Got jab? No more fly.

Source: Got jab? No more fly.

The airlines worked diligently with governments and the international coronadiction team to promote the vaccination passport with the slogan ‘no jab, no fly’. And it worked because the fearful and gullible virtuous citizens were quick to let themselves be abused as guinea pigs ‘just so they could go on vacation’.

A tried and tested stick-and-root method, you might say, but there was a hitch.

At this very moment the airlines are consulting on the vaccinated customers and the big risk they have of blood clots as a result of the experimental mRNA serum. The policy has been for many years that people at increased risk of blood clots are allowed to fly only under strict supervision. It is recommended that these individuals should preferably not fly unless in the case of a life-threatening situation.

At a certain altitude, you have a higher risk of complications, stroke, thrombosis or heart attack if you are susceptible(er) to them. We now have information confirming that everyone who gets the shot (no matter what brand) has clotting and bleeding problems as one of the main reactions. These reactions are all similar to the existing restrictions in this area.

The airlines are now discussing their liability and what to do with the vaccinated since they are not allowed to fly because it is a health risk. These discussions have only just begun but it looks like anyone who is vaccinated will not be allowed to flyThe unvaccinated, on the other hand, will be able to board in peace.

So the airlines are feeling pretty screwed over by this state of affairs. Their market for business and vacation flying shrinks significantly with this fact. This big loss – after the lockdown debacles – was created by someone else. That someone is also responsible for violating human rights, violating the Nuremberg Code and destroying the economy.

If the airlines want to survive, they will have to take legal action against those who imposed this on them. This means naming individuals and organizations and holding them responsible for the enormous damage that has been and will be caused by their actions.

Order now: Your personal non COVID-vaccinated declaration – Available in English, French, Swedish, Dutch and soon also in German, Italian, Polish, Finnish, Arabic and Chinese.


Biden Cutting Social Security to Retirees – best news here

Source: Biden Cutting Social Security to Retirees – best news here

Are they cutting payments to 100 Million refugees? – No

Are they cutting payments for the 15 Million mentally disabled? – No

Are they cutting off SSI for those who never had a job? – No

Are they cutting off payments to Immigrants who never put anything into the system? – No

They are about to cut those who have worked all their lives in violation of the Social Security Insurance Agreements made when they set up Social Security

In other words – Social Security is cutting off payments to the 15 Million mentally disabled citizens

Under the new interpretation of an Old social Security law, the Democrats have ordered Social Security to be cut if you have a Pension and Social Security Benefits and thus they violate the contract we made with Social Security when we signed up for it

So hang on folks – President Biden (CIA) are trying to destroy as many Americans as they can…

Can we ZEIG HEIL Yet?

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount




Pine Needle Tea: Potential Antidote for Transmission of Spike Protein

Source: Pine Needle Tea: Potential Antidote for Transmission of Spike Protein

“Dr. Judy Mikovits (1 min. MP4 is here) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion – a contagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab.

“Apparently, Suramin has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this “pandemic”, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses and provides an antidote for those affected by the spike protein “contagion”.

“Surely anyone can make this antidote, as a pine needle tea, which would be extremely similar to Suramin, from pines that are native to the Northern Hemisphere and in many people’s backyards.”

I recommend you read the whole article to see the connection between Suramin and pine needle tea to decide for yourself.


Military Arrests Adam Schiff – best news here

Source: Military Arrests Adam Schiff – best news here

As the Deep State lodged its final and fruitless bid to eliminate Donald Trump by convening a bogus Grand Jury to hear fabricated evidence of non-existent tax fraud, the United States military arrested yet another Deep State asset who had eluded justice for far too long. On Monday morning, U.S. Special Forces arrested Chair of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff at his Potomac, Maryland home.

Sources involved in Trump’s Deep State War and within the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps told RRN that Schiff’s arrest was legal and proper and based on a sealed indictment Donald J. Trump and acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen had authored prior to January 20.

The formal charges against Schiff include numerous high crimes and misdemeanors. Specifically, the indictment alleges that Schiff and other prominent Democrats did knowingly conspire to manufacture unsubstantiated claims that Trump and members of his campaign had colluded with Vladimir Putin to thwart Hillary Clinton’s 2016 bid for the presidency. Moreover, the indictment states that Schiff’s personal war on Trump cost U.S. taxpayers nearly $2,000,000,000, money he misappropriated to fund a personal vendetta. It further stipulates that Schiff unconstitutionally pressed for Trump’s removal from office after grossly exaggerating the context of a telephone conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The indictment concludes Schiff betrayed his oath of office, lied to his constituents, embezzled cash, subverted the Constitution, and committed treason—all in the name of wanting to eradicate his nemesis, Donald Trump.

Even the less severe charge, embezzlement, could deliver upon Schiff a 5 to 99-year sentence in a federal penitentiary, while the most egregious, treason, could see him hanged by the neck until dead.

Sources told RRN the military began its investigation into Schiff’s criminal misconduct in early January and would have arrested him sooner, but both JAG and its cooperating partner, the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division, have been swamped in a litany of indictments. JAG completed its inquiry in mid-May and drew up plans for Schiff’s capture.

“Even then it wasn’t exactly easy. Special Forces would’ve nabbed him more expeditiously, but Schiff was travelling around incognito. He was shuffling between the many homes he owns across the country. But you know what they say: You can run, but you can’t hide,” one source said.

Special Forces, he added, had staked out Schiff’s homes in California, Massachusetts, and Maryland, and had a surveillance team watching the U.S. Capitol. Although Schiff was spotted several times in the Halls of Congress, the military ultimately deduced that the D.C. Schiff was not Schiff at all, but rather a convincing body double.

“The military used gait recognition technology, which proved the body double theory. The Deep State has been using body doubles to protect its ranks,” our source said.

Gait recognition refers to the use of video of human gait, processed by computer vision methods, to recognize or to identify persons based on their body shape and walking styles. This is a passive mode of acquiring biometric data from a distance.

On Monday morning, however, the military hit paydirt, finding the true Adam Schiff alone in his Maryland domicile. When confronted by Special Forces, Schiff pissed himself, fell to his knees, and cried like a baby, our source said.

In closing, our source said Schiff has been taken to a “holding facility” where he will await transportation to Guantanamo Bay.


US Doctor: “There Is An Antidote For The Vaccine”! Stay Away From Hospitals & The Vaccinated! – Must Video – best news here

Source: US Doctor: “There Is An Antidote For The Vaccine”! Stay Away From Hospitals & The Vaccinated! – Must Video – best news here

In a shocking revelation Dr. Christiane Northrup says that the hospital is the most dangerous place you can be and that there is no use trying to save the vaccinated who have made a fatal mistake. She goes on to say that “We are the New Species”.

She is making it clear to stay away from vaccinated people who are the Super Spreaders.

This vaccine can make you go blind.