With new year, California becomes ‘sanctuary state’ | Fox News

California became a sanctuary state Monday, as a bill that Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in October officially took effect.

Source: With new year, California becomes ‘sanctuary state’ | Fox News

California became a “sanctuary state” Monday, as a bill that Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in October officially took effect.

The law bars police in the nation’s most populous state from asking people about their immigration status or participating in federal immigration enforcement activities in most cases, Fox News reported.

The Golden State is home to an estimated 2.3 million illegal immigrants.

“These are uncertain times for undocumented Californians and their families, and this bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear everyday,” Brown said on the day he signed the bill.

But the measure has drawn a rebuttal from an unidentified source, as signs mocking the law have appeared below the “Welcome to California” signs that greet motorists as they enter from Arizona and Nevada.

“OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE,” the signs declare. “Felons, Illegals and MS13 Welcome! Democrats Need The Votes!”

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