Category Archives: World News


Published on Jan 23, 2017

Sub for more: | The Conservative Tribune reports, President Donald Trump’s campaign criticism of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact came to fruition on Monday as he signed an executive order announcing his plan to withdraw the United States from the deal, The Hill reported.

Reporters tell me the truth off the record: the fake news business « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

Source: Reporters tell me the truth off the record: the fake news business « Jon Rappoport’s Blog

January 23, 2017

During my 34 years of working as a reporter, I’ve had many informal conversations with mainstream journalists. They were illuminating.

Here, from my notes (1982-2011), taken after the conversations, are what these guardians on the watchtower revealed:

ONE: “Investigative reporting has been dying.

TWO: “Most reporters who cover major issues are de facto intelligence assets.

THREE: “We’re in a business. We’re selling a product. That’s our role. If our bosses don’t like what we’re submitting to them, they let us know we’re giving them the wrong product.

FOUR: “I can write an article that’s critical of what a drug company is specifically doing, but I can’t criticize the company. If I did, my editor would read me the riot act. He knows if he published that article, his boss would get a visit from the company. They would threaten to pull their advertising. Everybody would be in serious trouble.

FIVE: “I thought I could quit working for my paper and get hired by somebody else, who would give me more freedom to write the stories I wanted to. I made a few quiet inquiries. Turned out I was wrong. They’re all pretty much the same

SIX: “Sometimes an order comes down. By the time I get it, it isn’t sounding exactly like an order. It’s more like ‘this is what we’re doing’. We need to go after a politician and bury him. That kind of thing.

SEVEN: “I’m a guy who’s expected to put out baloney for our audience. I can slice it a few different ways, but it’s the same basic thing. After a few years, I can do it in my sleep. I know the routine.”

EIGHT: “You talk about who’s really running things behind the scene. I know something about that. But I can’t write it in a story. That would be called original research. I’m not allowed to do that. I can only quote authorities on two sides of an issue. And the guy I quote first—he carries the point of view of the story. The other guy is the doubter. I place him in the weaker position. I get to choose, but I already know what’s needed and required.”

NINE: “Reporters in my business have two choices. They can lower their IQs and become cynics, or they can maintain their intelligence and get booted out. That’s what it comes down to. Anybody with an IQ over 90 can see we have agendas. The whole business is agenda-driven. The main job of a reporter who wants to keep working is developing a cover—pretending he’s speaking the truth. This is a cover for his real identity. A guy who pleases his bosses.

TEN: “My decision to get out of the news business was pretty easy. I wanted to write a story about the influence of the Council on Foreign Relations on government policy, since World War Two. The way I was told to forget about it was like a cop talking to a drug dealer. All of a sudden, I was the bad guy. I really got into it with my editor. I saw what a phony he was. The thing is, I knew he had a cozy thing going with the CIA. Several people knew it. In my years in the business, I got a first-hand education in what selling out means. I came pretty close to the edge. There’s a weird adrenaline kick to it. You see your whole future laid out in front of you. It’s very rewarding, in terms of money and status. If you just play ball, it’ll be a smooth ride.”

ELEVEN: “What the teachers told me in journalism school was a load. All I needed was one honest talk with a professor, and I never would have bothered with the whole thing. I was naive.

TWELVE: “I saw what I called ‘the inch-below’ thing. An inch below what we were reporting was the real story. It was about power players and what they were doing to make profit for major corporations. It kept coming up. Crimes. People should have been arrested. I could have written great stories. But nobody wanted them. I would have proved intent. I’m talking about wars. Not little stuff. Whole wars, and the money. The profits. In court, a lawyer could have taken what I had and made a great circumstantial case. The jury would have been convinced. When you can’t publish these stories, you sink into boredom after a while. Tremendous boredom. That’s why some reporters become drunks.”


Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India

Yet Again Children Are Left Paralyzed From Oral Polio Vaccines

Source: Vaccine-derived Polio Spreading in “Polio-free” India

Bill Gates administering the live oral polio vaccine in India. His foundation funds much of the vaccine programs in India.

Despite knowing the facts, both the WHO and the CDC, over the years, have continued to vaccinate tiny children in developing countries with multiple doses of the OPV vaccination. According to the Indian vaccination schedule reproduced by the website Parentree, children in India should receive a total of six doses of the OPV vaccination and four doses of the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) by the age of five years.

This means that, before the tender age of five, each child in India, according to the vaccination schedule set by their government, should receive a whopping TEN doses of various polio vaccinations as required by their government.

This is total madness, especially when you consider that Bill Gates has been stating for years that polio has been eradicated in India.

Parentree stated:

Immunizations are critical to protect babies and children from various illnesses. Here is some basic information on Indian immunizations and schedules, that Indian parents can learn from. Ultimately, your paediatrician is the right resource for you to discuss immunizations for your child.

Here is a typical immunization schedule recommended by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.

This schedule was last updated in August 2008 by the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Our timetable below reflects that update.

Changes made in August 2008:

The Tetanus vaccine was changed from Td to Tdap, thus adding more pertussis protection

HPV vaccine has been added to protect girls/women against a common cause of cervical cancer

Rotavirus vaccine has been added to the list

IPV has been added to the list

Here is the published vaccination chart that Parentree advertises on their website:


  • Birth – BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B
  • 6 weeks – DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV
  • 10 weeks – DTP, OPV+IPV, Hib, PCV
  • 14 weeks – DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV
  • 9 months – Measles
  • 1 year – Varicella
  • 15 months – MMR, PCV Booster
  • 16 months – Hib Booster
  • 18 months – DTP Booster, OPV+IPV Booster
  • 2 years – Typhoid
  • 2 years 1 month – Hepatitis A
  • 2 years 7 months – Hepatitis A
  • 5 years – DTP Booster, OPV Booster, Typhoid
  • 10 years – Tdap, HPV

Tens of Thousands of Cases of Vaccine-Induced Polio Being Reported

Can Trump take back The Presidency from the CIA? Last Minute Change in Security at Inauguration Reminiscent of JFK in Dealey Plaza – YouTube

Published on Jan 15, 2017

Without explanation and just a week before inauguration, President Obama has suddenly announced he is removing the Major General in charge of the DC National Guard who helped plan and was set to oversee event security that day, effective right in the middle of the ceremony the very minute after Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

The termination is unprecedented and out of decorum with such a high state function taking place, raising serious concerns about the vulnerabilities and gaps in security on such an important day. Not saying that anything is going to happen, but it’s hard not to notice and raise questions when the scenario is being made plausible.