Did The Cabal Attempt To Nuke Hawaii Yesterday? RV Says Govt Missle Alert Was Real! | Alternative

Source: Did The Cabal Attempt To Nuke Hawaii Yesterday? RV Says Govt Missle Alert Was Real! | Alternative

Yesterday, Jan. 12, an anomaly was detected off the coast of Hawaii which held off the RV release.

Today, Jan. 13, the cabal attempted to nuke the Hawaiian islands and put the blame on North Korea.

(Sources have confirmed that the false alarm today in Hawaii was a cover story. The attack was real. The media had their “North Korea Attacks the Hawaiian Islands” story preemptively ready. The cabal panicked when the attack failed. A cover story was shortly made up and the attack was branded as a false alarm. The Emergency Broadcast System does not lie. Someone pressing the “wrong button” simply does not happen. This was another cabal attempt to derail the transition process by fabricating a war.)

Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.

The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12.

The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.

The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.

The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.

Planetary scans did not detect any anomalies two days ago on the 11th.

The Alliance believes the submarine originated from another D.U.M.B. located somewhere in the Pacific.

The Alliance is now actively searching for said D.U.M.B.

All legal documents regarding the RV/GCR/GESARA are signed and sealed.

The Chinese Elders are withholding RV authorization until the situation has been resolved.

The Alliance expects to resolve the situation within a couple of days.

In the meantime, the Republic is preparing for the deliveries of the prosperity funds in the U.S.


Trump Has Deep State Terrified – Kevin Shipp – YouTube

The very people that have been attacking Donald Trump are now feeling the Trump counter attack. Former top CIA officer Kevin Shipp says, “They are terrified, they are terrified right now. They did not expect Trump to do what he is doing now. The reason they tried to get him even before he was elected is they knew he was uncontrollable, and they knew if he got in there, they would not be able to manipulate him, and that is exactly what’s happening. There are some people, and there is no doubt about it, that are running scared right now. . . . Donald Trump is questioning the Deep State and the shadow government. He’s rocking that place left and right. The news media is terrified of that. Their editors are telling them to attack him just like they are attacking him from the inside. It’s just dirty pool because they want him taken out.” In closing, Shipp says, “Trump is making tremendous progress despite tremendous resistance. They have already done a character assassination on him, and I think they could go further than that. . . . Trump is making progress, and he has them running scared.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Kevin Shipp, former CIA officer and author of the popular book “From the Company of Shadows.”

Pennsylvania and Hawaii Begin Gun Confiscation of Medical Marijuana Users – YouTube

Published on Jan 4, 2018

Pennsylvania and Hawaii are making moves to confiscate the guns of medical marijuana users. A Pennsylvania State Police statement on their website, citing federal law, tells medical marijuana cardholders, “It is unlawful for you to keep possession of any firearms which you owned or had in your possession prior to obtaining a medical marijuana card, and you should consult an attorney about the best way to dispose of your firearms.”

Jeff Sessions just re-criminalized all CANNABIS nationwide! – YouTube

Published on Jan 5, 2018

Jeff Sessions needs to go. Functioning as little more than a throwback to the days of “Reefer Madness” and hyper-paranoia against cannabis, Sessions has also proven himself to be utterly and completely useless at draining the swamp. Beyond a mere disappointment, Jeff Sessions now demonstrates that he is a cowardly menace to the liberties and freedoms of all Americans.

The Secrets Behind Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems – YouTube

Published on Jan 4, 2018

Join me for the “Disclosing the Secret Space Program” Webcast on January 27th. Sign up here – https://www.secretspaceprogram.com/ T. Townsend Brown: Suppressed Inventions & Other Discoveries – https://goo.gl/wWFqVZ TR-3B Antigravity Physics Explained – https://goo.gl/rqHk1B Otis Carr: How the U.S. Government Suppressed the World’s First Civilian Spacecraft Industry – https://goo.gl/ypEZFP Dewey B Larson & The Reciprocal Systems Theory – https://goo.gl/ffUqoe .

Prison Planet.com » Rand Paul: Pakistan Burns Our Flag And Imprisons Christians

Rand Paul: Pakistan Burns Our Flag And Imprisons Christians

Source: Prison Planet.com » Rand Paul: Pakistan Burns Our Flag And Imprisons Christians

“Yeah, Americans agree with the president. We ought to quit sending good money after bad.” The Senator urged.

Paul added that he has discussed with Trump how to put the money to better use.

“And what I discussed with the president, I have an idea for using some of that money at home. We have bridges, roads that need repair. Keep that money at home and put it to rebuilding our infrastructure here at home.” he stated.

Trump tweeted a promise Tuesday to put a halt to Pakistan receiving billions of dollars from the US government every year for the last decade and a half.

The President said that no more will he tolerate the Pakistani authorities ‘lies and deceit’, and ‘thinking of our leaders as fools’.