Dr. Buttar’s first interview on Dropping Bombs racked up over 1.3 million views before being taken down from YouTube and other platforms. Brad welcomed Dr. Buttar back for a live in-studio conversation about the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic and what to be on the lookout for in the days and months ahead.

United Medical Freedom Super PAC launches to support the elections of candidates who defend health freedom – NaturalNews.com

Image: United Medical Freedom Super PAC launches to support the elections of candidates who defend health freedom

Source: United Medical Freedom Super PAC launches to support the elections of candidates who defend health freedom – NaturalNews.com

Friday, July 10, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) In an effort to push back against mandatory vaccines and Big Pharma control over legislators, a new health freedom Super PAC has launched, known as the United Medical Freedom Super PAC (MedicalFreedomPAC.com). Its mission statement is:

To save our families and future generations from tyranny, restore and defend our medical and health freedoms, and support candidates, leaders, organizations and movements who believe in freedom, truth and liberty.

The Super PAC fights against censorship in the realms of health, nutrition and medicine, and it endorses the work of people like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Children’s Health Defense), Del Bigtree (The Highwire) and myself (the Health Ranger).

Join the new Super PAC at this membership link (it’s free to join).


Wearing a Mask is Just Advertising You’re an Awful Person

Source: Wearing a Mask is Just Advertising You’re an Awful Person

America has been pillaged, plundered, ruined, and ravaged by an invisible enemy. And that enemy is not COVID-19. The invisible enemy is the unconquerable ignorance of abject idiots.

Thankfully, those idiots are wearing masks so we know who they are.

Within days of the coronavirus panic’s onset, which was set off by initial predictions of 2.2 million dead nationwide, reports began to surface that the data was grossly inaccurate and inflated. The Imperial College London coronavirus model, upon which the American pandemic response was based, largely underestimated the number of people who already had the virus. This means that the deadliness of COVID-19 was much lower than initially thought.

We knew this back in March, when the Daily Wire reported, “A higher rate of transmission than expected means that more people have the virus than previously expected; when the number of those with coronavirus is divided by the number of deaths, therefore, the mortality rate for the disease drops.”

That article was immediately met by Big Tech “fact-checkers” who rated it as fake news. But time has now told the story, and it was spot-on. Coronavirus was a paper tiger.

After laying off a hundred-plus million Americans, adding trillions to our national deficit, restricting the civil liberties of three-hundred-thousand churches, giving unprecedented wartime powers to unelected public health bureaucrats, canceling over one-hundred-thousand schools and more than five-thousand colleges, and undoing nearly a decade of unparalleled economic growth and record unemployment, we can see in hindsight it was to mitigate the danger of a mild virus.

Yes, coronavirus is mild compared to other “epidemics.” In fact, as of June 27, the death rate from coronavirus is so low that it doesn’t cross the threshold for the Centers for Disease Control to classify it as an epidemic at all. For months (almost from the beginning), we knew that the data suggested far more people have or have had the virus than were being reported. Penn State said as many as 80-times those tested positively have the virus and the CDC provides a much lower figure at 24-times. As testing increases the more it reveals that most people – more than 80% – don’t even know they have a cold, let alone a “serious” illness. Of those who are even aware they have a bug, only a tiny fraction – about 1% require hospitalization. Ultimately, the death rate is somewhere between .24% and .04%, which is within the margin of something like seasonal influenza.

It’s here someone might argue that COVID-19 is more deadly than the flu if you tweak this number and torque that one. I’m ready to concede it because I don’t care. I’d just like to point out what a lame-sauce nothing-burger “pandemic” it is that we’re even having the discussion about which is worse. Clearly, coronavirus is not a SARS-level or Ebola-level event. And yet, we gave up trillions of dollars and our civil liberties for a virus that only kills people with pre-existing or co-occurring conditions.

It turns out, the best advice for mitigating coronavirus is (A) wash your hands (B) don’t needlessly touch people and (C) if you’re a sickly fellow, an invalid, or already on death’s door, stay home. After all that panic, it turns out grandma’s basic advice is better than anything coming out of Washington.

Instead of realizing that the Great Coronavirus Panic of 2020 is the single largest and most expensive medical blunder in world history people are doubling-down on mitigation efforts. Little Heinrichs in all 50 states are drunk on power. Most of them, especially at the lower rungs of the bureaucratic ladder, have never had more authority than the 4th-grade hall monitor, and now they have the power to control the comings and goings of the masses. And those mini-poobahs of power don’t want to surrender their newly found authority back to the citizens they stole it from.

While it’s unfortunate that power corrupts, it’s not unexpected. What’s unexpected are the troves of mask-wearers who voluntarily don a mouth-diaper despite the scientific and medical evidence that coronavirus probably will not affect you, likely will not hurt you, and almost certainly will not kill you (unless you’re already teetering on the edge).

Oh, but you don’t wear a mask for you, we’re told. You wear a mask for the vulnerable among us.

Listen, if at this point someone is vulnerable to the coronavirus it’s because they’re vulnerable to everything; the immune-compromised, the perpetually sick, the elderly, the dying, etc.

If you believe that the actions of society as a whole should revolve around those who are so physically fragile they could die from literally any illness whatsoever, you’re just awful.

If you think that wearing a mask is necessary for COVID-19 but not other, similarly deadly and common viruses, you’re just awful.

If you wear a mask today but aren’t willing to do it the rest of your life (biological threats aren’t going away any time soon), you’re just doing it because everyone else is doing it, and that means you’re just awful.

If you wear a mask because you genuinely think it’s a sign of empathy with the afflicted and that it somehow in a magical way helps coronavirus victims, you’re just awful.

If you wear a face mask because you’re incapable of reading the scientific data for yourself, you’re just awful.

If you wear a face mask because you live in constant fear of a virus you probably won’t even notice you have, you’re just awful.

If you cover your face just because the government tells you to, there’s apparently no limit to your slave-like servility and you’re just awful.

The message of our governmental overlords should be, “If you are fragile, stay home.” And for those who are caring for the fragile, the message should be, “Take precautions. Use grandma’s method: wash your hands and don’t touch what you don’t have to.”

But the message of mask-wearers is already abundantly clear. It is to say, “I don’t care about facts. I don’t care about logic. I don’t care about my freedom or years. So far as people go, I am just awful.


HOW WERE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS USED TO PROGRAM THE HUMAN RACE CREATING DIVISION, MASS HYSTERIA, HURTING EVERYONE? How were People Programmed through Artificial Intelligence to attack President Trump and his administration? How was A.I used to cause division, mass hysteria, and how did it hurt the right and left, both conservatives, liberals, and everyone in between? How was the A.I. system used by Google, all social media, and how did it relate to smart phones and IoTs? I will expound on The AI Organization’s finding IN this video and subsequent article, sourced from AI, Trump, China & the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G book that was coded, and further explained in the book Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity, that were sourced from my research of over 1,000 Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Bio-Metrics companies that relate to 5G. This is Episode 6, Part 1, long version. We ask that our work and discoveries be cited in accordance to copyright laws. Cyrus A. Parsa, The AI Organization. Official Website – https://theaiorganization.com

Government agencies coordinate to raid clinics and threaten doctors who help patients stay healthy during coronavirus pandemic – NaturalNews.com

Image: Government agencies coordinate to raid clinics and threaten doctors who help patients stay healthy during coronavirus pandemic

Source: Government agencies coordinate to raid clinics and threaten doctors who help patients stay healthy during coronavirus pandemic – NaturalNews.com

Thursday, July 09, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) A vast wealth of knowledge on the human immune system has been suppressed during the covid-19 pandemic, and the government is actively censoring doctors who help patients overcome covid-19.

When the federal coronavirus task force took the stage in March, the country was put into a state of perpetual, cascading emergencies. The public was left in the dark about what they could do to overcome infections. Instead of aid and guidance, the public was conditioned to feel helpless to a mysterious pathogen, as visions of overcrowded hospitals beckoned state-wide shutdowns across the country. At the behest of the CDC, most governors ordered everyone to stay home and fear human contact, as hundreds of millions of dollars were funneled to diagnostics, contact tracing, and vaccine companies.

But an infection does not have to lead to hospitalization or death. Public health leaders neglected to educate and implement scientific strategies that strengthen individual immunity.

Government agencies coordinate to censor strategies that help people overcome infections

Whether guided by incompetence, ignorance or malicious intent, government agencies are now coordinating to censor doctors who do try to help patients stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic.

Behind closed doors, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and some state attorney generals are going after medical doctors and other healthcare providers who help patients overcome covid-19 without a vaccine. In fact, the FDA and the FTC have already sent out hundreds of warning letters threatening to shut down doctors, clinics and companies that help people prevent and overcome infectious disease such as covid-19. These doctors are being accused of: illegally advertising nutritional products and anti-viral phyto-chemicals that can reduce inflammation and boost the human immune response by stopping viral attachment and viral replication.

The act of helping an individual prevent and overcome infection, hospitalization and death is considered a criminal act, because the FDA and FTC does not allow anyone to imply that infections can be mitigated, prevented, treated or cured, unless the healthcare practitioner is administering vaccines or pharmaceuticals that have been approved through a costly FDA process. This process of approval, which costs billions of dollars on average, is reserved for the wealthy drug companies that have patents and investors that guarantee market exclusivity. As the government coordinates to gag doctors from sharing their knowledge on infectious disease, people will inevitably suffer and die.

Only drug companies can use the FDA’s randomized controlled trial (RTC) approval process, giving a select few pill makers a monopoly on medicine. If doctors do not follow along with this monopoly cartel, they are gagged and threatened, their license to practice medicine revoked.

Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and the mineral zinc are very affordable to manufacture and science shows that these nutrients and other natural antivirals stop viral replication and strengthen antibody response to infection, but doctors and companies are suppressed from sharing this knowledge and getting patients what they need in order to recover.

The government agencies that are supposed to protect the public are censoring scientific information on natural products while protecting the profits of drug companies. These government agencies are acting like crooked law enforcement officers that gag good people into submission, leaving countless others to choke and die from respiratory infections because they could not access the information, products and strategies that could have saved their lives. These pharmaceutical cartels, running the government agencies, have a metaphoric knee in the public’s neck, and people are screaming, “I can’t breathe!”

Please take part in the petition to stop the FDA and FTC from further censoring good doctors and companies that could save more lives from covid-19 and other infectious diseases.

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