North Korea nuclear war MAPPED: Kim Jong-un reveals THIS is where he will strike

North Korea nuclear war map

Published 9th August 2017

NORTH Korea’s nuclear targets have already been chosen and his first strike will kill nearly half a MILLION people, Daily Star Online can reveal.

Pyongyang’s battle plan for an devastating nuclear assault has been laid bare as war rhetoric reaches crisis level between the rogue state and US.

US President Donald Trump claimed he would unleash “fire and fury” upon North Korea.

His shocking threat came as US spooks confirmed Kim can now miniaturise nuclear warheads for use on his ICBMs.

Daily Star Online can now reveal where North Korea will strike should war come – hitting the continental US with a onslaught to kill as many as 493,000.

North Korea is considering strikes on key cities across the US, with four being identified on a map seen in North Korean propaganda in the “war room” with Kim.

These target are marked under the subtitle “US Mainland Strike Plan”.

Trajectories of missiles can bee seen sketched out on the giant hanging map pictured behind the tyrant.

The lines appear to leading towards San Diego in California, Austin in Texas, Washington DC, and the islands of Hawaii.

Death tolls were simulated assuming use of North Korea most powerful warhead, believed to be 40 kilotons.

This weapon is more than twice the strength of the Hiroshima bomb.

North Korea nuclear war plans

Photos of the map were released as Kim chaired an “emergency meeting” back in 2013.

North Korea was much less significant threat in the first half the decade and Kim has ramping up his nuclear capability year-on-year.

In 2017 alone, Kim has tested more missiles than his father Kim Jong Il did in his whole 17-year reign combined.

Pyongyang believes securing ICBMs will allow them to secure the future of their regime – avoiding military intervention which removed dictators from nations such as Iraq and Libya.


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