Published on Apr 2, 2019

Plan to USE Nuclear Plants as Weapons of WAR Criminal Conspiracy Developing Investigation – Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California Rothschild’s Utility – PG&E Request to Recover Cost, from rate payers for Earthquake Study, WHY? EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California by Rothschild Developing Investigation: The Plan to USE nuclear plants, Worldwide, as Weapons of War Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California a West Coast Fukushima? IS Nuclear Armageddon a Plan? The Rothschild controlled utilities are claiming THEIR Nuclear Plants are no long sustainable and are not renewable sources of generating electricity, any longer. While decommissioning the nuclear plants sounds like a safe solution to divest from the nuclear “business” operations how will the nuclear waste be disposed and contained? Would you RE”LIE” on Rothschild not to NUKE us? It has been said that he nuclear reactors are vented on the weekends to terraform the Earth? Low levels of radiation increase the rate of cancers over time. Almost every nuclear power plant has been built on an earthquake fault. PG&E (Rothschild) is Currently ON Criminal Probation, which PG&E has now violated. Developing Investigation – Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California Rothschild’s Utility – PG&E Request to Recover Cost, from rate payers for Earthquake Study, WHY? EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California by Rothschild Developing Investigation: The Plan to USE nuclear plants, Worldwide, as Weapons of War Rothschild – EARTHQUAKE STUDY for Diablo (Devil) NUKE Plant in California a West Coast Fukushima? IS Nuclear Armageddon a Plan? The Rothschild controlled utilities are claiming THEIR Nuclear Plants are no long sustainable and are not renewable sources of generating electricity, any longer. While decommissioning the nuclear plants sounds like a safe solution to divest from the nuclear “business” operations how will the nuclear waste be disposed and contained? Would you RE”LIE” on Rothschild not to NUKE us? It has been said that he nuclear reactors are vented on the weekends to terraform the Earth? Low levels of radiation increase the rate of cancers over time. Almost every nuclear power plant has been built on an earthquake fault. PG&E (Rothschild) is Currently ON Criminal Probation, which PG&E has now violated.

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