America Get Ready to Turn in Your Guns – The Conservative Wind

Source: America Get Ready to Turn in Your Guns – The Conservative Wind

America Get Ready to Turn in Your Guns

House Bill 127 is currently and for the most part quietly working its way through congress. It is dated January 4, 2021. The bill has some very troublesome parts to it if you believe in the 2nd amendment that we have the right to bear arms.

The first very scary part is:

‘‘§932. Licensing of firearm and ammunition possession; registration of firearms 

‘‘(a) IN GENERAL. The Attorney General, through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, shall establish a system for licensing the possession of firearms or ammunition in the United States, and for the registration with the Bureau of each firearm present in the United States. 

So, it seems the government wants to know about EVERY FIREARM that is in the United States. We will have to register them through the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

‘‘(1) REQUIRED INFORMATION. Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau

‘‘(A) the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored; and

‘‘(B) a notice specifying the identity of any person to whom, and any period of time during which, the firearm will be loaned to the person.


What information do they want? It’s plain in this part. Firearm information and personal information of the owner including the address of where the firearm will be located AND anyone’s information that you may loan your weapon to and the amount of time you loan it to them. They also want to know when you acquired the firearm.

‘‘(2) DEADLINE FOR SUPPLYING INFORMATION. The transmission required by paragraph (1) shall be made

‘‘(A) in the case of a firearm acquired before the effective date of this section, within 3 months after the effective date of this section; or

‘‘(B) in the case of a firearm acquired on or after the effective date, on the date the owner acquires the firearm. We must register the firearm within 3 months of time this bill is enacted or immediately if the firearm is purchased after this bill is passed.

A database will be maintained by the Attorney General, my guess under the control of the ATF.

‘‘(B) ACCESS. The Attorney General shall make the contents of the database accessible to all members of the public, all Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and all State and local governments, as defined by the Bureau. (BOLD TYPE ADDED)

Look at who will have access to all this information. WOW! If the plan is not to eventually take your firearms away from us, then answer this question. Why does all branches of the United States Armed Forces need to know where every firearm is at in this country? Why would the government need to take away our firearms? When this country becomes a dictatorship instead of a democracy, that list will be very handy to the dictator.

The next few parts are about the licensing process, who can get a license and why you can be denied a license. Nothing out of the ordinary here unless it’s the fact an individual cane be denied.

‘‘(B) AUTHORIZED FOR LACK OF FIREARM INSURANCE. The Attorney General may suspend a license issued under this subsection to an individual who has violated section 922(dd) in the most recent 12-month period. It would appear to me everyone that has a firearm will have to have insurance for the weapon. What does this mean as far as limits and other things, I have no idea?

You will be able to license military type firearms and the bill outlines what is considered a military style weapon. There is a separate process for this after you obtain the “regular” firearms license.

The penalties for violating this law can be hefty. $150,000 fines, 25 years in prison, it will vary from violation to violation.

The bill will also make it a crime to obtain certain ammunitions. So, it would stand to reason the ammunitions would not be legally made.

In looking at this bill what I see is a way for the United States government to regulate and further restrict our rights to own firearms and ammunitions. Not only will it do this but eventually, I think, they will outlaw weapons and ammunitions altogether in the United States. When this happens, the government will know where to go and take the weapons unless Americans refuse to comply with this law.

The thing about not complying is this. I am sure the government will offer substantial rewards to others that will turn violators in. This is how the government will divide and conquer us Americans that have weapons.

I would say to everyone now, do not and if you are STOP telling on social media that you have weapons and you buy them all the time. Do not show yourself or family using weapons or showing that big buck that you killed with your weapon. When the time comes and they start taking weapons, this will help them locate each one of us.

It’s coming America. Maybe not in the next few years or even in my lifetime, but it’s coming. They will try to make us a gun less society like a lot of other countries are.

Don’t just blow this away. Look at the total picture. Look and listen as to what is happening in our country. Just as sure as you are reading this blog, the 2nd amendment is being attacked and our right to bear arms is dwindling away.

To view the House Bill as written click on this link.


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