Category Archives: Trump

Can Trump take back The Presidency from the CIA? Last Minute Change in Security at Inauguration Reminiscent of JFK in Dealey Plaza – YouTube

Published on Jan 15, 2017

Without explanation and just a week before inauguration, President Obama has suddenly announced he is removing the Major General in charge of the DC National Guard who helped plan and was set to oversee event security that day, effective right in the middle of the ceremony the very minute after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

The termination is unprecedented and out of decorum with such a high state function taking place, raising serious concerns about the vulnerabilities and gaps in security on such an important day. Not saying that anything is going to happen, but it’s hard not to notice and raise questions when the scenario is being made plausible.

EXCLUSIVE – Palestinian Official: Paris Summit Participants Tempered Attitude Fearing Trump

President-elect Donald Trump’s pro-Israel views likely influenced Sunday’s peace summit, a Fatah official told Breitbart Jerusalem..

Source: EXCLUSIVE – Palestinian Official: Paris Summit Participants Tempered Attitude Fearing Trump

Trump’s transition team reportedly told French diplomats they disapproved of the conference going ahead, seeing it as an attempt to put unfair pressure on Israel and give an unjustified reward to the Palestinians. The British government likely fears that the conference risks becoming a means to circumscribe future US policy on Israel before the Trump team has decided on it.


Breaking news !!! Trump just made new executive order, Obama is livid – YouTube

Published on Jan 1, 2017

Praise the Lord, GOD is Great. Trumps new executive order will be law the day of his Inauguration
World Source
World Source . And Obama cant do anything about it.
So please folks, keep praying for Donald trump. Between now and when trump becomes the new president, its going to be a dangerous time. Obama and the Satanic global elites are capable of anything.


Emergency! Trump Must Go On Offensive To Stop Democrat Plan For Martial Law – YouTube

Published on Jan 14, 2017

The establishment is currently devising a multi-faceted plan in order to stop Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.
With less than one week left until the 2017 presidential inauguration, major moves are being made to inject chaos into the ceremony and to challenge the very legitimacy of Trump’s election victory.