Category Archives: Vaccination

WOW!!!! President Trump Signs Executive Orders for Coronavirus Stimulus – YouTube

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Trump details what the Democrat Party want for Americans in their bill verses what he believes will best help Americans.

Democrats want NO voter ID and NO signature verification for this November 2020 election.

Democrats do not want to give money to K thru 12 schools so they can reopen.

Democrats want to increase everybody taxes by 1 Trillion dollars.

Democrats want to give illegals money and the same benefits as Americans.


Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots –

Image: Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots

Source: Government conducting clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate Americans to take covid-19 shots –

Wednesday, August 05, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) The percentage of Americans who plan to get the new covid-19 vaccine continues to fall. Yahoo News and YouGov polled Americans in early May and only 55 percent said they would get the new vaccines. The number shrank to 50 percent later that month and fell to 46 percent in early July. By the end of July, the number had fallen to a mere 42 percent.

In order to manipulate Americans to take upcoming rushed covid-19 shots, the federal government got together with Yale researchers to conduct clinical trials to learn how best to manipulate the public.

Top 10 ways to manipulate the public’s emotions to get them to vaccinate

Since the new covid-19 vaccines are too big to fail, with billions of dollars of taxpayer funds invested into the vaccine companies, the government must make sure that everyone abides by the new vaccine science. The clinical trial tests out 10 different messages about vaccinating and how to best convince people to comply with upcoming vaccines.

The participants in the study were recruited and randomly selected to one of twelve groups. One of the groups served as a control; these participants received messaging on a random topic. Another group served as a baseline and received a universal message about the benefits of vaccinating. The other ten groups were additionally given messages that appealed to their emotions — their guilt, anger, embarrassment, and pride, to name a few. The behavioral researchers are currently studying the participants’ willingness to get a covid-19 vaccine at three months and at six months after it becomes available.

The clinical study also investigates secondary outcome measures. After the messaging, the researchers measured the person’s confidence level toward the vaccine, how willing they would be to persuade others to take the vaccine, how uncomfortable they would be around someone who did not vaccinate, while measuring their trustworthiness, selfishness, likeableness, and competence toward others who do not get the vaccines.

Personal freedom message

This tactic tried to convince participants that COVID-19 is limiting people’s personal freedom (even though government and institutional leaders are the ones restricting freedoms and imposing arbitrary controls). By working together to get enough people vaccinated, society can preserve its personal freedom, according to the message.

Economic freedom message

This tactic tried to convince participants that COVID-19 is limiting people’s economic freedom and instructed that all people work together by vaccinating.

Self-interest message

This message is about convincing people that COVID-19 presents a real danger to one’s health, that their immune system is incapable and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it, no matter if they are young and healthy. Getting the vaccine is the best thing you can do to keep yourself safe.

Community interest message

This message tried to manipulate participants into feeling false guilt for spreading covid-19 infections they don’t have – infections that would most definitely kill their loved ones and the elderly in the community.

Economic benefit message

This message tried to convince people that the only way to boost the economy is to get vaccinated.

Guilt message

This message appealed to one’s guilt, stating that the health of one’s family and community is at risk as long as the majority are not vaccinated. Without the vaccine, everyone spreads infections they do not have. The vaccine science will only work if everyone complies.

Anger message

This message teaches the participant to be angry at those who do not vaccinate because they are putting the health of the community at risk. Anyone who doesn’t comply is an enemy, killing others.

Trust in science message

This message is about putting blind trust in vaccine science and worshiping vaccine orthodoxy. Getting a covid-19 vaccine is the only way to have immunity and anyone who disagrees is ignoring the science.

Not brave message

This message uses peer pressure and a sense of pride to convince people to vaccinate. The message talks about how firefighters, doctors, and front-line medical workers are brave and those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 are not brave.

The manipulation tactics are right out in the open now. In fact, they are currently being used to control people’s minds and personal freedom. Will you succumb to this psychological abuse?


Source: Brighteon

Curious about how the #Covid19 vaccine trials are going? Well, turn on your brain and join us as The HighWire looks inside the Lancet’s latest study on Astra Zeneca’s vaccine being tested at Oxford University. We dug into the study data for this product planned to be injected into the entire world at “warp speed,” and the numbers are shocking. (WARNING: if you only like to read headlines or other people’s opinions about science, this segment is not for you.)

Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions –

Image: Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions

Source: Big Pharma achieves total legal immunity for coronavirus vaccines; even as vaccine injections will be FORCED onto billions of people, potentially killing tens of millions –

(Natural News) We have now arrived at the ultimate moneymaking scam for Big Pharma, a corrupt, criminal industry that’s going to great lengths to pressure Big Tech to censor all speech that doesn’t earn them more profits. Now, vaccine manufacturers like AstraZeneca are openly bragging about how they’ve achieved absolute legal immunity from all side effects caused by coronavirus vaccines, even as “Dr. Evil” Fauci and other pawns of the vaccine industry are pushing for mandatory vaccine injections for billions of people.

You have no right to say no, in other words, but you also have no right to sue if their product turns out to be faulty and causes injury or harm.

This is now the status quo of the lawless, anti-human vaccine industry and all its corrupt collaborators such as Big Tech, Big Media, medical schools and complicit medical journals.

“AstraZeneca has been granted protection from future product liability claims related to its COVID-19 vaccine hopeful by most of the countries with which it has struck supply agreements,” reports Reuters. “The United States… already has a law to exclude tort claims from products that help control a public-health crises in the form of the 2005 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness, or PREP Act.”

The vaccine will be forced upon you, in other words, regardless of its safety status. Long-term trials are being completely skipped. Animals trials have been largely abandoned. And Moderna, the most prominent vaccine manufacturer on the covid-19 scene, has publicly admitted that 100% of clinical trial subjects experienced negative side effects in the high dose group, during the second round of injections.

Bill Gates is now publicly stating that “multiple doses” of coronavirus vaccines will need to be forced on people around the world, yet we already see that even during the second dose — not the mention third or fourth doses — side effects hit every single person, indicating they get cumulatively worse with an incremental number of doses.

Greed-driven vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to make coronavirus vaccines safe

The utter lack of financial liability means that vaccine manufacturers have no incentive to follow quality control measures. Since they can’t be sued when their faulty vaccine products cause injury or death, there’s no incentive to make their vaccines safe during manufacturing. Instead, the priority is to rush everything into production as quickly as possible in order to maximize profits and be among the first to market.

Adding to the conspiracy, tech giants like Google, Facebook and Twitter will of course censor all reports of vaccine injuries, making it nearly impossible for anyone to lodge an honest online complaint about vaccine safety.

Here’s how that will work: The CDC will declare the faulty, dangerous vaccines to be “safe,” then anyone who questions that will be censored by the tech giants for “not following CDC guidelines” or some similar excuse.

Thus, companies like Moderna, Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Bayer could produce flat-out lethal vaccines that kill millions of people, and there is no mechanism in society by which any whistleblower could raise the alarm or bring one of the vaccine manufacturers to court.

Due process has just been obliterated. You have no right to any trial. You have no right to say no. You must comply or lose your job, and you might in fact be denied access to public transportation or even public shopping spaces.

You are now living in a medical police state, run by Big Pharma tyrants and junk science quacks who pretend to be the high priests of “truth.” All those who oppose them will be silenced, and you will be injected against your will with a toxic cocktail of experimental medicine that might just kill you. If you complain, you will be de-platformed. If you sue, your case will be thrown out. If you die, your death will be recorded as a “covid-19” death in order to push more justification for more vaccines.

On top of all that, the vaccines probably won’t even work.

YOU will have to pay all the medical costs stemming from vaccine injuries

By achieving absolute legal immunity for unsafe, rushed, experimental vaccines, the vaccine drug giants have transferred all financial risk to you, the patient.

You will have to bear all the hospitalization costs, funeral costs and lifelong injury costs associated with their toxic vaccines. They have no liability whatsoever.

This arrangement — essentially U.S. Congress-approved collusion between Big Pharma and rich, elite lawmakers who accept campaign contributions from the industry — is outrageous. It strips the people of due process rights while shifting cost burdens from Big Pharma to the very people who are being forcibly injected against their wishes.

You are forced to take the shot, in other words, and then forced to pay for the injuries caused by the shot. Big Pharma gets away scot-free, pocking all the profits while facing none of the financial liability for their dangerous, untested vaccine cocktails.

The CDC, FDA and WHO are all in on the scam, of course, as is the corporate media, medical journals and Big Tech. That’s because they all get kickbacks from Big Pharma. The money flows like water as millions of people face injuries or death from an unsafe, unproven vaccine medical experiment that clearly violates Nuremberg principles abolishing medical experiments on human beings.

It’s no wonder so many Americans are now publicly asserting that they will defend their lives against any vaccine assault, which is technically an assault with a deadly weapon.

If the government forces you to be injected with something, it’s insane to simultaneously claim that YOU have to bear the financial burden stemming from injury or death

Obviously, if the government forces some medical intervention upon you, depriving you of the choice to say no, they can’t simultaneously force you pay the medical costs and cover the lost work income stemming from injury caused by those very same medical interventions. This is the government demanding vaccine victims cover the product liability costs that should be covered by the manufacturer.

Imagine if the government forced all Americans to buy Ford Pinto cars, and then granted Ford total immunity from any liability related to those cars exploding. That would be the government forcing you to subject yourself to risk of real harm from a faulty product (the Pintos exploded when lightly tapped from the rear) while simultaneously forcing you to cover the costs of injury and hospitalization stemming from the faulty product itself.

That’s insane. It’s rigged. It is unjust, and it deprives Americans of their basic constitutional rights. Yet it’s exactly what Congress has put in place for vaccine manufacturers, who have a long, dark history of science fraud, criminal price fixing, rigging clinical trials and lying to government regulators.

In fact, it’s difficult to find an industry run by more criminal-minded fraudsters than the vaccine industry, which routinely lies and deceives the U.S. public, falsely claiming that vaccines harm no one even as the U.S. government itself releases quarterly statistics detailing an astonishing number of people (mostly children) who are maimed, hospitalized and killed by vaccines. You can download the government statistics yourself at

Dr. Mikovits warns the coronavirus vaccine might kill 50 million Americans

Dr. Judy Mikovits, who have been viciously attacked by the vaccine-controlled media, recently explained that she believes a COVID-19 vaccine might kill as many as 50 million people in the United States. Via

“So now you’re going to inject an agent, into every cell in the body. I just can’t even imagine a recipe for anything other than what I would consider mass murder on a scale where 50 million people will die in America from the vaccine.”

Dr. Mikovits was interviewed by Brian Rose, who has been featuring interviews with David Icke who claims there is no virus and that 5G cell towers are the sole cause behind what he calls a “fake” pandemic. For the record, we strongly disagree with David Icke, and we believe that Brian Rose appears to be riding a wave of incredibly popular but utterly false disinformation in his interviews with Icke. Nevertheless, we also believe that every person should be allowed to voice their views on the pandemic, including Icke and Rose, even if they’re wildly wrong in their conclusions. We would hope that the public might be intelligent enough to make their own decisions about what to believe.

Watch Dr. Mikovits in a separate interview here, and decide for yourself:

Dr. Judy Mikovits has been vehemently opposed to wearing masks, and she has become one of the most prominent voices of dissent against the corrupt medical establishment when it comes to COVID-19. We disagree with her anti-mask position, but we strongly agree that these rushed, largely untested COVID-19 vaccines are, indeed, a recipe for disaster. While it’s hard to say exactly how many people might die from the vaccines over time — usually from a hyperinflammatory response invoked from subsequent exposure to new infections — we absolutely agree that tens of millions of lives will be placed at risk in the United States of America all by itself, not to mention other nations.

Whether the number of Americans who die from faulty vaccines is one million or fifty million is difficult to know in advance, but what we do know is that Big Pharma doesn’t care one bit how many people die. Their only concern is how much money they can make by selling a rushed, faulty product that utterly lacks anything that could honestly be called “comprehensive safety testing.”

So the core claim of Dr. Mikovits is correct, even if the final number may not be exactly 50 million. That’s why her voice is so important right now, as she’s one of the few courageous, informed individuals who is warning us all about the mass murder that’s about to be carried out by the vaccine industry in the name of corporate profits.

It’s worth noting, by the way, that Mikovits doesn’t agree with Icke, either. Mikovits knows the coronavirus is real, even if it’s now a lot less lethal because we have much better knowledge of how to beat it with hydroxychloroquine, nutrition and similar efforts.

My guess is that neither one of them will be lining up to get vaccinated against the coronavirus… and I won’t be getting vaccinated either. In fact, I’ve already publicly stated that anyone who attempts to assault me with a vaccine injection (weapon) will have to contend with my Glock.

Vaccine vs. Glock? Glock wins.

An assault with a vaccine is an assault with a deadly weapon, and every human being has the right to defend themselves against medical violence. This is a fundamental principle of human rights that the vaccine industry has now utterly abandoned.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that any person who attempts to forcibly inject any other person with a vaccine against their will should be halted from carrying out their assault by every legal means available. In Texas, by the way, it is legal to use a firearm to prevent a felony assault.

Unsafe vaccines are medical violence. Medical violence against children is child abuse. It’s time to stop the medical violence.

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