Category Archives: Vaccination

Send this NOTICE of NON-CONSENT to say NO to the “Big Brother” bill (HR 6666) and preserve YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!


Source: Send this NOTICE of NON-CONSENT to say NO to the “Big Brother” bill (HR 6666) and preserve YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

On May 1, 2020, 45 congress members co-sponsored Bill HR 6666, proposing to spend $100 BILLION dollars in 2020 to hire “contact tracers”, coronavirus testers, and reporting agents. If passed, this would create an unprecedented new mega-industry for what appears to be a type of “medical martial law”.

Proponents of this bill apparently want to hire a massive number of staff to enforce “social distancing”, administer tests in our homes — apparently whether we consent or not, and apparently — if we perceive the bill correctly — even grant themselves the right to take people who “test positive” from their homes!

The full name of this bill HR 6666 is the “COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”. As many of you know, what is referred to as “contact tracing” is more aptly called Big Brother surveillance.

Ventura, California recently announced their own draconian measure threatening to forcibly test and remove people from their homes if “necessary”… though they subsequently backtracked probably due to the massive pushback.

As many of us have come to realize (not a comfortable process), there indeed appears to be an agenda to lock humanity into a so-called “new normal” reality of technocratic policing and constant monitoring. Self-appointed technocrats and their organizations appear highly motivated to have us vaccinated and tracked with wireless and, it strongly appears, biometrics.

But millions are waking up and sharing information. This is a fight for the soul of humanity, and we’re learning what it means to combine love and action.


U.S. Democrats propose ominous ‘6666’ bill for coronavirus tracing | Blogs | LifeSite

Source: U.S. Democrats propose ominous ‘6666’ bill for coronavirus tracing | Blogs | LifeSite

House Democrats have proposed a measure to fund tracing of individuals believed to have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for coronavirus and require them to quarantine. What makes the story seem so far-fetched is that the bill number is H.R. 6666. Read more:…


No mandatory vaccines for U. S. Citizens, No mandatory microchipping, No mass surveillance, under any circumstances | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Source: No mandatory vaccines for U. S. Citizens, No mandatory microchipping, No mass surveillance, under any circumstances | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

In light of information today, as in the article,“INFECTIOUS DISEASE Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio
June 28, 20173:22 PM ET”, it is no longer acceptable to force the American people, who are supposed to be ‘endowed with certain inalienable rights’ such as ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ according to our Declaration of Independence, to submit to vaccines against their will, which violates both liberty and life, as stated in The Indian Journal of Medical Ethics regarding the death of girls who received a Human Papilloma Virus vaccine from an American Foundation. Petition is to overturn all policies allowing mandatory vaccines & disallow mandatory microchipping or skin i.d.’s even in states of emergency & declarations of war.


URGENT! Full Disclosure from ‘INSIDE’ – Dr – YouTube

The U.S. Congress recently introduced on May 1, 2020 a new bill entitled “HR 6666” entitled the “T.R.A.C.E. Act.”  The acronym T.R.A.C.E stands for Testing, Reaching And Contacting Everyone.  If you read the links below you will see this is ORWELIAN verbage permitting authorities to go door to door and test everyone in the household for COVID-19 and furthermore remove anyone (including children) who test POSITIVE for quarantining.

Furthermore, there is mounting evidence there is a huge percentage of “FALSE Positives” with the testing currently being used.  Which means someone who does NOT have Coronavirus, can falsely receive a POSITIVE reading.

Unfortunately, most of the countries in the world follow the lead of the U.S. on topics like this.  So I think it is important that everyone be made aware, no matter what country you reside in.

Here are a few critical links to educate yourself on this draconian legislation:


FULL DISCLOSURE DOCUMENTARY! Dirty Deeds Of The [DS] Dems On Full Display For All To See! #MOAB! – YouTube

As I wrote the description for this stunning News Documentary, #FULLDISCLOSURE (#EyesWideOpen) – The Dirty Deeds of the Deceptive Deep State”, I almost began second-guessing myself as to whether or not I would even publish it. It’s no secret that some fear is permeating the Citizen Journalist movement; lately, Patriots around the country are starting to question how long their profile or channel will remain on any given social media platform – whether or not their voice will be the next one to be snuffed out. Just ask any number of them – that is, if you can find them still. However, as any good Soul who has sworn their life to the Lord’s Work and Pastoral Duties, I Soldier on – just the same as any good and decent, God and Country-loving person would do in times such as these.
WITH THIS DEVASTATING DOCUMENTARY! I now present you with a Deep Dive into the Deep State Realm of Lies, Deceit and #DerelictionOfDuty with this mini#Documentary designed to shed the Bright Light of #Justice on some of the recent dastardly events such as the #BeerVirus going around, our favorite Demonic Democrat, Creepy Joe Biden and the role he TRULY plays in this upcoming #Election2020, and SO MUCH MORE! Joined by our favorite cast of Investigative Reporters such as Judge Jeanine, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, James O’Keefe and more! Remember this thing, Patriots: Q4076 “…..Sometimes You Can’t TELL The Public The TRUTH – You Must SHOW Them”. Go down this bottomless rabbit hole with #PastorJames from #JamesRedPillsAmerica!
Watch this hard-hitting, fact-packed video, filled with all of the in-your-face, disgusting ‘Now You Know” moments! Join me for something you won’t find on the #FakeNews media –
HARD-HITTING TRUTH BOMBS! BUCKLE UP & ENJOY THE SHOW, PATRIOTS! You do NOT want to miss this awesome video! REAL Conservative content from May 7th, 2020 – and make sure you visit my awesome website at!
Enjoy the video and PLEASE share it everywhere!

Are Real Solutions For Covid-19 Being Censored?

Are Real Solutions For Covid-19 Being Censored?

Regardless of your political or ideological point of view, it is pretty clear that vital information is being censored right now in support of an agenda that is rather diabolical. Youtube is now openly admitting that they will remove any video which speak in opposition to the WHO guidelines on Covid-19. The World Health Organization (WHO), after all isn’t even an American organization!

If there were effective solutions that did not involve a needle would you want a vaccine for Covid-19?

This is a question that you should be very familiar with right now because it shouldn’t be a surprise that there is a current Covid-19 adult vaccine agenda headed by people like Dr Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates (no medical credentials) that have a significant financial interest in vaccines.

At the same time solutions like hydroxychloroquine and zinc sulfate are being called ineffective while doctors in the trenches report very impressive results on certain patients with these protocols. You’ll see the details in the videos below.

Here are some of the latest video posts on this subject which you may want to watch right away before the censorship machine attempts to remove them.

After I posted this video below it was censored by both youtube and vimeo and that remove it from the original poster’s (the filmmaker) site since they were using vimeo to host it. I’ve gone ahead and reposted it on my new bitchute channel so you can still see it because that’s a platform that doesn’t seem to be doing any censorship.

I also have it backed up on my own in house player in case that’s needed so if this video doesn’t play for you please notify me through this site and I’ll make sure it is fixed. You can also see it directly on bitchute here:

Dr Judy Mikovits “Plandemic”:

Are Real Solutions For Covid-19 Being Censored?


The Time Is Coming, The People Need To Be Shown, The Revolution – Episode 2166b – YouTube

Report date: 05.05.2020 The [DS]/MSM have now unleashed everything they have to keep everything lockdown, killer hornets, mutations and more is most likely on the way, look out for an event to put fear into the people. The patriots plan is now working, the trap has been set. Flynn’s case moves ahead, the Judge will be making a determination soon. Q drops more bread, the revolution has begun, the time has come to let the people see another aspect of the [DS].

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), has been tested and is shown to cure and prevent Covid 19 in over 90% of people and is an effective vaccine.