Category Archives: Vaccination

Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene –

Image: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene

Source: Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene –

With an increasing number of people becoming aware of graphene oxide being identified in covid vaccines, a company called INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates that graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is very real.

INBRAIN Neuroelectronics Secures $17 Million in Series A Funding for First AI-Powered Graphene-Brain Interface

Funding enables company to advance first-in-human studies for its flagship product, a less-invasive neuromodulation device for treating neurological conditions using artificial intelligence and graphene electrodes

To be clear, we are not in any way claiming that INBRAIN is involved in covid vaccines. Rather, they state their technology is being used, “for treating epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease.” The point of covering INBRAIN is to reveal that brain-controlling “biocircuits” based on graphene are, in fact, a very real technology.

So-called “fact-checkers” — which are nothing more than disinformation propaganda pushers — routinely claim that graphene isn’t found in vaccines and that graphene biocircuits are a conspiracy theory. INBRAIN Neuroelectronics shows that the fact checkers are lying.

In fact, as INBRAIN says in their own press release, they are, “aiming to establish the safety of graphene as the new standard of care for neurotechnology devices.”

They also describe graphene biocircuits as a kind of platform that can be upgraded:

Less invasive and more intelligent neuroelectronic technologies like ours could provide safer therapies that are upgradable and adaptive in real time…

If that sounds familiar, it’s probably because Moderna, creator of the mRNA covid vaccine, has described its technology as an “operating system” that can be updated and reprogrammed at any time, also.

At the INBRAIN Neuroelectronics website, the company describes itself thusly:

We are scientists, doctors, techies and humanity lovers, with the mission of building neuroelectronic interfaces to cure brain disorders. We use GRAPHENE, the thinnest material known to man to build the new generation of neural interfaces for brain restoration to help patients around the world.

It also quites Prof. A. Fasano, saying, “Graphene is the next big thing in bioengineering materials, which are pillar components to the next gen of electrotherapies in the steadily growing field of neuromodulation.”

The company highlights its technology as being able to “read” a person’s brain, detect specific neurological patterns, and then control that person’s neurology to alter their brain function. In their own words:

Our graphene-brain interfaces have the capability of reading at a resolution never seen before, as well as detecting therapy-specific biomarkers and triggering highly focal adaptive neuromodulation for increased outcomes in personalised neurological therapies.

Graphene is further described as, “Thinnest known material to perfectly adapt stimulation to targeted brain anatomy.”

Anyone saying that graphene isn’t being used to control human neurology is either wildly ignorant of the state of modern neuroscience or is deliberately lying to you.

To clarify yet again, we are not stating that INBRAIN Neuroelectronics is engaged in any sort of nefarious agenda, nor that they are involved in covid vaccines. As with every technology, graphene-based biocircuits can be used for both good or evil, depending on the ethics and motivations of those who control the technology. There are no doubt very positive applications for this tech, but as with most technologies that were once touted as empowering humanity — television, vaccines, the internet, nuclear power, robotics, etc. — they all end up in the hands of lunatic, genocidal globalists who wield them as weapons against humanity.

In other words, there is no technology that madmen won’t exploit to enslave humanity and increase their own power and control. Graphene biocircuits give power-hungry lunatics direct access to your brain, and according to many analysts (see below), vaccines provide the excuse to inject human victims with graphene-based substances that self-assemble into biocircuits in the human brain.

CLAIM: Covid vaccines contain high levels of graphene oxide, which is self-assembled into biocircuits by harvesting elements (such as iron) from human blood

As reported by, a group called La Quinta Columna has analyzed covid vaccines and has found that 98% to 99% of the non-liquid mass in the vaccine appears to be graphene oxide. Ricardo Delgado, speaking for La Quinta Columna, says:

A phenomenon that for a long time was denied, but today has been already proved. There are millions of videos of people going around the world.  Videos about this phenomenon of, let’s call it ‘pseudo-magnetism acquired after inoculation’, but it can also be acquired through other ways.  So, once we conducted that basic epidemiological study, we started to wonder what materials or nanomaterials can cause magnetism in the body. And not only magnetism, but that could act as energy capacitors, because I have also measured in a multimeter an important charge…

This is a phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in the metal that adheres near the inoculation area.  In addition, we have found that the magnetism then moves towards the head. And this is very important.  Surely for the purpose they may seek.  In addition, a potential difference is measured with a multimeter: the person becomes a superconductor.  That is, it emits and receives signals.  And when we found the materials that can cause this type of alterations in the body, we began to talk about graphene.  We suspected it was graphene oxide since it had all the characteristics that magnetized people expressed after inoculation.

Graphene is toxic, it is a chemical, a toxic chemical agent.  Introduced in the organism in large quantities, it causes thrombi. It causes blood clots.  We have all the scientific articles to back it up. It causes post inflammatory syndrome, it causes alteration of the immune system.  And when the redox balance is broken, in the sense that there is less of the body’s own reserve glutathione  than an introduced toxicant such as graphene oxide, it generates a collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm.  In other words, something very similar to the fashionable disease, isn’t it?

See the video here:

140 Hospitalized People Out Of 141 Cases In Sydney Had Both COVID Jabs, Other Had 1 Dose (Must Video) – best news here


Source: 140 Hospitalized People Out Of 141 Cases In Sydney Had Both COVID Jabs, Other Had 1 Dose (Must Video) – best news here

Last week authorities announced the new lockdowns.

Over the weekend NSW News reported some astounding numbers that will have you questioning everything the ‘experts’ have been saying about all of this.

“There are a number of people in hospital. 141 people are in hospital with COVID at present and 43 are in intensive care. 18 of whom require ventilation so this is a very serious disease. Of those 141, 60 are under the age of 55 and 28 under the age of 35. And of the 43 people in intensive care, 1 in is in their teens, 7 are in their 20’s, 3 are in their 30’s, 14 are in their 50’s and 12 are in their 60’s and 6 are in their 70’s. So this is effecting people of all ages with very serious disease. All but 1 are vaccinated. 1 has just recently received 1 dose of vaccine.”

How is it that ALL of their hospitalizations have had the vaccine and NONE of them have not had the vaccine?

The response online leads us to believe that the people aren’t falling for it anymore…

“sounds to me like they should have used hydroxichloriquine.”

“The jab is giving covid!!! Wake tf up!”

“Booster shots until you die, it’s a grift to coerce you to pay for BigPharma via taxes!”

“Didn’t Alex Jones predict “booster shots” last year?”

“At least he’s telling the truth. In the U.S., we have a lemur Attorney General lying saying 99.5 % are the un vaccinated”

“Are there really covid cases. More likely adverse vaccine reactions.”





This petition has been created as an URGENT response to an almost unimaginable attempt (and bureaucratic overreach) … by various parts/levels of Ecuador’s government … to effectively make the Covid-19 “vaccination” … MANDATORY for all. Such a measure is UNACCEPTABLE on every level … and the multitude of reasons for this are clearly bullet-pointed below.

Even those who CHOOSE to get vaccinated (for whatever reason) … should ALSO be AGAINST the horrific precedent some governments (worldwide) are attempting to set here … that a citizen or resident MUST ACCEPT STATE-MANDATED INJECTIONS … whenever the State decrees them to be necessary.

This proposed direction by Ecuador’s government and its related subordinates … is ILLEGAL, IMMORAL, and fundamentally CRIMINAL. The Constitution of Ecuador itself EXPRESSLY PROHIBITS these actions.

The proposed governmental measures are:

1. anti-Constitutional … at many levels (not least of which is the creation of an “APARTHEID” (the state of being apart) system of lower-class citizens … who will not be able to “legally” function, shop, travel, and live normally within Ecuador),

2. anti human-rights … the right to medical autonomy and freedom of choice to accept or reject medical treatment … is one of the oldest recognized human rights,

3. anti bodily-sovereignty (a person MUST retain the right to PERSONAL
SOVEREIGNTY over the choice regarding what goes into their own body) … anything else renders that individual a slave, effectively without rights, essentially “property,” in this case, of the State,

4. anti “informed consent” … because the government is basing its actions on either corruption, incorrect information, or both. It is also bringing all organs of state power to bear … in order to remove that fundamental freedom of choice … for otherwise ENTIRELY HEALTHY people,

5. contrary to the underpinning theme of the of the Hippocratic Oath … “FIRST, DO NO HARM.” It has already been documented there are now hundreds of thousands of seriously adverse reactions worldwide … to the Covid vaccine/s … in people who were otherwise FINE prior to receiving the vaccine. Deaths as a result of adverse vaccine reaction are now documented as being in the thousands,

6. contrary to the notion of liability and responsibility … neither the government which wishes to mandate the vaccination/s, nor the the manufacturer of those vaccines … is prepared to take ANY responsibility for (or liability for) any adverse medical events which take place as a result of vaccination. Under these circumstances, a citizen can NEVER be obliged to be injected with what is, essentially, an experimental gene-therapy … never tested or used before on human beings … and certainly not for any length of time,

7. contrary to the UNESCO 2005 Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights … adapted to Ecuadorian legislation in the Constitution, article 425,

8. a violation of the genetic heritage of Ecuadorians, under Articles 14 & 15, of Ecuador’s Constitution,

9. contrary to the Declaration of Helsinki, widely regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics, and which draws its authority from the degree to which it has been codified in, or influenced, national or regional legislation and regulations worldwide,

10. contrary to aspects and core tenets of the Geneva Convention,

11. contrary to provisions and core tenets of the Nuremberg Code,

12. contrary to the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights … for which Ecuador is a signatory,

13. contrary to the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights … for which Ecuador is a signatory,

14. and finally, contrary to the Council of Europe resolution adopted on 27th January 2021 (articles 7.2.1 & 7.3.2) … which PROHIBITS states from making Coronavirus vaccination compulsory … or discriminating in any way against anyone who is not vaccinated.

Accordingly, it is ABUNDANTLY CLEAR … that the Covid-19 vaccine/s should be OPTIONAL … and NEVER COMPULSORY.

We make it clear that we do not question the right and self-determination … of people who have VOLUNTARILY been vaccinated, or wish to be vaccinated.

Our OBJECTION, PROTEST AND DECLARATION is due to the Ecuadorian government attempting to VIOLATE the rights of men, women and children who do NOT wish to be vaccinated … and we remind said “authorities” that citizens can REFUSE proposed measures on ALL the above-mentioned grounds, and are legally empowered to RESIST said measures as illegal, unconstitutional, dictatorial and fascist … under the protection of article 98 of Ecuador’s Constitution.

All citizens without distinction … of political ideology, socio-economic or cultural condition … ARE EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW as Art. 11 No. 2 mandates … accordingly, we demand respect from the authorities for our sovereign right to refuse the vaccine … and also, to not be discriminated against for making that choice.

If you have read this petition, and are in agreement with it, please stand with us, the citizens and residents of this beautiful country of Ecuador … and SIGN and CIRCULATE this petition widely. Thank-you in advance for your help and support!

Sincerely yours,


UPDATE ON SUPREME COURT CANCELLING UNIVERSAL VACCINATION: Our Global Justice System Has Been Coopted By The Corporate Criminal Cabal The Same Cabal That Has Manufactured The Covid Hoax! |

Source: UPDATE ON SUPREME COURT CANCELLING UNIVERSAL VACCINATION: Our Global Justice System Has Been Coopted By The Corporate Criminal Cabal The Same Cabal That Has Manufactured The Covid Hoax! |


No one Is Coming To Save Us, Not Even Jesus! He Is Already Here, “The Divine Spark Of The Creator Resides In All Of Us” As David Icke Has Been Warning People For Three Decades, We Are Being Manipulated And Lied To From The Day We Are Born. And The Only Way This Will End Is For Humanity To Refuse To Comply With These Damn Psychopaths, And Take Back Our Power That We Have Given Away To Manipulative Tyrants!! As David Has Stated, “We Are All Immortal Spiritual Beings, Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, Everything That Has Ever Been Or Will Be, Having A Human Experience!! There Is NO DEATH!! When Our Body Is Finally Worn Out We Leave It And Continue To Explore Forever, Forever!! Our So Called Leaders, Our System Of Justice Have All Been Coopted By A Criminal Corporate Cabal And These Evil Manipulative Psychos Are Scared To Death Of Humanity Discovering This Fact!!


This Is How We Are Being Manipulated! Subliminal messaging is an insidious invasion of the human mind where unseen messages are any sensory stimuli below an individual’s threshold for conscious perception.[2] A 2012 review of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies showed that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of the brain despite participants’ unawareness.[3] Visual stimuli may be quickly flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked to interrupt processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible volumes or masked by other stimuli.

Full article here:


URGENT: Supreme Court Has Canceled Universal Vaccination In the United States

Law Signed by DeSantis Will Allow for Forced Vaccinations |

Source: Law Signed by DeSantis Will Allow for Forced Vaccinations |

By Chris Nelson. June 21, 2021. A law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will allow for the Florida Department of Health to forcibly vaccinate Florida residents. S.B. 2006 was signed into law by DeSantis on May 3, 2021 and immediately hailed as a major victory by many medical freedom advocates. The law bans so-called “Vaccine Passports” and adds certain restrictions on state and local governments during a declared public health emergency. A little known and little spoken of section of the law, which will go into effect July 1, states: “The state health officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health.” Some of these actions include: “Ordering an individual to be examined, tested, vaccinated, treated, isolated, or quarantined for communicable diseases that have a significant morbidity or mortality and present a severe danger to public health.” Those refusing these actions “may be subjected to isolation or quarantine.”

The most disturbing part is a section beneath which reads,

“If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine, if there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to vaccinate or treat the individual.”

In the mass frenzy to applaud Governor DeSantis for banning Vaccine Passports, this section of the law was paid little attention. While this exact wording already exists in 2018 Florida Statute 281.00315 (Read here: it has further been strengthened by this new law. Bottom line, in a declared public health crisis you can be forcibly vaccinated in the State of Florida and Governor Ron DeSantis has added his stamp of approval to this policy. Read SB 2006 in its entirety here:…021/2006/BillText/er/HTML.



NASA DOCUMENT REVEALS PLAN TO KILL OFF MANKIND,IN USE NOW. DOWNLOAD THIS NASA PDF NOW, BEFORE IT DISAPPEARS! FWIW, I HAVE IT! THE LINK HERE WORKS FOR NOW! USE IT.… Iron Mountain Video… This is an actual NASA document retrieved from NASA’s website created July 2001 (PRE-9-11) that outlines how War HAS BEEN DECLARED AGAINST HUMANITY! Bare in mind the videos which clearly show NASA’s Name ON MORGELLONS Samples! With each upload we learn more about who “THEY” are! See the Morgellons US Patent video recently uploaded here for specifics including Names, Koelle, Seagraves and Hogness. We MUST BUILD THE CASE to EXPOSE this Crime in Process and ALERT all Americans to the Truth. We MUST find the right persons to file appropriate charges against ALL responsible PERSONS & Corporations & BRING THEM TO JUSTICE! If we FAIL, we do not have long, especially given this has been going on for well over 11 years. WE MUST NOT FAIL! IF WE DO NOT STAND NOW, IT’s OVER!


Banned! Fauci Exposed Again! “It’s a Premeditated Murder Rampage Using His Own Killer Concoctions!” Stew Peters With Dr. Bryan Arvis! Can You Say “Nuremburg Trials”?! – James Red Pills Video | Health | Before It’s News

Source: Banned! Fauci Exposed Again! “It’s a Premeditated Murder Rampage Using His Own Killer Concoctions!” Stew Peters With Dr. Bryan Arvis! Can You Say “Nuremburg Trials”?! – James Red Pills Video | Health | Before It’s News

(Natural News) Many people are unaware of just how long Anthony Fauci has been a mainstay in the federal government. Going back all the way to the early 1980s, Fauci has been trying to scare people into fearing their loved ones, just as he continues to do today with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Back in 1983, it was AIDS that Fauci was touting as the scary “pandemic” of that day. He was the first to publish an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) warning that people within the same household could spread AIDS to each other without sexual contact, which was never actually proven.

The mainstream media ran with Fauci’s narrative, though, even though it lacked definitive scientific proof. A UPI wire dated May 5, 1983 warned that “Household contacts can transmit AIDS” – again, despite the fact that Fauci never proved this and even admitted to such.

From there, fear began to spread as people worried that they might catch AIDS from their kids or their doctors, or perhaps the waitress at the local diner. AIDS was everywhere, was the messaging that was trumpeted, thanks to Fauci’s claims, and the goal was to get everyone “vaccinated” for AIDS at some point in the future.

That plan failed when the medical establishment never actually came up with a workable jab for AIDS, but you can be sure that Fauci tried. And he has continually tried with each new iteration of some scary new virus, whether it was MERS, SARS, or most recently the Chinese Virus.