Category Archives: Vaccination

THE ORGANIC LAW OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, Ecuador’s Constitution Prevents This W.H.O. Treaty

Source: La Ley Orgánica de los Tratados Internacionales

“Plan Fénix” entra en marcha para el manejo y control oportuno de la pandemia por COVID-19 – Ministerio de Salud Pública

In English:Giving a comprehensive response to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to protect the well-being of the population is the objective of the Government of the Meeting. For this reason, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) developed the “Phoenix Plan”, a proposal that has the focus and collaboration of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), based on ten pillars of action: inter-institutional coordination, communication of risks, epidemiological surveillance and case investigation, control of entry points, national laboratories, infection prevention and control, case management, maintenance of essential health services, vaccination and logistics.

From the Carondelet Palace, the President of the Republic, Guillermo Lasso, led the presentation of this important proposal, emphasizing that its name refers to the bird of Greek mythology Phoenix “that is reborn from its own ashes and rises again haughty and majestic (…). Because that is how the country is resurfacing, after suffering the worst health crisis in the last seven decades,” he emphasized. In addition, he indicated that USD 628 million will be invested to achieve it. “A sum never seen in this type of territorial deployment. For my Government, health is a priority! And this is how we are proving it! ”, He stressed.

The Minister of Health, Ximena Garzón, explained in detail how this plan will be executed in an orderly and effective manner. In the first instance, she indicated that “this launch implies the beginning of a comprehensive epidemiological control plan that is based on ten pillars”, of which two are transversal: coordination and monitoring; and operational and logistical support. These will have the permanent support of the Armed Forces which, to date, have carried out 72,925 logistics operations by means of 9,874 troops.

On the other hand, Minister Garzón explained that the second pillar will be risk communication and community participation. With this, the population will be kept informed about the actions that will be carried out with respect to COVID-19 based on its behavior and the possible appearance of variants in the country.

In addition, there will be established mechanisms for rapid case detection and contact tracing. She explained that for this there is a modern command control panel that allows statistical monitoring of what is happening in the country. In this sense, she reported that Ecuador has a georeferencing system that analyzes variables considered to be at risk, that is, they allow knowing the predisposition for an increase in coronavirus cases in hot spots. “We are one of the countries that performs the most genotyping in South America thanks to the efforts of the National Institute of Public Health Research (Inspi) and the network of universities”, stressed the Minister.

She also reported that “we have thousands of community trackers” who intervene in “hot zones” such as markets and parish health facilities. Along these lines, he commented that they are actively working on the recovery of essential services, a pillar that contains actions such as: decongestion of the health system, supply of medicines and medical devices, strengthening of pre-hospital care and secondary transportation, among others. . In addition, contingency plans at points of entry into the country and the capacity to carry out diagnoses through PCR-RT and antigen tests will be reinforced.

The President of the Republic congratulated the work of the Minister of Health in this task of immunizing the population and at the same time called on citizens to apply the second dose of the vaccine. “We are at the gates of the reactivation that we expected so much. We cannot relax or trust ourselves. We need all your strength to guide our beloved Ecuador towards a future of progress and prosperity”.


WATCH THE WATER: Dr. Bryan Ardis Unmasks What’s Behind CONVID-19 (Video) – proof that snake vemon from the king cobra and crate snakes are in the covid-19 jab and cigarette smokers are protected

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Source: WATCH THE WATER: Dr. Bryan Ardis Unmasks What’s Behind CONVID-1984 (Video) – The Washington Standard

Dr. Bryan Ardis has been sounding the alarm regarding the COVID plandemic and even calling out the Vatican and Pope Francis for being behind it and the experimental, deadly shots. He exposes new revelations concerning the scamdemic geared towards population control in a world premiere from Stew Peters titled Watch the Water.

According to the premiere:

The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began with the in the Garden of Eden.

In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.

You can watch the premiere live at 6pm EST below and it will be archived after the live premiere in the same video.

Nitric Oxide, the Bioweapon Miracle: Fight Blood Clotting, Myocarditis Caused by Jab & Shedding

Source: Nitric Oxide, the Bioweapon Miracle: Fight Blood Clotting, Myocarditis Caused by Jab & Shedding

It’s a breath of fresh air to have people out there who actually KNOW how to combat the effects of the virus, instead of subscribing people to the death protocol.
Stanford Graham is the executive director of Sanacor International Inc. On Friday, he joined Stew to discuss the vast benefits of his Nitric Oxide supplement Cardio Miracle, which you can purchase at his website:



Lara Logan EXPLODES, Goes Full Nuclear on Empire of Lies Exposing Ukraine, Covid, NWO, WEF and Media

Source: Lara Logan EXPLODES, Goes Full Nuclear on Empire of Lies Exposing Ukraine, Covid, NWO, WEF and Media

This entire world is living in is an empire of lies, and for the truth tellers in society, the Devil tries to gaslight the hope and perseverance out of us daily. But he’s failing, and warriors like award winning investigative journalist Lara Logan blasts a hole in the narrative or wars, coups, bioweapons, and other manufactured crises, driving the world toward death by fear, and submission to tyrants.