Category Archives: World News

STEVE QUAYLE: The Man Who Predicted It All Speaks Out – YouTube

Between now and January 2017, we will see what the Obama and Clinton’s have to offer the future of America.
Please view, knowledge can save you and your family’s lives.
Published on Aug 17, 2016

Alex Jones talks with Steve Quayle about how throughout the years his predictions have been proven to be true.

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Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism

‘The burden is on Caucasians’.

Source: Hillary’s VP: Whites Must Become a “Minority” to Atone For Racism » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

In little noticed comments, Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine told a black audience in New Orleans that white people must become a “minority” in order to properly atone for racism and oppression suffered by blacks.

“I’ve never been treated badly in life because of my skin color or my gender,” Kaine told a group of black Baptists in New Orleans. “I think the burden is on those of us who are in the majority — Caucasians. We have to put ourselves in a place where we are the minority.”

The “burden” that Kaine mentions obviously means taking on “white guilt,” despite the fact that – even at the height of slavery – only 1.4% of whites in America owned slaves. White people were also victims of far more brutal and longer lasting oppression under the Barbary slave trade.

Kaine’s desire to see whites become a minority in America is set to be realized in around 30 years because white people are the only group with a higher death rate than birth rate.

Hispanics are growing in number at a pace of around 2.1 percent a year, with blacks growing at 1.3 percent, while whites are only growing at 0.5 percent.

95% of the U.S. population increase is accounted for by minority births and immigration. Five jurisdictions – Hawaii (77 percent), the District of Columbia (64.2 percent), California (61.5 percent), New Mexico (61.1 percent) and Texas (56.5 percent) already have non-white majority populations.

As Edmund Kozak explains, the Democratic Party’s policies have negatively impacted white communities in the United States.

“The ever-increasing rate at which good-paying, blue-collar jobs are being offshored by bad trade deals — something to which the modern Democratic Party appears committed fully — will continue to have a devastating effect on working-class white communities. The disproportionately negative effect globalization has had on blue-collar whites was a large factor in GOP nominee Donald Trump’s success in the GOP primaries,” he writes.

According to Alicia Powe, Kaine’s comments emphasize how the left has employed “toxic identity politics” to “perpetuate class warfare and the narrative of an unjust America,” with whites demonized as the scapegoats.

Watch the video below to understand why “white privilege” is a complete myth.

The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See – YouTube



Published on Jul 11, 2016

The Most Disturbing Video on the Islamic Invasion of Europe You’ll Ever See

This is a re upload of my previous video .

ISLAM TAKING OVER EUROPE ! Wake up before it’s too late !

Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in Europe.[1][2]

Muslim population in England (2011)
20% and more
Since the 1960s, immigrants from Muslim countries started to appear in numbers in Western Europe, especially in Germany, France and Belgium. Although large Muslim communities existed on the continent long before this, especially in the Balkans, this was the first major wave of immigration of Muslims to northwestern Europe.[3]

Muslims in Europe are not a homogeneous group. They are of various national, ethnic and racial identities. The top countries of origin of Muslims in Western Europe are Pakistan, Turkey and the Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia).[4] Muslims also vary in terms of their religious commitment: some adhere very strictly to the tenets of Islam while others have largely assimilated into secular European culture.

In Western Europe, Muslims generally live in major urban areas, often concentrated in poor neighborhoods of large cities.[5]

According to the Pew Forum, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2010 was about 44 million (6%).[6] The total number of Muslims in the European Union in 2010 was about 19 million (3.8%).[6] The French capital of Paris and its metropolitan area has the largest number (up to 1.7 million according to The Economist)[7] of Muslims than any other city in the European Union. London also has a substantial community of Muslim origin, numbering about 1 million within the limits of Greater London and exceeding this figure when the entire metropolitan area is taken into account.

If the current rate of migration of Muslims to Europe and the Muslim fertility rate remains constant, by 2030, people of Muslim faith or origin are predicted to form about 10% of the French population[6] and 8% of the European population.[6]

The table below lists large cities of the European Union with significant Muslim populations.

Eurabia is a political neologism.[2] The concept was coined by Bat Ye’Or in the early 2000s. Bat Ye’Or (pen name of Gisele Littman) claims a conspiracy of Europe, allegedly led by France and Arab powers, to Islamise and Arabise Europe, thereby weakening its existing culture and undermining an alleged previous alignment with the U.S. and Israel.[3][4]

The term has gained some public interest and has been used and discussed across a wide range of the political spectrum, including far-right activists,[5] counterjihadis and different sorts of antiislamist and conservative activists. Bat Ye’Or’s “Mother conspiracy theory” has been used for further subtheories.[6] The narrative grew important in expressing Islamophobic sentiments and was used by movements like Stop Islamisation of Europe. It gained renewed interest after the 9/11 events and the use of the term by 2011 Norway attacker Anders Behring Breivik. It is as well a part of classical Anti-Europeanism, a strong influence in American culture and American exceptionalism[7] which sometimes sees Europe on the decline or as a rising rival power, or, as is the case here, both.

Islamophobia (or anti-Muslim sentiment) is a term for prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of Muslims or of ethnic groups perceived to be Muslim.[1] The term entered into common English usage in 1997 with the publication of a report by the Runnymede Trust condemning negative emotions such as fear, hatred, and dread directed at Muslims. While the term is now widely used, both the term itself and the underlying concept have been criticized.

The causes and characteristics of Islamophobia are still debated. Some scholars have defined it as a type of racism. Some commentators have posited an increase in Islamophobia resulting from the September 11 attacks, while others have associated it with the increased presence of Muslims in the United States, the European Union and other secular nations.

Islam in Europe
Islam in Austria
Islam in Belgium
Islam in Denmark
Islam in France
Islam in Germany
Islam in Italy
Islam in the Netherlands
Islam in Spain
Islam in Sweden
Islam in the United Kingdom

SHOCKING !!! OMG!!! – They can remove your soul ? and place it in a container. pt2 – YouTube

Published on Dec 6, 2015

OMG!!! Lucifer and his fallen angels are in over drive deceiving the entire world, and most people are living in a false reality, that everything they here on the local news media is the gospel truth.
All hell is about to break lose at any moment, LITERTALLY!!! and most of you are sitting back watching days of our lives, or other TV soaps etc.

CHRISTIANS!!!!!!! HAVE NO FEAR OF ANYTHING. I put these video’s up just to educate you of the lateness of the hour, not to scare you. I have known about these things for quite a while now, and the Lord has prompted me, that its time to make all this known.

The only people that need to be afraid of what is coming, are those who are deliberately living in sin, or are just Luke warm in their walk with Jesus Christ. And as usual I have not said everything concerning this video. You are going to need discernment, and put everything to the Lord in prayer if you do not want to be deceived. (not everything is what it seems) only those firmly grounded in the word of GOD, and walk with him daily will be saved.

Knowing about certain things, and having knowledge, is not always going to save you. GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART. The devil knows much, but he’s still going into the pit for all eternity. The information in this video is true, BUT!!!!!! don’t follow anyone just because you believe something they have said is true. ? Satan has traps everywhere for the gullible and un-wary. ?

From what I can gather, this video was first uploaded by the BackToConstitution channel. link below.…

Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

Source: Staged Zika pandemic was engineered by globalist governments to justify the aerial bombardment of awakening populations with toxic chemicals

Zika is completely harmless to nearly everyone, and your body self-immunizes against Zika without any vaccine needed

Secondly, the Zika fear factor has been wildly overblown by the media for a specific political purpose that I’ll reveal later. In reality, Zika virus is almost completely harmless to nearly everyone.

This is admitted by none other than the CDC which says on its Zika overview page that:

• “Many people infected with Zika virus won’t have symptoms or will only have mild symptoms.” (In other words, the symptoms are so mild, most people won’t even experience any ill effects at all.)

• “People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika.” (There’s no hospitalization required because the infection is so mild.)

• “Once a person has been infected with Zika, they are likely to be protected from future infections.” (Your body will self-immunize against Zika upon the first exposure, meaning that vaccines are not necessary.)

The Big Lie about Zika and microcephaly

And finally, the Big Lie about Zika is that it is responsible for every case of microcephaly (shrunken skulls and brains) being witnessed today. This Big Lie is repeated by the CDCwhich claims, without any scientific proof whatsoever, that “Zika infection during pregnancy can cause a birth defect of the brain called microcephaly and other severe fetal brain defects.”

This conclusion was reached by the CDC using epidemiological statistics, not rigorous scientific studies of cause and effect. In other words, the CDC observed that women in regions of South America that hosted Zika-carrying mosquitoes were suffering from microcephaly in their newborn children. From this, they concluded a cause-and-effect relationship between Zika virus and the developmental deformities. What they failed to recognize, however, is the presence of the dominant cause: All these same areas were also being sprayed with highly toxic larvicide chemicals that work by interfering with the nervous systems of insects.

Those same chemicals, when ingested by pregnant women, also cause neurodevelopmental deformities in human children. This doesn’t mean that Zika can’t also cause microcephaly in rare cases, but Zika is likely to be only a minor factor that’s far outpaced by the causative factor of larvicide exposure.