Dr. Fauci NEJM Editorial Suggests That COVID-19 Fatality Rates May Be 10 X Lower Than Projected

Source: Dr. Fauci NEJM Editorial Suggests That COVID-19 Fatality Rates May Be

“…in the U.S. alone, the flu (also called influenza) has caused an estimated 38 million illnesses, 390,000 hospitalizations and 23,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

Given these facts, how can the dominant narrative any longer be unquestionably maintained, namely, that we are all facing a deadly pandemic that requires the total suspension of all our basic civil liberties to combat, while at the time causing potentially catastrophic effects to the socioeconomic and psychobiological health of hundreds of Americans,  amplified by what is an irrational and media-hyped fear and panic? Learn more and take action at Stand for Health Freedom and their most recent campaign: Could Unchecked Government Power Be More Dangerous than the Threat of Infectious Disease? 

To learn more about the highly confusing and flawed COVID-19 testing methodologies read: Op-Ed: Does the 2019 Coronavirus Exist?

To learn more about the misleading fatality projections, read COVID-19 – Evidence Over Hysteria.

Additionally, please watch and share James Corbett’s important video on the topic below:


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