When Trump defeats Biden and the deep state, the lunatic Left will explode with violence all across America. They will activate their last-ditch effort to overthrow America by force. When that day comes, it’s a “weapons free” moment for all patriots to defend their nation and their president against those domestic enemies who are trying to destroy it all.




Biden received 74 million votes, more than any president ever in history to beat Trump who received 72 million votes, the second most votes in history.

I can believe that Trump did receive 72 million vote due to the turn out at his rallies but who in the world can believe that Biden is more popular and loved than Trump?

If you believe that Biden has more support and followers than Trump and legally won the 2020 president election, your a F!!king idiot.

Dems Committed Election Treason – Alex Newman – YouTube

Journalist Alex Newman says this 2020 election fraud is the biggest in the history of the free world. Newman explains, “This is on a whole other level. They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government. That is, by definition, treason. It is waging war against the United States. The fact that no charges are being filed and no investigations going on it tells you everything you need to know about AG Barr, the DOJ and the FBI. . . . There is a coup underway right now, a coup d’état. . . .Their goal is a complete overthrow of the United States of America.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with journalist Alex Newman, who writes for many outlets such as The New American, The Epoch Times and his own site Liberty