California government buried the truth about cell phone radiation causing brain cancer… FULL TEXT of once-secret document reveals how EMFs penetrate “deeper into a child’s brain”

Source: California government buried the truth about cell phone radiation causing brain cancer… FULL TEXT of once-secret document reveals how EMFs penetrate “deeper into a child’s brain”

The California government actively hid this document from the public for at least seven years, likely under pressure from industry lobbyists who have long sought to conceal the evidence of harm caused by cell phone radiation. In the same way that biotech companies seek to conceal the harm of GMOs… and pesticides manufacturers conceal the harm of pesticides… and vaccine promoters conceal the harm of mercury in vaccines, the cell phone industry doesn’t want any evidence linking EMFs and brain cancer to see the light of day.

In truth, your brain is under a massive chemical, electromagnetic and propaganda assault on a daily basis. Some of the many attacks on your brain include:

– Brain-damaging fluoride in the public water supply

– Mercury preservatives in flu shots

– Pesticides in non-organic food products

– EMFs from mobile phones

– WiFi broadcast signals

– Fake news media propaganda

– Brain-altering medications such as antidepressants

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