Category Archives: World News

Confirmed: Multiple Known Antifa Members Posed As Pro-Trump to Incite Riot At Capitol ⋆ This is what they do. ⋆ Flag And Cross

Source: Confirmed: Multiple Known Antifa Members Posed As Pro-Trump to Incite Riot At Capitol ⋆ This is what they do. ⋆ Flag And Cross

There were certainly a lot of Trump supporters who acted like complete imbeciles during the riot at the Capitol building on January 6. But they weren’t alone.

The thing to remember (aside from violence of all kinds being wrong), is how the media literally supports liberals rioting and looting – but they hate it when conservatives are involved (which is literally next to never).

Check this out, via New York Post:

Trending: Report: Multiple Trump Cabinet Members Consider Invoking 25th Amendment (Details)

At least two known Antifa members were spotted among the throngs of pro-Trump protesters at the Capitol on Wednesday, a law enforcement source told The Post.

The infiltrators were recognized due to their participation in New York City demonstrations, and were believed to have joined in the rioting so that Trump would get blamed, the source said.

Here’s some random stuff from Twitter…

WAR ROOM (1st HOUR) Wednesday 1/6/21 • STORMING THE CAPITOL AFTERMATH, News, Reports & Analysis

Source: WAR ROOM (1st HOUR) Wednesday 1/6/21 • STORMING THE CAPITOL AFTERMATH, News, Reports & Analysis’

Ron Gibson

Mike Pence just pulled a McCain on America
Pence is just another RINO, just
like Bill Barr

The newest American TRAITOR, Mike Pence just now unfollowed Trump,
justice is coming !!!!!

Twitter Censored Trump’s “Call For Peace”


Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that XRVision facial recognition software identified Antifa members among rioters who stormed the Capitol Wednesday. XRVision did not identify any Antifa members. The Washington Times apologizes to XRVision for the error.

Facial recognition software has identified neo-Nazis and other extremists as participants in Wednesday’s assault on the U.S. Capitol.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CapitalShootingEvent_Jan6.jpg

This photo above is the exact moment she was shot, Alex Jones shows below has the video at 33:33 mins into the show.


Ep. 2370b – Trump, We The People Are The Storm, Watch What’s Going To Be Revealed

Source: Ep. 2370b – Trump, We The People Are The Storm, Watch What’s Going To Be Revealed

Jan 6th is now on the horizon, what will Pence do, will he certify, throwout the electors or delay, we will soon see. But one thing we know for sure, it will not be for the [DS].The [DS] will begin to push back. Trump now ready to reveal something big in the next couple of weeks. He now has the swamp trapped, the election fraud is out in the open. How do the people take back the country? How do you introduce the Constitution to show the people the way? The storm is made up of Trump and the people.